Cleveland Clinic, USA
Title: Delirium in palliative medicine: A review
I am Dr Kunal Joon ( Masters in virology)working on the resarch how to cure viral disease researched on viruses and discovered it’s treatment for any age groups of people.
Introduction : A viral test is done to find infection causing viruses .Viruses grow only in living cells . Viruses causes disease by destroying or damaging the cells they infect , damaging the body’s immune system Changing the genetic material (DNA) of the cells they infect or causing inflammation that can damage an organ . Viruses cause many types of diseases, such as human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) ,cold sores, chicken pox , measles , flu and some types of cancer
Project nuclear medicine:
Benefits of nuclear Medicine:
Nuclear medicine is the medicine made of nutrients mixed together and generated immune cells are mixed together and these medicines is generated in body to make new immune fight against virus.
What are nuclear proteins in virus?
When energy is released, a high amount of transformation occurs and nucleus is transformed in Nuclear proteins.
Benefits of forward rolling of DNA:
New characteristics of a particular organism grow faster and lead to proper development of organism.
DNA backward rolling:DNA backward rolling leads to the deforming the cells and lead to formation of two organism again.
Effect of DNA background rolling:
1. New characteristic does not grow fast.
2. Deformation of new organism into old two organis
Introduction of nuclear medicine :
How does nuclear medicine increase immunity of the body?
Nuclear medicine is made up of the glucose fats proteins and vitamins, huge amount of immune cells with iron oxide. The glucose fats breakdown and release energy, proteins and vitamins build up and repair damaged tissue. Immune cells released in body build up and divide the other immune cells and fight against virus and its infection.
How did nuclear medicine affect the virus?
Nuclear medicine affect the virus by increasing and repairing immunity of body by increasing energy in body and by building up the immune cells by proteins.
How much nuclear medicine should be taken by an animal in a day?
An animal who is affected by the virus should take two times a nuclear medicine in an hour, as because immune system takes large time to repair.
Benefits of nuclear medicine:
1. Nuclear medicine increases the immunity of the body and also some amount of temperature.
2. Nuclear medicine increases the energy of the body and build up the body muscles.
Side effect of nuclear medicine:
Taking large amount of nuclear medicine can lead to increase the large amount of temperature and can even lead to dehydration.
What is the effect of nuclear medicine in body?
The nuclear medicine increases the immunity ,energy in the body and even increases the temperature of the body and even build up the immune system strong and even body capacity to fight against the infection.
Effects of nuclear medicine on viruses:
Does nuclear medicine is for every virus?
Yes, nuclear medicine is for every virus because it contain glucose, fats which release energy, proteins and vitamins which repair immune system. Immune cells fight with the infection and retained the capacity of body.
Why only nutrient and strong immune cells are required to make nuclear medicine?
Only nutrient and strong immune cells are required because these are only thing which build up the immense system and built it up more strong and fight against virus.
Does nuclear medicine is necessary to take every day in case you are infected by virus?
Yes, nuclear medicine is to be taken every day in case you are infected by virus as it increase the immune cells and build up the immune system strong enough to generate immune cells to fight against the virus.
Why other type of medicine cannot affect the virus?
Other medicine does not affect the virus because virus does not use any biological path but it uses connective channels of nuclear proteins and have protein shield which destroy the immunity of body or harm immune cells and destroy them. Nuclear medicine is best medicine of virus because it build up the immune system strong, generate high amount of energy and regenerate immune cells.
What kind of ways virus used to gain energy?
Virus use connective channels used to gain energy. Virus uses their nuclear proteins to create channels and connect with the blood cells to gain energy from blood to accept food from blood.
How does virus gain energy from blood?
Virus get mix with blood cells scattered in blood vessels and with the entrance of food in blood, the virus makes the nuclear channels and first destroys immune cells and then nuclear channels takes the energy from blood cells.
What kind of organism is virus?
Virus is a bio molecular organism having capacity to put end dead in a outer condition until it enters root body.
Which part does nuclear medicine destroy the virus part
Nuclear medicine, destroy the protein shield with the help of its immune cells and then builds up the immunity of body and destroy the virus.
In which case of DNA theory virus become?
There are three cases in DNA combination theory:
1. Both living organism:
a. When both living organism combine and are of same class organism.
b. When both living organism of different organism combine they form organism which have mixture of both DNA.
2. Died or living:
When an organism before dying combines with living and are of same class or different class they form a micro organism or they are half died.
3. Died or died:
When an organism combine when they are going to die , they form either virus or bacteria.
Is it necessary that in died and died case virus is formed?
