It is a privilege to us to be the host of the “3rd International Heart Conference” scheduled during September 23-24, 2019 at Osaka, Japan. The point of Heart Meeting 2019 is to unite Scientists, Doctors, Researchers, teachers, Business delegates, students and research associates to tell about their experience and knowledge about the research they are working on, the main theme of the conference is “Building and Beating to the Future of the Heart”. Heart conference incorporates Plenary lectures, keynote lectures by famous personalities from around the world in addition to poster presentation, young researcher sessions, symposiums, workshops, Exhibitions. skilled understudy groups from colleges and research labs giving an ideal space to share the latest advancements in the Cardiology research. We have dealt with various Cardiac events, Heart Meetings which build great relations, bringing the experts and organizations together.
Session 1: Diabetes, Obesity and Heart Stroke
Heart Stroke is the major threatening problem in the world. In the Survey people with diabetes & Obesity are also more likely to have certain risk factors, that increase the chances of having heart stroke, such as high blood pressure or high cholesterol. You can protect your heart by managing the Blood glucose in your daily life.
Related Societies:
Norwegian Society of Cardiology, Saudi Heart Association, Netherlands Society of Cardiology, Slovenian Society of Cardiology, Swedish Society of Cardiology, Zurich Heart House, European Atherosclerosis Society.
Heart Conference | Global Heart Congress | Heart Meeting | Cardiology Seminar | Heart Summit | Heart Congress | Cardiac diseases Summit | Heart Event
Session 2: Cardiac Nursing & Pharmacology
Cardiac nursing is a nursing specialty that deals with the patients who are suffering from various conditions with Cardiovascular diseases. Cardiac nurses help to treat conditions such as cardiomyopathy, unstable angina, congestive heart failure, myocardial infarction, coronary artery disease and cardiac dysrhythmia under the guidance of a cardiologist. Cardiovascular nurses handle the people with heart diseases and interact with their patients’ families. They may treat acutely ill patients, or they may focus on cardiac overhaul helping patients make lifestyle changes to prevent the worsening of their disease.
Cardiovascular pharmacology deals with the remedy or medication of cardiac diseases. The Cardiac Drugs are used to treat conditions of the heart or the circulatory system. Many classes of cardiovascular agents are available to treat the various cardiovascular diseases. In this sub topic we have Sodium, potassium, calcium channel blockers, ACE-inhibitors and Cardiac biomarkers.
Related Societies:
Russian Society of Cardiology, Austrian Heart Foundation, British Cardiovascular Society, Irish Nurses Cardiovascular Association, British Heart Foundation, European Society of Cardiology, European Stroke Organization
Heart Symposium | Cardiology Meeting | Cardiology Conference | Cardiology Symposium | Heart Seminar | Cardiology Meeting | Heart Surgery Workshop | Cardiology Workshop
Session 3: Heart Failure & Cardiac Surgery
Heart failure is a condition in that condition heart don’t pump the enough blood to meet the remaining body parts or rest of the body. Sometimes it can’t fill with enough blood. The term "heart failure" doesn't mean that your heart has stopped or is about to stop working. However, heart failure is a serious condition that requires medical care. But the continuous heart failure can affect the right side only, mostly it can affect both sides.
Cardiac surgery on the heart or great vessels performed by cardiac surgeons. It is commonly used to treat Angina Pectoris (Ischemic Heart diseases (coronary artery bypass grafting) to correct congenital heart disease or to treat valvular heart disease from various causes, including endocarditis, rheumatic heart disease, and atherosclerosis. It also includes Regeneration of heart. There are so many types of cardiac surgeries like Open heart surgery, Modern beating heart surgery, heart transplant, minimally invasive surgery & Coronary artery bypass grafting.
