"The Science of Criminology"
The latest trends and innovations in forensic field have authorized it to become more advance science that involves a number of disciplines and more number of forensic scientists specializing in everything from DNA and botany to dentistry and tool marks. It has become an essential segment for many criminal cases with clinical facts through scientific knowledge serving both defense and prosecution discussion. Forensic Research would perform as a great source for interdisciplinary area that observes and encompasses law, investigation for network hacking, DNA analysis, Fingerprinting & Analysis, Digital-Forensic, data recovery, cyber-crimes, and forensic technologies. Forensic Science is the application of scientific knowledge in solving crime, helping investigators and in administration of justice. It serves as preparation for entry-level and advanced jobs in criminal justice laboratories, medical examiners' offices, hospitals, universities, police departments and government agencies. Forensic Research 2018 importance is to bring topics from all the areas related to Forensic science, Forensic Crime, Physical evidence, Forensic analysis techniques, Forensic medicine, Forensic pathology, Forensic microbiology, Homicide, Forensic chemistry, Fingerprint analysis, Forensic DNA analysis, Forensic data analysis, Forensic Age estimation, Forensic anthropology, Forensic archaeology, Forensic odontology, Forensic engineering.
Meetings Int. organizes nearly 300+ conferences worldwide i.e. USA, Europe and Asia pacific & Middle east regions. Around 20 Universities offering Forensic Science are present in Australia and 162 universities all over the world in which they provide around 19 Bachelor’s degree. By 2017 as per the Australian market analysis report the market value of forensic products & services will reach approximately 20 billion AUD on forensic products & services and 2.3 billion AUD on DNA testing and 1.6 dollar AUD on Biometrics and 3.1 billion AUD on other forensic products.
Why to attend?
Forensic Research aims to bring together major academic scientists, research scholars to exchange and share their experiences and results on particular forensic science. It also provides a leading interdisciplinary dais for forensic researchers, practitioners and educators to present and discuss the recent innovations, trends, and concerns as well as practical challenges occurred and solutions created in the fields of Forensic Science. The purpose of this meeting is to raise international awareness of developments, teaching, training, responsibilities, and ethics in the field of Forensic research and Technology
Forensic: The Anatomy of Crime
Meetings Int. proudly announces the commencement of its “International Conference on Forensic Research & Technology” which is going to be held during September 17-18, 2018 at Osaka, Japan.
Meetings Int. organizes nearly 300+ conferences worldwide i.e. USA, Europe and Asia pacific regions. Around 20 Universities offering Forensic Science are present in Australia and 162 universities all over the world in which they provide around 19 Bachelor’s degree. According to Australian market analysis by 2017 the market value of forensic products, forensics and services will be approximately 20 billion AUD are spending on forensic products & services and 2.3 billion AUD on DNA testing and 1.6 dollar AUD on Biometrics and 3.1 billion AUD on other forensic products.
Sessions 1: Forensic Science
Forensic science is that provision for science to criminal and common laws, basically on the criminal side throughout criminal investigation, likewise legislated toward those lawful norms about permissible proof and criminal technique. Measurable researchers collect, preserve, furthermore investigate experimental proof throughout that course about an examination. Same time a few measurable researchers head out to those scenes of the wrongdoing to gather information the proof themselves, others possess a research Centre role, and performing dissection once Questions brought should them toward different people.
Forensic Research | Forensic Congress | Psychiatry Conferences | Criminology Meetings | Psychology Conferences | Forensic Science Gathering | Forensic Chemistry |
Related Conferences: Conferences and Meetings on Digital Forensics; 12 Dec 2017 - 19 Dec 2017 , Washington DC, United States: International Conference on Electronic Security and Digital Forensics; Jun 28-29, 2018 London, United Kingdom: International Conference on Criminology and Digital Forensics; London, United Kingdom, October 19 - 20, 2017: International Conference on Digital Forensics, Cryptology and Security; January 22 - 23, 2018, Amsterdam: International Conference on Digital Forensics , January 3 - 5, 2018 New Delhi, India
Sessions 2 : Crime and Law
Criminal law is the study of law that relevance to crime. It prohibits conduct recognize as threatening, harmful, or otherwise endangering to the belongings, health, safety, and moral welfare of mankind. Criminal law differs according to jurisdiction, and dissimilar from civil law, where significance is more on dispute intention and victim compensation than on punishment. Criminal law is typical for the uniquely serious potential result for failure to abide by its rules. The criminal law generally prohibits undesirable acts.
