Introduction: The diff eren al diagnosis of wide complex tachycardia (WCT) is wide and complex. Accurate iden ï¬ ca on of the tachycardia mechanism is essen al for successful abla on. We study the role, accuracy and usefulness of speciï¬ c pacing maneuver that can simple and immediately Clarify the tachycardia mechanism in the electrophysiology laboratory.
Methods: 28 pa ents (33.1+11.9 years) with documented WCT underwent conven onal EPS. During the tachycardia, atrial overdrive pacing was performed. The following responses were observed: (1) a change of the QRS morphology during atrial pacing and (2) the ï¬ rst return electrogram of the tachycardia, whether occurring in the atrium (AVA response) or in the ventricle (AVVA response). The postpacing interval will be measured from the ï¬ rst paced atrial electrogram to the ï¬ rst arrived atrial electrogram at the pacing site. Conclusion: The response to atrial overdrive pacing during WCT with 1:1 AV rela onship can rapidly diagnose or rule out VT as a mechanism of tachycardia and diagnose wide complex tachycardia mechanism.
Current Trends in Cardiology
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