Related Societies:
The American Heart Association, The American College of Cardiology ,Heart Failure Society of America, American Society of Echocardiography, Alliance of Cardiovascular Professionals, American College of Chest Professionals, American Association of Heart Failure Nurses
Heart Symposium | Cardiology Meeting | Cardiology Conference | Cardiology Symposium | Heart Seminar | Cardiology Meeting | Heart Surgery Workshop | Cardiology Workshop
Session 4: Pediatric and Geriatric Cardiology
Pediatric cardiology is the branch of cardiology. A man who had gotten intensive preparing in diagnosing the pediatric pulmonary heart sickness are called pediatric cardiologist, which includes in the treatment of youth issue incorporates both the heart & lung diseases. Pediatric cardiology points in averting the intrinsic and obtained human heart illnesses in kids, babies and youngers. It is providing additional platform to teach the cutting-edge doctor in pediatric cardiology. Cardiovascular catheterization system is additionally engaged with pediatric cardiology.
A man who had gotten intensive preparing in diagnosing the geriatric pulmonary heart sickness are called Geriatric cardiologist. Geriatric Cardiology implies cardiovascular care of patients 60 years old or more established. The geriatric populace is additionally separated into elderly (between ages 74 and 85 years) and elderly (86 years old or more seasoned), with numbers achieving 45 million and 15 million individuals, individually. Vascular clutters, for example, atherosclerosis and fringe blood vessel sickness effects unique and mortality in matured individuals.
Related Societies:
Chinese Hypertension League, Hong Kong Society of Pediatric Cardiology, Taiwan Society of Cardiology, Taiwan Hypertension Society, The Japanese Heart Failure Society, Japanese Heart Rhythm Society
Heart Symposium | Cardiology Meeting | Cardiology Conference | Cardiology Symposium | Heart Seminar | Cardiology Meeting | Heart Surgery Workshop | Cardiology Workshop
Session 5: Cardiology & Heart Devices
Cardiology is a branch of medicine trading with mess of the heart as well as parts of the circulatory system. This area includes medical diagnosis and treatment of congenital heart defects, coronary artery disease, heart failure, valvular heart disease and electrophysiology. To diagnose these diseases, we are using some devices called Medical Devices. A medical device is any apparatus, appliance, software, material, or other article whether used alone or in composition, including the software intended by its manufacturer to be used specifically for diagnostic & therapeutic purposes and necessary for its proper application intended by the manufacturer to be used for human beings for the purpose of Diagnosis, prevention, monitoring, treatment, or alleviation of disease.
Related Societies:
Albanian Society of Cardiology, Belorussian Scientific Society of Cardiologists, British Association of Nursing in Cardiovascular Care, Heart Foundation of Botswana, British Association of Critical Care Nurses, Cardiology Society of Serbia, Sudanese Hypertension Society, Stroke and Vascular Medicine
Heart Conference | Global Heart Congress | Heart Meeting | Cardiology Seminar | Heart Summit | Heart Congress | Cardiac diseases Summit | Heart Event
Session 6: Cardiac Stem Cell Therapies
Stem Cells are nature own transformers. When the body is injured, stem cell travels the scene of the accident. Some come from bone marrow, a modest from others, the heart itself. These stem cell therapies are also used in cardiac treatment. By using this therapy Acute myocardial infarction and chronic heart failure rank among the major causes of morbidity and mortality worldwide. Except for heart transplantation, current therapy options only treat the symptoms but do not cure the disease. Stem cell-based therapies represent a possible paradigm shift for cardiac repair.
Related Societies:
The National Heart Association of Malaysia, The Japanese College of Cardiology, Cardiometabolic Heart Congress, Chinese Society of Cardiology, World Heart Federation, Philippine Heart Association
Heart Conference | Global Heart Congress | Heart Meeting | Cardiology Seminar | Heart Summit | Heart Congress | Cardiac diseases Summit | Heart Event
Session 7: Coronary and Ischemic Heart Disease
Coronary heart disorder (CHD), or ischemic coronary heart disease is when your coronary arteries turn out to be narrowed by means of a slow build-up of fatty material within their partitions. These arteries supply your coronary heart muscle with oxygen-wealthy blood. The risk elements for Coronary heart sicknesses are Smoking, High blood stress High blood cholesterol, Diabetes being physically inactive, being overweight or obese Family history of coronary heart sickness Ethnic heritage, Sex - men are more likely to increase CHD at an in advance age than women. Age - the older you're, the much more likely you're to develop CHD. The extra threat factors you have got, the more likely you are to expand CHD. Even though you can’t alternate all your threat elements, there is plenty you may do to lessen your danger and help to defend your heart.
