The 4th World Congress on Hematology will take place in Paris, France on May 15-16,2023. This congress is expected to be the largest and best platform for all the Scientists, Hematologists, Oncologists, Pathologists, Surgeons, Nurses, Research Scholars, Business Professionals, and Students who are working in the field of Hematology and the theme of the conference is Defining a New Outlook and Forefront Research in Hematology
Hematology 2023 includes speaker talks, brief keynote presentations, workshops, and exhibitions, where researchers and associations will exchange ideas and discuss the methodology for new Diagnostics and treatment methods for Hematologic Disorders, Management and Care of Patients, new approaches emerging in Hematology, etc. Hematologists, Hematology Oncology Educators, Postgraduates affiliations, and business meanders will gather under the same rooftop. Hematology Conferences and meetings are planned on the subject “Defining a New Outlook and Forefront Research in Hematology"
Track 1: Hematology
Hematology also spelled as hematology, is the branch of medicine that came into the picture with the study, diagnosis, and treatment of diseases associated with the blood and blood components. The study of hematology covers a wide range of research such as stem cell research, bone marrow transplantation, immunology, gene therapy, and novel drug delivery. Hematology involves the study of etiology (origin of disorder). It includes blood disorders treatment that has a significant effect on the assembly of blood and its components, like blood cells, bone marrow, blood proteins, hemoglobin, blood vessels, platelets, spleen, and also the mechanism of clotting. Physicians specializing in hematology are known as hematologists or hematologists. Their conventional work mainly includes the care and treatment of patients with hematological diseases. Hematologists moreover conduct studies in oncology and work with oncologists, specializing in this field known as hemato-oncologists, and their work to deal with cancers related to blood. There are varied hematologic disorders that can affect people. Some of those are bleeding disorders, such as thrombosis, sickle cell anemia, thrombocytopenia hemophilia, general blood clots, etc, whereas hematologic oncology or hematologic malignancies such as lymphoma leukemia, and myeloma are considered a serious threat
Keywords: Hematology Conferences | Blood Cancer Conferences | Hematology Meetings| Blood Cancer Events| Blood Disorder Conferences| Hematology Events| Hematology 2021| Blood Cancer Meetings|
Track 2: Blood Disorders
If anyone is having blood disorder, it can disturb their total health. Because blood is the main fluid in our body. There are many different blood conditions that can affect people such as blood cancers, thrombosis, anemia, hemophilia, Thalassemia, and many more. Mainly blood disorders include platelet disorders, (White Blood Cell) WBCs disorders, and red blood cell (RBC) disorders such as anemia, which is the most common among all other blood disorders, according to the fact more than three million Americans are affected by Anemia. Sickle cell anemia and thalassemia are the genetic forms of anemia. The most common inherited bleeding disorders are hemophilia and Von Willebrand disease. Blood disorders furthermore include blood platelet disorders such as Thrombocytopenia, A condition in which platelet counts of blood decrease, causing a low platelet number in the blood. Thrombosis i.e.formation of blood clots in blood vessels, which restrict the blood flow through the circulatory system.
Keywords: Hematology Conferences | Blood Cancer Conferences | Hematology Meetings| Blood Cancer Events| Blood Disorder Conferences| Hematology Events| Hematology 2021| Blood Cancer Meetings|
Track 3: Hematology Oncology
Blood cancer is the most spread and most common disorder among other Blood disorders and is a very important aspect of Blood disorder research. So it needs to be covered in the discussion of Blood Disorders Conferences. Blood malignancies affect the performance and formation of your blood cells. Cancerous cells restrict your blood from performing its important/regular functions, like prohibiting serious bleeding or fighting foreign body/infectious agents. A major part of blood-based research is going on in this field. Leukemia mainly affects the white blood cells (WBCs) and is closely linked to lymphomas and some of them are deeply related to adult T cells leukemia, these disorders come under the lymph proliferative disorders. Cancer that originates from WBCs (white blood cells) is known as lymphoma and this type of disorder is mainly seen in Hodgkin lymphoma these diseases can be treated with hematopoietic stem cell transplantation, radiation therapy, and chemotherapy. The bone marrow in which a large number of white blood cells develop leads to multiple myeloma.