Forensic Research | Forensic Congress | Psychiatry Conferences | Criminology Meetings | Psychology Conferences | Forensic Science Gathering | Forensic Chemistry |
Related Conferences: 32nd International Conference on Forensic Chemistry, September 26-27, 2018, Chicago, Illinois, USA:4th International Conference on Mental Health and Human Resilience, April 26-27, 2018, Rome, Italy: 3rd International Conference on Forensic Science and Psychology, June 27-28, 2018, Athens, Greece 26th Annual Meeting for Psychologists and Psychiatrists on Clinical Psychology, May 24-25, 2018,Barcelona, Spain: 4th International Conference on Depression, Anxiety and Stress Management, May 10-11, 2018,Frankfurt, Germany
Sessions 3 : Victimology
Victimology is the investigation of the connection between the victim and the perpetrator. To comprehend this idea, initially, we should comprehend what the terms casualty and culprit mean. The casualty is a man who has been hurt by a culprit. The culprit, otherwise called the guilty party, is a person who has carried out the wrongdoing against the casualty. Law authorization organizations utilize the investigation of victimology and the hypotheses of victimology to decide why the casualty was focused by the culprit.
Forensic Research | Forensic Congress | Psychiatry Conferences | Criminology Meetings | Psychology Conferences | Forensic Science Gathering | Forensic Chemistry |
Related :Conferences and Meetings on Digital Forensics; 12 Dec 2017 - 19 Dec 2017 , Washington DC, United States: International Conference on Electronic Security and Digital Forensics; Jun 28-29, 2018 London, United Kingdom: International Conference on Criminology and Digital Forensics; London, United Kingdom, October 19 - 20, 2017: International Conference on Digital Forensics, Cryptology and Security; January 22 - 23, 2018, Amsterdam: International Conference on Digital Forensics , January 3 - 5, 2018 New Delhi, India
Session 4: Cyber security
Cyber security ensures the information and integrity of registering resources having a place with or connecting with an association's system. Its motivation is to protect those advantages against all risk on-screen characters all through the whole life cycle of a Cyber-attack. Kill chains, zero-day assaults, ransomware, alert fatigue and budgetary imperatives are only a few of the difficulties that cyber security experts confront. Cyber security specialists require a more grounded comprehension of these subjects and numerous others, to have the capacity to go up against those difficulties all the more viably.
Forensic Research | Forensic Congress | Psychiatry Conferences | Criminology Meetings | Psychology Conferences | Forensic Science Gathering | Forensic Chemistry |
Related : Conferences and Meetings on Digital Forensics; 12 Dec 2017 - 19 Dec 2017 , Washington DC, United States: International Conference on Electronic Security and Digital Forensics; Jun 28-29, 2018 London, United Kingdom: International Conference on Criminology and Digital Forensics; London, United Kingdom, October 19 - 20, 2017: International Conference on Digital Forensics, Cryptology and Security; January 22 - 23, 2018, Amsterdam: International Conference on Digital Forensics , January 3 - 5, 2018 New Delhi, India
Session 5: Sociology
Sociology is the study of human social relationships and institutions. Sociology’s topic is various, extending from crime to religion, from the family to the state, from the divisions of race and social class to the mutual convictions of a typical culture, and from social steadiness to radical change in entire social orders. Binding together the investigation of these different subjects of study is social science's motivation of seeing how human activity and cognizance both shape and are molded by encompassing social and social structures.
Forensic Research | Forensic Congress | Psychiatry Conferences | Criminology Meetings | Psychology Conferences | Forensic Science Gathering | Forensic Chemistry |
Related : Conferences and Meetings on Digital Forensics; 12 Dec 2017 - 19 Dec 2017 , Washington DC, United States: International Conference on Electronic Security and Digital Forensics; Jun 28-29, 2018 London, United Kingdom: International Conference on Criminology and Digital Forensics; London, United Kingdom, October 19 - 20, 2017: International Conference on Digital Forensics, Cryptology and Security; January 22 - 23, 2018, Amsterdam: International Conference on Digital Forensics , January 3 - 5, 2018 New Delhi, India
Sessions 6 : Forensic Chemistry
Forensic chemistry is the application of chemistry to law implementation processes. The Forensic chemist can identify the unknown materials obtained at the incident area by using many different analytical methods to reveal what chemical changes occurred during an incident. The latest techniques that come under forensic chemistry are Capillary electrophoresis. Implementation of icp-ms in chemical analysis of forensic evidence, Laboratory automation in forensics, Case studies of drug profiling, Method development and applications of LC-MS/MS in forensic analysis which is used for the identification of the drug products.