Related Societies:
Norwegian Society of Cardiology, Saudi Heart Association, Netherlands Society of Cardiology, Slovenian Society of Cardiology, Swedish Society of Cardiology, Zurich Heart House, European Atherosclerosis Society.
Heart Conference | Global Heart Congress | Heart Meeting | Cardiology Seminar | Heart Summit | Heart Congress | Cardiac diseases Summit | Heart Event
Session 8: Current Research in Cardiology
Cardiology Conferences promotes the awareness against Risk factor modification about the heart diseases. Prevention, mitigation and treatment of the cardiovascular diseases can be made by providing the cardiovascular services called Medical devices. Advances in remedy means that if CHD is detected at an early stage it can be treated successfully to extend the survival rate. Successful treatment is more likely if the disease is detected at its earliest stages. Our current research mainly targets on the early detection of CHD in order to halt or reverse the progress of the disease. It’s more likely to achieve effective treatment if the disease is recognized at its early stages. Analysis of ethnic and socio-economic differences in heart diseases and risks associated with it.
Related Societies:
Chinese Hypertension League, Hong Kong Society of Pediatric Cardiology, Taiwan Society of Cardiology, Taiwan Hypertension Society, The Japanese Heart Failure Society, Japanese Heart Rhythm Society
Heart Conference | Global Heart Congress | Heart Meeting | Cardiology Seminar | Heart Summit | Heart Congress | Cardiac diseases Summit | Heart Event
Session 9: Hypertension and Cardiovascular Genetics
Hypertension is another name for High Blood Pressure. Blood pressure is the force exerted by the blood against the walls of the blood vessels. Pressure depends on the blood working by the heart. Most of the Blood Pressure people have the chances to get Heart stroke. In diabetes people we can observe this more. There are two types of blood pressure we can shown in our daily life. Low & High. Low Blood pressure ranges between 90/60mmhg (90=Systolic, 60=Diastolic). Coming to High Blood pressure ranges between 120/80mmhg.
Related Societies:
Iranian Heart Foundation, Cyprus Hypertension Society, Egyptian Cardiology Society, Israel Heart Society, Kuwait Medical Association, Iraqi Cardiothoracic Society, Iranian Heart Association.
Heart Conference | Global Heart Congress | Heart Meeting | Cardiology Seminar | Heart Summit | Heart Congress | Cardiac diseases Summit | Heart Event
Session 10: Heart Disorders & Diagnosis
Heart disorders means these are diseases effected to heart known as heart disorders. There are so many heart disorders like Heart attack, Coronary Heart diseases, Congestive Heart Failure, and congenital heart disease, is the leading cause of death for men and women in the U.S. For this we have diagnosis processes like ECG(Electrocardiogram), Holter Monitoring, Echocardiogram, Stress test, CT Scan (cardiac Computerized Tomography), Cardiac catheterization & MRI (Cardiac Magnetic Resonance Imagining).
Related Societies:
The American Heart Association, The American College of Cardiology ,Heart Failure Society of America, American Society of Echocardiography, Alliance of Cardiovascular Professionals, American College of Chest Professionals, American Association of Heart Failure Nurses
Heart Symposium | Cardiology Meeting | Cardiology Conference | Cardiology Symposium | Heart Seminar | Cardiology Meeting | Heart Surgery Workshop | Cardiology Workshop
Session 11: Cardiology-Future Medicine
Cardiology is a branch of medicine which deals with irregular similarities of the heart or disorders of the heart as well as parts of the circulatory system means throughout the body. The field includes medical diagnosis and treatment of congenital heart defects, cardiac nursing, heart regeneration, cardiac surgery, valvular heart disease, Arrythmias, Angina Pectoris and electrophysiology. It is likely that there will be continuing activity in the recreation of technical virtuosity and clinical excellence in the field of cardiology. This condition will at first both aggravate the escalation of costs and intensify the workforce shortage.
