Jon Txarramendieta holds an Engineering in Industrial Organisation (University of Deusto, 2010) and Master’s degree in Health Management (Deusto Business School, 2015). In 2017, he obtained the Expert Course in Health Services and Chronic Diseases Research (University of Alcalá, Madrid). He has experience in the implementation of health services in national and European projects’ context. Since 2016 he has been involved in different EU-funded projects as a Project Manager at KRONIKGUNE.
Statement of the Problem: The transformation of healthcare systems is highly complex and, as such, the health and social care authorities in charge of this system redesign are seeking support to improve their capacity for integrated care. There is a real opportunity to maximise the use of existing evidence on integrated care and ensure it is readily available to meet the needs and context of a particular health and care system. However, it is also important to recognise that the healthcare systems will have very different starting points, or levels of maturity.