Forensic Research | Forensic Congress | Psychiatry Conferences | Criminology Meetings | Psychology Conferences | Forensic Science Gathering | Forensic Chemistry |
Related Conferences: Conferences and Meetings on Digital Forensics; 12 Dec 2017 - 19 Dec 2017 , Washington DC, United States: International Conference on Electronic Security and Digital Forensics; Jun 28-29, 2018 London, United Kingdom: International Conference on Criminology and Digital Forensics; London, United Kingdom, October 19 - 20, 2017: International Conference on Digital Forensics, Cryptology and Security; January 22 - 23, 2018, Amsterdam: International Conference on Digital Forensics , January 3 - 5, 2018 New Delhi, India
Sessions 7 : Forensic Engineering
Forensic Engineering is the process of investigation of structures or components of the materials that does not function due to causing personal damage to the property, function as intended or bridge damage evaluations. This process is having large scope in the fields of accident reassembling, Human factor evaluation in structural failures. The current issues which are rapidly growing in the forensic engineering are finger print silicone engineering, engineering investigation analysis, forensic evaluation using ultrasonic and radar echo techniques.
Forensic Research | Forensic Congress | Psychiatry Conferences | Criminology Meetings | Psychology Conferences | Forensic Science Gathering | Forensic Chemistry |
Related Conferences: DFIR Summit & Training on Digital Forensic May 23-24, 2018 Austin, TX ; Techno Security & Digital Forensics Conference June 3-6, 2018, USA; Techno Security & Forensic Investigations Conference ,September 17-19, 2018, San Antonio, USA; The Stockholm Criminology Symposium , June 12–14, 2018, Stockholm; International Conference on Criminal Law, Criminology and Police Science June 25 - 26, 2018, Paris, France :International Symposium of the World Society of Victimology, 10-14 June, 2018, Hong Kong, China
Sessions 8 : Forensic Pathology
Forensic Pathology comes under the pathology that mainly deals with the examining the reasons of death at the crime area. The recent techniques which are used for the examining the reasons to the death areas following forensic autopsy- case studies, determination of post-mortem interval, MRNA analysis of death investigations, forensic veterinary pathology ,and implications in forensic pathology and post mortem interval analysis.
Forensic Research | Forensic Congress | Psychiatry Conferences | Criminology Meetings | Psychology Conferences | Forensic Science Gathering | Forensic Chemistry |
Related Conferences: Conferences and Meetings on Digital Forensics; 12 Dec 2017 - 19 Dec 2017 , Washington DC, United States: International Conference on Electronic Security and Digital Forensics; Jun 28-29, 2018 London, United Kingdom: International Conference on Criminology and Digital Forensics; London, United Kingdom, October 19 - 20, 2017: International Conference on Digital Forensics, Cryptology and Security; January 22 - 23, 2018, Amsterdam: International Conference on Digital Forensics , January 3 - 5, 2018 New Delhi, India
Sessions 9 : Forensic DNA Analysis
Forensic DNA analysis is the most appropriate techniques which are used by the forensic experts to identify the victim by using there DNA samples obtained at the crime are compared to the suspected victims. The recent trends which are followed by the scientists are novel methods of extraction of DNA from weathered and ancient bone fragments, Novel methods of purification of crime scene DNA analysis, the DNA identification techniques includes ABO typing and Short tandem repeat (STR) technology testing for forensic DNA analysis, Forensic mitochondrial DNA data analysis, Forensic analysis using portable analyzers, Efficient methods for recovery of high quality DNA and RNA in forensic analysis.