Keywords: Hematology Conferences | Blood Cancer Conferences | Hematology Meetings| Blood Cancer Events| Blood Disorder Conferences| Hematology Events| Hematology 2021| Blood Cancer Meetings|
Track 4: Immunohematology
Immunohematology is known as blood banking as well, is a branch of Hematology that studies antigen-antibody reactions and similar phenomena as they relate to the pathogenesis and clinical manifestations of blood disorders. People working in this field are noted to an immuno-hematologist. Their usual duties include cross-matching, blood typing, and antibody identification. This area is dealing with preparing blood, blood components, etc. for transfusion and an assortment of more compatible components for blood transfusion. People might be immunized to RBCs due to prior contact with RBCs of other persons, frequently through pregnancy or transfusion. Red blood cells have antigens on them. If a woman is pregnant with a fetus or an individual is transfused with blood that holds an antigen which does not match with the recipient or mother, this may cause the formation of antibodies against blood antigen in the individual. These antibodies may then destroy RBCs that possess the antigen if further transfusions are required. This is why all blood banks go for screening of potential blood recipients for unexpected antibodies and they then select only that blood that lacks offending antigen. The formation of these antibodies is a rare occurrence, approximately 0.1-3% of the general population.
Keywords: Hematology Conferences | Blood Cancer Conferences | Hematology Meetings| Blood Cancer Events| Blood Disorder Conferences| Hematology Events| Hematology 2021| Blood Cancer Meetings|
Track 5: Hematology and Oncology
Diagnosis, treatment, and counteractive action of blood malignancy (hematology) and cancer (oncology) and research into them. Hematology-oncology incorporates such sicknesses as iron lack paleness, hemophilia, sickle cell infection, thalassemias, leukemias, lymphomas, and in addition diseases of different organs. Treatment of hematology and oncology incorporates chemotherapy, radiotherapy, immunotherapy and pathway coordinated operators, and so forth. Bone marrow transplantation or fringe undifferentiated cell transplantation is likewise the best class utilized treatment nowadays. Oncology doctors represent considerable authority in a wide range of growths including lymphomas, leukemia, various myeloma, breast, melanoma, lung, gastrointestinal, urologic, mind tumor, and every single other sort of malignancy. Experts, who are specialists in the treatment of patients with blood ailments, for example, sickliness, draining scatters, and coagulating issues, are known as Hemato-oncologists. In light of their specialization Hemato-oncologists are subcategorizing as Pediatric Hem/Oncologists, the grown-up Hem/Oncologists
Keywords: Hematology Conferences | Blood Cancer Conferences | Hematology Meetings| Blood Cancer Events| Blood Disorder Conferences| Hematology Events| Hematology 2021| Blood Cancer Meetings|
Track 6: Blood Disorders: Diagnosis & Treatment
After the physical examination, for the detection of blood disorders, Physicians usually go for a Complete blood count (CBC). This is the basic test after that to diagnose a person's blood disorder, the doctor usually must do further blood tests Once a doctor/consultant finds that something is wrong with one or more of the blood cell types, many additional tests are available for further detection of disease. Doctors can measure the proportion of the different types of WBCs (white blood cells) and can also determine subtypes of these cells by assessing certain markers on the surface of the cells. Tests are performed to measure the ability of white blood cells to fight foreign bodies/infections, to evaluate the functioning of blood platelets and their ability to clot, and to check the contents of red blood cells to help determine the cause of anemia or why the cells are not functioning properly. Most of these tests are done on blood samples, but sometimes require a bone marrow sample as well for Bone Marrow Examination. Once the problem is diagnosed Hematologists go for the appropriate treatment for a particular problem. Nowadays we have several methods to treat blood cancers such as Chemotherapy, Radiation therapy, etc. Nowadays advanced technologies such as gene therapy are being used to treat Blood disorders. Researchers are attempting to search out ways that to correct the defective genes that cause Blood Disorders. Gene therapy hasn't nonetheless developed to the purpose that it's accepted treatment for Blood Disorders. However, researchers still take a look at gene therapy in clinical trials. Bone Marrow Transplantation, Hematopoietic stem cell therapy, and Cord blood transplantation are new rising varieties of treatment for blood disorders.
Track 7: Hematopathology
Hematopathology or hem pathology is the subdivision of pathology which studies disorders of hematopoietic cells. Hematopathology is a certified subspecialty, practiced by those physicians who have finished general pathology residency (clinical, anatomic, or combined). The Hematopathology branch distributes analytical services & specialized testing for patients with all types of hematologic disorders. Hematopathology provides a diagnostic assessment of blood, bone marrow, lymph nodes, spleen, and hematolymphoid lesions in other sites.
Hematology Conferences | Blood Cancer Conferences | Hematology Meetings| Blood Cancer Events| Blood Disorder Conferences| Hematology Events| Hematology 2021| Blood Cancer Meetings|
Track 8: Pediatric Hematology
Pediatric Hematology is a branch of Hematology that deals with the treatment and care of children or teens with Blood Disorders. A pediatric hematologist has the qualifications and experience to evaluate and treat a child or teen with Hematologic Disorders. The caring nature to deal with children or teens with blood diseases and blood cancers is learned from progressive training and experience in practice. Pediatric hematologists treat children and teens from birth through young adulthood. Children and teens with blood disorders need special attention than adults. Their bodies are growing and have distinctive medical needs. They normally express their concerns in a different way than adults do. They are not always able to be easy-going and cooperative. Pediatric hematologists know how to examine and treat them in a way to makes them relaxed and cooperative. Even most pediatric hematologist's offices are arranged and decorated according to children and teens in mind.