Related Societies:
The American Heart Association, The American College of Cardiology ,Heart Failure Society of America, American Society of Echocardiography, Alliance of Cardiovascular Professionals, American College of Chest Professionals, American Association of Heart Failure Nurses
Heart Symposium | Cardiology Meeting | Cardiology Conference | Cardiology Symposium | Heart Seminar | Cardiology Meeting | Heart Surgery Workshop | Cardiology Workshop
Session 12: Veterinary and Interventional Cardiology
Veterinary Cardiology generally deals with the study and treatment of disease condition of cardiovascular system in cats and dogs moreover (pet's heart and blood vessels). The heart problems may include canine and feline congestive heart failure, hypertension, dilated and hypertrophic cardiomyopathy and valvular disorders. Due to the interrelation in the function of animal heart and lungs, veterinary cardiologists are also known about lung diseases as well as diseases of the chest cavity. Many pets with heart disease are asymptomatic. A veterinary cardiologist will perform a complete physical examination on animal and current medications are reviewed and based on these findings, additional tests will be performed.
Related Societies:
Society of Invasive Cardiovascular Professionals, Cardiovascular Credentialing International, International Academy of Cardiology, International Society for Heart Research, Society of Geriatric Cardiology
Heart Symposium | Cardiology Meeting | Cardiology Conference | Cardiology Symposium | Heart Seminar | Cardiology Meeting | Heart Surgery Workshop | Cardiology Workshop
Heart Meeting 2019 is a two-day conference which is to be held on September 23-24, 2019, Osaka, Japan. This will be a great platform to gather and share knowledge, presentations, panel discussions, interactive dialogue about the developing world of cardiology. This conference brings together the researchers, scientists, professors, students, cardiologists who dispense an international forum on extending of approved research.
The organizing committee is gearing up for an energizing and instructive gathering program including workshops, addresses, symposiums on a wide assortment of points, publication introductions and different projects for members from over the globe. We cordially invite you to join us at the 3rd International Heart Conference, where you will have an amazing experience with all the delegates around the globe. All the members of organizing committee members of Heart Meeting 2019 will gaze forward to meet you in Osaka, Japan.
Importance and Scope
Coronary diseases depict a scope of conditions that influence your heart. Illnesses under the coronary illness umbrella incorporate vein sicknesses, for example, coronary course ailment; heart mood issues (arrhythmias); and heart surrenders you're conceived with i.e. inborn heart surrenders, Rheumatic coronary illness, Hypertensive coronary illness, Ischemic coronary illness, Hypertension and numerous more. An imminent overview of patients with valvular heart disease (VHD). Coronary angiography was utilized as a part of 85.2% of patients before the intervention. The Euro Heart Survey (EHS) program has been started request to conclusion and treatment of cardiovascular ailments in clinical practice. To keep the rate of cardiovascular (CV) malady, by executing procedures to lessen the weight of CV chance elements and frequency of CV sickness, and create proper models for solid CV lifestyle, this universal occasion is a push to locate an option for obtrusive imaging method against heart ailments and heart disappointment conditions in grown-ups and kids.
The growth of Cardiology Market
The worldwide market for interventional cardiology innovations came to an expected $12.2 billion out of 2014. As indicated by another investigation by Smithers Apex – The Future of Coronary Artery Disease Medical Devices to 2021 – it will develop to $22.5 billion (€20.9 billion) by 2021, with a year-on-year increment of 9.1%. Demand for coronary supply route infection medicinal gadgets will become through 2021 as clinically reasonable and financial arrangements are created.