Forensic Research | Forensic Congress | Psychiatry Conferences | Criminology Meetings | Psychology Conferences | Forensic Science Gathering | Forensic Chemistry |
Related Conferences: DFIR Summit & Training on Digital Forensic May 23-24, 2018 Austin, TX ; Techno Security & Digital Forensics Conference June 3-6, 2018, USA; Techno Security & Forensic Investigations Conference ,September 17-19, 2018, San Antonio, USA; The Stockholm Criminology Symposium , June 12–14, 2018, Stockholm; International Conference on Criminal Law, Criminology and Police Science June 25 - 26, 2018, Paris, France :International Symposium of the World Society of Victimology, 10-14 June, 2018, Hong Kong, China
Sessions 10: Forensic Medicine
Forensic Medicine is also known as the forensic pathology. Scientific pathology keeps tabs ahead figuring out that reason for death toward looking at carcass. Measurable pathologists and the restorative examiners are extraordinarily prepared medical practitioners who inspect the figures for individuals who die suddenly or violently. That measurable pathologist is answerable for figuring out the extreme and quick purposes behind that suspension for life and way for passing homicide, suicide, and accidental, characteristic or unknown.
Forensic Research | Forensic Congress | Psychiatry Conferences | Criminology Meetings | Psychology Conferences | Forensic Science Gathering | Forensic Chemistry |
Related Conferences: Conferences and Meetings on Digital Forensics; 12 Dec 2017 - 19 Dec 2017 , Washington DC, United States: International Conference on Electronic Security and Digital Forensics; Jun 28-29, 2018 London, United Kingdom: International Conference on Criminology and Digital Forensics; London, United Kingdom, October 19 - 20, 2017: International Conference on Digital Forensics, Cryptology and Security; January 22 - 23, 2018, Amsterdam: International Conference on Digital Forensics , January 3 - 5, 2018 New Delhi, India
Sessions 11: Fingerprint Analysis
Fingerprinting was first used to solve a criminal investigation in the late 1800’s. The practice has remained one of the most common and effective forensic techniques. Advances in technology have improved upon old techniques and have made it easier to identify hidden, or latent, fingerprints. Each fingerprint is unique to an individual and no two fingerprints have ever been found to be the same. Even identical twins who share similar DNA will have different fingerprints.
Forensic Research | Forensic Congress | Psychiatry Conferences | Criminology Meetings | Psychology Conferences | Forensic Science Gathering | Forensic Chemistry |
Related Conferences: DFIR Summit & Training on Digital Forensic May 23-24, 2018 Austin, TX ; Techno Security & Digital Forensics Conference June 3-6, 2018, USA; Techno Security & Forensic Investigations Conference ,September 17-19, 2018, San Antonio, USA; The Stockholm Criminology Symposium , June 12–14, 2018, Stockholm; International Conference on Criminal Law, Criminology and Police Science June 25 - 26, 2018, Paris, France :International Symposium of the World Society of Victimology, 10-14 June, 2018, Hong Kong, China
Sessions 12 : Forensic Age Estimation
When an unknown body of a victim has been obtained, the forensic experts start to analyses the evidences. Like cause of death, details of victim, such as age. Thus forensic age estimation plays a major role, by detecting or analyzing the size of the body, teeth, skull they can determine the approximate age of a person. This region people will mostly work on the buried or decomposed, burnt dead bodies etc.
Forensic Research | Forensic Congress | Psychiatry Conferences | Criminology Meetings | Psychology Conferences | Forensic Science Gathering | Forensic Chemistry |
Related Conferences: Conferences and Meetings on Digital Forensics; 12 Dec 2017 - 19 Dec 2017 , Washington DC, United States: International Conference on Electronic Security and Digital Forensics; Jun 28-29, 2018 London, United Kingdom: International Conference on Criminology and Digital Forensics; London, United Kingdom, October 19 - 20, 2017: International Conference on Digital Forensics, Cryptology and Security; January 22 - 23, 2018, Amsterdam: International Conference on Digital Forensics , January 3 - 5, 2018 New Delhi, India
Sessions 13 : Forensic Nursing
Forensic nursing is a specialty within the nursing field that allows medical care and the law to intersect. Forensic nurses may treat patients and individuals involved in crime and sexual assault incidents, as well as assist in evidence collection and death investigations. Forensic nurses play a major role for the critical resource for anti-violence efforts. They collect evidence and give testimony from the victims which can be used in a court of law to apprehend or prosecute perpetrators who commit violent and abusive acts
Forensic Research | Forensic Congress | Psychiatry Conferences | Criminology Meetings | Psychology Conferences | Forensic Science Gathering | Forensic Chemistry |
Related Conferences: DFIR Summit & Training on Digital Forensic May 23-24, 2018 Austin, TX; Techno Security & Digital Forensics Conference June 3-6, 2018, USA; Techno Security & Forensic Investigations Conference ,September 17-19, 2018, San Antonio, USA; The Stockholm Criminology Symposium , June 12–14, 2018, Stockholm; International Conference on Criminal Law, Criminology and Police Science June 25 - 26, 2018, Paris, France :International Symposium of the World Society of Victimology, 10-14 June, 2018, Hong Kong, China
Sessions 14 : Forensic Psychiatry
It is the branch of medical science which deals with the study, diagnosis, treatment, prevention of mental illness and behavioral disorders. Forensic psychiatry practionars should practice according to the guidelines and ethical principle. It will be interesting to know the extent of dimensions as well as the influence of one system on the other, their respective roles and professional sensitivity. The forensic psychiatrist has to offer his professional expertise to the criminal justice system, whenever required, for decision making in the greater interest of the society. While offering his expert services he has to keep in mind that he has to be objective, honest and impartial so that full justice is done in the interest of the society.