Keywords: Hematology Conferences | Blood Cancer Conferences | Hematology Meetings| Blood Cancer Events| Blood Disorder Conferences| Hematology Events| Hematology 2021| Blood Cancer Meetings|
Track 9: Veterinary Hematology
Blood tests are done on animals for a variety of reasons. Screening tests, such as a complete blood count (CBC), may be done on clinically normal animals when they are acquired to avoid a financial and/or emotional commitment to a diseased animal, to examine geriatric patients for subclinical disease, or to identify a condition that might make an animal an anesthetic or surgical risk. Screening tests are often done when an ill animal is first examined, especially if systemic signs of illness are present and a specific diagnosis is not apparent from the history and physical examination. Tests may be done to assist in the determination of the severity of a disease, to help formulate a prognosis, and to monitor the response to therapy or the progression of the disease. Decisions to request hematology tests in animals are mainly based on the cost of the test versus the possible benefit of the result to the animal. A CBC is routinely done to establish a database for patient evaluation, while other hematology tests may be done in an attempt to evaluate a specific problem.
Keywords: Hematology Conferences | Blood Cancer Conferences | Hematology Meetings| Blood Cancer Events| Blood Disorder Conferences| Hematology Events| Hematology 2021| Blood Cancer Meetings|
Track 10: Hematology Nursing
Hematology nurses are especially skilled to provide nursing care for patients with blood diseases or disorders. They may also assist with blood transfusions, blood tests, research, and chemotherapy. If you go into hematology, expect to have more obligations than other nurses, prescriptive experts, and the ability to order diagnostic lab work. Some of the additional commonly-known blood diseases and disorders such as leukemia, lymphoma, sickle cell anemia, and hemophilia are encountered by hematology nurses. Hematology nurses initiate a plan of care to manage symptoms that result from such blood problems. Hematology nursing is often thoroughly associated with oncology nursing, and some nurses will help patients with pain supervision if their cancer is particularly aggressive. Hematology nurses may work with adults only or specialize in working only with children i.e. Pediatric Hematology nurses. Their responsibilities include: taking medical antiquities, performing examinations, starting IVs, and working with physicians to diagnose various blood diseases and disorders. Hematology nurses also educate patients and their families on how to live with and manage their blood disease. They may also assist with blood transfusions, blood tests, research, and chemotherapy. Advanced practice hematology nursing has some prescriptive authority and can also order diagnostic lab work done.
Keywords: Hematology Conferences | Blood Cancer Conferences | Hematology Meetings| Blood Cancer Events| Blood Disorder Conferences| Hematology Events| Hematology 2021| Blood Cancer Meetings|
Track 11: Stem Cell Research
Stem cells have the remarkable potential to turn into many different cell types within the body throughout formative years and growth. Additionally, in several tissues they function as a sort of internal repair system, dividing basically without any limit to replenish other cells as long as the person or animal continues to be alive. Once a stem cell splits, each newly developed cell has the probability to stay as a stem cell or become another diversity of cells with a more particular function, like a muscle cell, a red blood corpuscle, or a nerve cell. Stem-cell therapy is the use of stem cells to treat or cure a disease or condition. Bone marrow transplant is the most commonly used stem-cell therapy, however, some therapies derived from umbilical cord blood also are in use. A stem cell transplant is a treatment for many forms of cancer. For instance, you might have one if you have leukemia, myeloma, or some type of lymphoma. Doctors conjointly treat some blood diseases with stem cell transplants.
Keywords: Hematology Conferences | Blood Cancer Conferences | Hematology Meetings| Blood Cancer Events| Blood Disorder Conferences| Hematology Events| Hematology 2021| Blood Cancer Meetings|
Hematology 2023 welcomes attendees, presenters, and exhibitors from everywhere over the globe to Rome, Italy. We are delighted to invite you all to attend and register for the” World Congress on Hematology” which is going to be held during May 15-16,2023 in Paris, France.
Importance & Scope
The Importance of Hematology 2023 is to update, a clinically relevant audience concerning the proof supporting current Advances in diagnosis and treatment in the field of Hematology and Blood Disorders. Researchers and scientists whole over the globe will exchange concepts and views. Students from totally different universities gather together and improve their information. Pharmaceutical and Diagnostic firms will exhibit their new products and analysis and development strategies. Hematology 2023 is a global platform for presenting research regarding, and exchanging concepts concerning it and therefore, contributes to the dissemination of information in research techniques in the diagnosis and prevention of blood disorders for the advantage of both the young researchers, scientists, Pharmaceutical firms, and academia. Hemophilia is wherever the longer term exhibits new diagnostics methods and Instruments used for treatment and diagnosis and novel medicine. This event brings along senior brand marketers and agency executives to explore promoting and advertising opportunities for Pharmaceutical corporations.