Fig: Cardiology Analysis Market by Region
Japan is considered as the most developing business sector economy on the planet and it was set among the created nations side characterizing as world's recently industrialized nations. Japan is pioneer and driving maker in medicinal gadgets, rural items; materials, engine vehicles, and so on. There is several cardiology universities & Hospitals in Japan were useful to explore establishments and offering great research in the field of cardiology.
Staying aware of worldwide patterns, the Japan open capitulated to the most noteworthy rate of cardiovascular or circulatory framework maladies a year ago, as indicated by the most recent wellbeing figures. As per 2016 insights on the reasons for death, 162,876 individuals kicked the bucket of those diseases in 2016, a sum of 39.8 percent of all deaths caused by diseases in the country. Cardiovascular diseases that are mostly attributed to an unhealthy lifestyle are the leading cause of death worldwide. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), more people die annually due to these causes than from any other cause and also by their high lipid levels. Japan looked at the cities with a high rate of deaths from cardiovascular diseases.
From 2011 to 2025, the anticipated combined monetary losses from all Non-Communicable diseases are $7.28 trillion in Low and Middle-Income Countries. CVD represents about half of this anticipated misfortune (4). Inside LIMC, it is anticipated that diminishing CVD mortality by 10% would bring about a $377 billion decrease in monetary misfortunes from 2011 to 2025.
Fig: Diseases Analysis Market
Why Japan:
Japan's capacity to lead free research is a definitive factor in boosting country's aggressiveness. A place for leading great research for Nephrological research and care with having establishments like Osaka University Hospital, Osaka Women’s and Children’s Hospital, Tokuseikai Incorporated Medical Institution, Sumiyoshi Hospital, Juso Hospitals, Osaka City General Hospital, Miyakojima Emergency Hospital and numerous more focuses will prove to be useful. With 5% of GNP, Japan is one of a kind in their science and the accessibility of research materials to modern organizations offers them phenomenal research openings. Osaka (around 330 miles southwest of Tokyo) is the second biggest city in Japan and the thirteenth biggest city on the planet, with a populace of around 10.5 million individuals. In the region of Osaka, University are found like National Cardiovascular Center, the National Institute of Biomedical Innovation, the National Museum of Ethnology and numerous other instructive and research establishments. Faculty collaboration with these will be additionally advanced so together we may serve the group and build up our system with the world.
List of Cardiology Universities:
World Wide:
Societies Associated with Cardiology:
Hospitals Associated with Cardiology:
List of Companies Associated with Cardiology:
Here are the statistics of top 10 Global Companies on Cardiology Market share in 2018 and 2022
Future Scope of Cardiology:
Global Interventional Cardiology market is estimated to reach US$26.2 billion by 2019. Global Interventional Cardiac Devices Industry market is worth US$22.6 billion by 2017, growing at a CAGR of 9.2% for the analysis period 2012-2022 respectively. North American region accounts for highest percentage approximately 35.8% (2016) of global share while Europe follows next with nearly 30.8% (2019) of the market. Asia-Pacific is the fastest growing region with a CAGR of 11.6% driving a market value of US$4.7 billion by 2017.
On a global scale, projections for Coronary Stents market share indicate nearly 47.1% by 2017 leaving the rest of the market to the Cardiac Catheters, PTCA/Coronary Guidewires, etc. By technology, Optical Coherence Tomography (OCT) is the fastest growing market. PCI Procedures market is expected to reach US$4.8 billion by 2018 across the world.
Maximum people in the world suffer from cardiac disease and many people die with cardiac disease just for poor treatment. So that's why it’s very important to improvement in the treatment of cardiac disease and bring awareness among the people to get better treatment and get relief from cardiac disease. We have to explore better ideas for the treatment of cardiac disease.
Doctor, University of Miami Hospital
Doctor, American University of Beirut
Professor, Mansoura University
Professor, Iran University of Medical Sciences
Doctor, Shere Bangla Medical College
Professor, National Institute of Cardiovascular Surgery