Yes, because it is rare that in living organism case only died and living organism. In living organism case virus has to die itself and in died and living organism any organism on died organism such as fungi, bacteria and virus can be formed.
Why does in dead and dead case bacteria and virus is formed?
In died and died case bacteria and virus mostly have the dead cell organism and have no energy so most of the time in dead and dead case bacteria and virus is formed. Bacteria is also formed in dead and living and even living organism when some mal function occur in living organism in died and living organism.
Why only in died and dead case virus is formed?
In died and died case virus is formed because when the cell combine with both dead organism the cell organs are died and according to nuclear theory when two cells combine, the energy is released by nucleus and molecules generate the energy and the stored energy is released and organism pretend to form and that organism is virus or bacteria.
Should we eat nuclear medicine in case we are not infected?
Yes, we should eat nuclear medicine in case we are not infected because if anyone is having weakness it will build up damaged tissue and generate high energy and build up body immunity and even increase body temperature. If any body temperature is low and even help in fighting with infection and even help in proper digestion and even increase stemming of body.
DNA defect theory affect on virus:
Virus in case of dead and dead is dead but in case of living and living when some defect occurs in DNA of cell in micro organism and high amount of energy is released and many cell organs be died and virus informed and even bacteria can be formed as some times organs release energy and some organs left which become bacteria.
Virus theory:
Virus is a living organism pretend to be dead in outer condition because its most organs are dead and its structure is like a diamond from top and form down it’s like a comb
Function of its part:
1. Nuclear proteins: It is the proteins which makes the connective channels and connect with blood cells in blood cells and absorb energy.
2. Protein shield: These protein shield help to destroy the immune cells and immunity of body and protect the nuclear proteins
3. Information thread: It gives information about the surroundings.
We have found virus is living but pretending to be dead and even found its treatment and found stamina booster and even found stamina booster.
DNA Result:
According to DNA result the virus is living and it is formed in two case first in dead and dead second in living and living but different class.
Nuclear theory result:
From nuclear theory we have found why virus pretends to be dead. In this it is explain when two cell combine the high amount of energy is released like this in virus when two dead cell combine its stored energy is released as when two dead cell combined, their stored energy is released.
DNA forward rolling result:
According to forward rolling, anyone who’s DNA is rolling forward, its capabilities are coming out quickly.
DNA backward rolling result:
According to backward rolling DNA, anyone who’s DNA is rolling backward. Its capabilities become undergrowth and even it split into two old organisms.
Nuclear medicine:
Nuclear medicine is a medicine used for treatment of virus and even generate immune cells, make immunity strong and even fight infection and build up the harmed tissues and even test the protein shield of virus and increase body stemming and body temperature.
DNA defect theory:
According to DNA defect, a virus can be formed by living organism of different class if there is a defect both DNA combined and high amount of energy is released.
Working of nuclear medicine on virus:
Generation of immune cell:
Nuclear medicine contains the immune cells which build up and generate the new immune cells in our body and even contains the nutrient which helps the body to regain its immunity and generate the immune cells.
Destroying of protein shield:
Nuclear medicine is when digested a high amount of energy is released and body regains its stamming and then body start generating immune cells or WBC with faster speed and thus WBC targets the protein shield and with high amount of energy it target the protein and destroy them.
Malfunctioning of information thread:
As the protein shield is destroyed, it enters the information thread as the unknown material enters information. It focus on the unknown material and focus on the nuclear protein and information thread start malfunctioning and then WBC break down information thread into their DNA sample.
Breaking down of nuclear protein:
Immune cells or WBC take the nuclear channel protein and breakdown them into the nuclear protein and then RBC or blood vessels take them for digestion.
Working of nuclear medicine in our body:
As when nuclear medicine enters the body, stomach digest some amount of medicine and generate high amount of energy and rest medicine is taken by blood to build up the body strong and build up the immunity strong and repair n around molecules or infected muscles.
Even they increase the temperature, as the nuclear medicine is digested, it generate energy as well as temperature to slow down the blood pressure.
How does nuclear medicine low down the BP?
As when nuclear medicine is digested, release heat energy and heat the blood vessels and protect the blood vessels from torn out as and when blood insures with high speed.
Working of nuclear medicine on infection:
Nuclear medicine is when digested release high amount of heat energy, which makes germ dead and slowly infection get finished and hormonal tissues are repaired.
Result: In this we have found the working of nuclear medicine and its effect on our body.
How medicine acts on virus:
Medicine generate high amount of energy and immune cells and immunity is regained by cells of body and fight against virus with high energy and vitamins, minerals, proteins helps in building of food, glucose, fats release high amount energy