Forensic Research | Forensic Congress | Psychiatry Conferences | Criminology Meetings | Psychology Conferences | Forensic Science Gathering | Forensic Chemistry |
Related Conferences: Conferences and Meetings on Digital Forensics; 12 Dec 2017 - 19 Dec 2017 , Washington DC, United States: International Conference on Electronic Security and Digital Forensics; Jun 28-29, 2018 London, United Kingdom: International Conference on Criminology and Digital Forensics; London, United Kingdom, October 19 - 20, 2017: International Conference on Digital Forensics, Cryptology and Security; January 22 - 23, 2018, Amsterdam: International Conference on Digital Forensics , January 3 - 5, 2018 New Delhi, India
Sessions 15: Forensic Anthropology
Forensic anthropology means study of Criminal Investigations for the applications of Anthropology. Several methods & concepts were included from biological anthropology i.e. study of the physical features of humanity. Forensic Anthropology is a main part for identifying unknown things. Anthropologists assist in recognition firstly by building a biological profile. This includes estimating sex, age, ancestry and stature, by identifying specific characteristics like injuries or diseases. In addition to helping identify human remains, the anthropologist analyzes injuries that happened around the time of a person's death, which helps to determine how a person died.
Forensic Research | Forensic Congress | Psychiatry Conferences | Criminology Meetings | Psychology Conferences | Forensic Science Gathering | Forensic Chemistry |
Related Conferences: DFIR Summit & Training on Digital Forensic May 23-24, 2018 Austin, TX ; Techno Security & Digital Forensics Conference June 3-6, 2018, USA; Techno Security & Forensic Investigations Conference ,September 17-19, 2018, San Antonio, USA; The Stockholm Criminology Symposium, June 12–14, 2018, Stockholm; International Conference on Criminal Law, Criminology and Police Science June 25 - 26, 2018, Paris, France :International Symposium of the World Society of Victimology, 10-14 June, 2018, Hong Kong, China
Market Analysis
With the extraordinary growth of internet in the last decade computer crimes has increased a lot. The global forensic research and technologies market is developing rapidly due to high growth rate of crime across the world. Technology development in forensic approach by increasing the number of forensic labs. DNA testing has shown major capability in solving the crime cases. Major players in forensic technologies market are extensively focusing on the latest innovations and development of new digital forensic techniques to counter and extract the evidences from computer crimes. Recovery of deleted data has been a major challenge for crime investigations. However, with the advance digital forensic techniques it has been viable to extract and analyze lost documents and data. As per Japanis market examination by 2018 the estimation of scientific items and administrations will be about $15billion USD on legal items, $1.69 billion USD on DNA tests, $1.17 dollar USD on finger print investigation and $2.27 billion USD on other criminological procedures.
Global Universities Offering Forensic Research:
Major Forensic Research societies around the Globe
The main use of forensic research is for purposes of law enforcement to investigate crimes such as murder, theft, or fraud. The techniques developed by forensic science are also used by the army to analyze the possibility of the presence of chemical weapons, high explosives or to test for propellant stabilizers. As technology and science have evolved with time, more and new methodologies and practices in law realm have been established.
Professor, University of Liverpool
Assistant Professor, Lovely Professional University
Managing Director, Cyber Security Training Company Limited
Hong Kong
Directorate of Forensic Science Laboratories
Professor, Kaohsiung Medical University
Associate Professor, Huazhong University of Science & Technology
Amity University
Senior Scientific Officer & Assistant Chemical Examiner to the Government of India
University of Johannesburg
South Africa
University of Johannesburg
South Africa
Associated Professor,
Osaka University School of Medicine