Target Audience:
Global Market :
The global Hematology diagnostics and drugs market is likely to expand from nearly $86.5 billion in 2015 to $124.3 billion in 2020 at a five-year compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 7.5%. A Blood disorder, the chief segment is anticipated to reach nearly $57.3 billion and $80 billion in 2015 and 2020, respectively, representing a five-year CAGR of 6.9%. Hematological oncology is the fastest-growing segment and should raise almost $24 billion in 2015 to $38.2 billion in 2020 at a five-year CAGR of 9.7%. Reagents and diagnostics as a segment should reach $6.1 billion in 2020 at a five-year CAGR of 3.2%. The Americas controlled the largest share of 41.75% of the worldwide Hematology market at a predicted $1,810.4 million in 2013, anticipated to reach $2,479.05 million by 2018, at a CAGR of 6% from 2013 to 2018. Europe holds the second-largest Hematology market share. Germany precise the largest share of almost 20% of the European market at an anticipated $272.8 million in 2013, and is estimated to grasp $349.7 million by 2018, at a CAGR of 5.4% from 2013 to 2018. The Asia and Middle East Hematology market is growing in double digits and will remain to grow in the upcoming years. China controlled the major share of almost 53% of the Asian Hematology market at a predictable $216.0 million in 2013, estimated and is to grasp $429.1 million by 2018, at a CAGR of 15.4% from 2013 to 2018
Major Hospitals related to Hematology Worldwide
Top universities/ College related to Hematology Worldwide
Meetings International is announcing the Young Scientist Awards through World Congress on Hematology which is scheduled for May 15-16,2023 in Paris, France. This Hematology 2023 focuses on “Defining a New Outlook and Forefront Research in Hematology”.
Hematology 2023 and upcoming conferences will recognize participants who have significantly added value to the scientific community of Hematology and provide them with outstanding Young Scientist Awards. The Young Scientist Award will provide a strong professional development opportunity for young researchers by meeting experts to exchange and share their experiences at our international conferences. Hematology 2023 focuses mainly on Hematology, Blood Disorders, Hematology Oncology, Immunohematology, Hematology and oncology, Blood Disorders: Diagnosis & Treatment, Hematopathology, Pediatric Hematology, and Veterinary Hematology. Hematology Nursing, Stem Cell Research, and Hematology Market
Young Scientists, faculty members, post-doctoral fellows, Ph.D. scholars, and bright Final Year MSc Candidates. Persons from Scientific Industry can also participate.
The awards will be assessed as far as plan and format, intelligence, argumentation and approach, familiarity with past work, engaging quality, message and primary concerns, parity of content visuals, and by and large impression.
Conditions of Acceptance:
To receive the award, the awardee must submit the presentation for which the award is given, for publication on the website, along with the author's permission. Failure to submit the PPT, and permission within the designated timeframe will result in forfeiture of the award.
Award Announcements:
The official announcement of the recipients will occur after the completion of the Hematology 2023 Conference.
Meetings International has always been at the forefront to support and encourage scientific and techno researchers to march forward with their research work. The hematology 2023 conference offers various awards as reorganization to exceptional researcher and their research work. We invite all enthusiastic researchers from all around the world to join us for the World Congress on Hematology scheduled in Paris, France on May 15-16,2023
Eminent Key Note Speaker Award:
Hematology 2023 will confer the Model Key Note Speaker Award to the researchers who have spent a considerable time of their academic life on research related to the conference topic. The Keynote speaker award is for the researchers/speakers who have done all the hard work behind the scene. It will be a small clap for their dedication and hard work.
Outstanding Speaker Award:
Hematology 2023 will bestow a model speaker award to those researchers who have made a significant contribution to the conference topic during their research period as well as presented the research topic in an impressive way in the oral presentation during the summit. It will be an apt appreciation from the Jury as well as from the delegates. The award they receive will motivate them to march forward with the research work.
Model Organizing Committee Member Award:
Hematology 2023 will take this opportunity to facilitate eminent experts from this field with the model Organizing Committee Member award for their phenomenal contribution to society through their academic research. This will be a trivial but significant reorganization of their dedication and discipline.
Promising Young Researcher Award:
The motive of this Award during the Hematology 2023 is to appreciate the research work of the budding young researcher who is continuing their research work to create a better society. The award will provide them with a tremendous amount of encouragement to keep moving forward.
Educative Poster Award:
The educative poster award for Hematology 2023 will be endorsed for those who wish to display their research paper through a poster and will act as a guiding force for those researchers. The award will be presented to the most informative and educative research poster.