We welcome all the enthusiastic researchers from all around the world to join us for the “World Conference on Food Science and Food Safety” which is going to be held on August 22-23, 2022 at Singapore City, Singapore. The summit will move forward with the theme “Food Safety Assurance, Risk Analysis and Regulation". This conference is a global platform for professors, deans, academic researchers, researchers, doctors, young scientists, students, delegates, and health professionals in food safety and quality.
Food Science 2022 is comprised to offer comprehensive sessions that address current issues in the field of food safety, i.e. Food Safety in Covid-19 outbreak, Good Manufacturing Practices and Preservation, Food Sustainability, Food in Human Health and Wellbeing, Biotechnological Applications in Food Technology, Agricultural Economics & Agribusiness, Food and Resource Economics, Probiotics and Prebiotics, Obesity, Diabetes & Endocrinology, Food Toxicology and Food borne Diseases, Food Borne Infections and Diseases.
Food Science & Safety 2022 is aimed the World's leading technical Conferences. The two days event on Food Science & Safety will host 20+ Scientific and technical sessions and sub-sessions on leading and latest research transformation related to the field, covering the globe. Food Science & Safety 2022 will comprise of 11 major sessions designed to offer comprehensive sessions that discourse current topics in the field.
The attendees can find exclusive sessions and panel discussions on the latest innovations in Food Technology by:
Session1: Food Sustainability
The global food system makes a significant contribution to climate changing greenhouse gas emissions with all stages in the supply chain, from agricultural production through processing, distribution, retailing, home food preparation and waste, playing a part. It also gives rise to other major environmental impacts, including biodiversity loss and water extraction and pollution. Policy makers are increasingly aware of the need to address these concerns, but at the same time they are faced with a growing burden of food security and nutrition-related problems, and tasked with ensuring that there is enough food to meet the needs of a growing global population.
Session2: Food in Human Health and Wellbeing
We eat food in order to sustain our lives. Food is any material eaten to give nutrition to organisms. Food is generally of animal, plant or fungi origin, and has necessary nutrients, including vitamins, proteins, carbohydrates, and fats. The five major food groups are protein-containing foods, carbohydrates, vegetable foods, fruits, and oils. Food provides energy and other nutrients for living and can therefore be classified into physiological and nutritional domains. Nutrition refers to the processes involved to bring about a normal process by which the nutrition of the food is brought into the body. Nutrient absorption and transport involve the assimilation and utilization of food as well as disposal through the action of hormones and enzymes.
Session3: Food Politics, Policies, and Futures
Food Security both at the national and the household level. Since its emergence, it has passed through several phases, the latest one starting in 1991 when India introduced a Structural Adjustment Programme. From a social constructivist perspective, this article aims at understanding (a) the most important features of this system in the various phases of its history, (b) the social processes that led to the emergence and subsequent development of distribution policy and (c) the various functions PDS has served in the course of its history. It concludes that in the most recent era, there are two contradictory tendencies (one coming from economic rationalization, the other from populist politics) which push and pull the PDS in different directions. The latter tendency is so strong that a drastic curtailment of the food distribution Programme is unlikely, despite the pleas made by those favoring cutting down subsidies and reducing the responsibility of the state.
Session4: Food and Resource Economics
Food and Resource Economics Through curriculum and experiential learning, students develop the skills to analyze complex situations such as the allocation of natural resources to meet the needs of people in local, state, national, and global communities. Food And Resource Economics combines economics, policy and business as understood from an agriculture, food, natural resources and environmental perspective.
Session5: Food Safety and Standards
Food Safety standards and requirements are set out at the national level in the Food Standards Code, and brought into force in each state and territory by state-based Acts and Regulations. Legislation means that people responsible for selling or serving unsafe food may be liable for heavy fines.
Session6: Agricultural Economics & Agribusiness
Agricultural Economics is an applied field of economics concerned with the application of economic theory in optimizing farm production and agribusiness systems. Agricultural economics began as a branch of economics that specifically dealt with land usage, it focused on maximizing the crop yield while maintaining a good soil ecosystem. Throughout the 20th century the discipline expanded and the current scope of the discipline is much broader. Agricultural economics today includes a variety of applied areas, having considerable overlap with conventional economics.
Session7: Probiotics and Prebiotics
Prebiotics and Probiotics is a concise, well-written and easily readable guide to two important nutritional components that can have a markedly beneficial effect on human health, particularly that of the digestive tract and the immune system. The delicate balance in the numbers and types of intestinal bacteria that should exist in healthy people can be disrupted by several factors, including poor diet, natural aging, stress and antibiotic therapy.
Session8: Nutritional Genomics
Nutritional Genomics, also known as nutrigenomics, is a science studying the relationship between human genome, nutrition and health. People in the field work toward developing an understanding of how the whole body responds to a food via systems biology, as well as single gene/single food compound relationships. Nutritional genomics or Nutrigenomics is the relation between food and inherited genes.
Session9: Obesity, Diabetes & Endocrinology
Overweight and Obesity have increased rapidly in the past four decades, and the latest national prevalence estimates for 2015–19, based on Chinese criteria, were 6·8% for overweight and 3·6% for obesity in children younger than 6 years, 11·1% for overweight and 7·9% for obesity in children and adolescents aged 6–17 years, and 34·3% for overweight and 16·4% for obesity in adults (≥18 years). Prevalence differed by sex, age group, and geographical location, but was substantial in all subpopulations. Strong evidence from prospective cohort studies has linked overweight and obesity to increased risks of major non-communicable diseases and premature mortality in Chinese populations. The growing burden of overweight and obesity could be driven by economic developments, sociocultural norms, and policies that have shaped individual-level risk factors for obesity through urbanization, urban planning and built environments, and food systems and environments.
Session10: Food Borne Infections and Diseases
There are several bacteria that cause common food borne diseases associated with various food, we consume every day. In this context, a list of the foodborne disease has been discussed along with the associated infectious bacteria and foods they found. This list of the food borne disease makes you understand the symptoms of food poisoning, foods, hygiene, and bacteria. Ethnic foods are getting widespread worldwide. Notwithstanding, food borne outbreaks and food remembers because of the contamination of those foods with unhealthful agents, toxins, unacknowledged allergens, and unsafe chemical compounds area unit increasing in recent years at the side of their growing quality.
Session11: Dietary Supplements and Functional Foods
Functional foods are defined as products that resemble traditional foods but possess demonstrated physiological benefits. However, Nutraceuticals are commodities derived from foods but are used in the medicinal form of pills, capsules or liquids and again render demonstrated physiological benefits. Good nutrition is an important part of leading a healthy lifestyle. Combined with physical activity, your diet can help you to reach and maintains a healthy weight, reduce your risk of chronic diseases (like heart disease and cancer) and promote your overall health.
Session12: Food Sciences and Chemistry
Food Science is a multi-disciplinary field involving chemistry, biochemistry, nutrition, microbiology and engineering to give one the scientific knowledge to solve real problems associated with the many facets of the food system. To provide sufficient food of good quality during other times of the year as well, a variety of techniques were developed to extend shelf life: Drying, salting, smoking and, later, cooling and freezing. While most of these preservation techniques are centuries old and low-tech, advanced technological progress has considerably expanded them over the last half century.
Session 13: Microbial Aspects of Food Safety
Microbiological hazards are one of the most significant causes of food poisoning. Initially these methods were applied to extend the shelf life of foods, and over time an understanding emerged that many of these methods had the effect of making food safer for human consumption. To provide sufficient food of good quality during other times of the year as well, a variety of techniques were developed to extend shelf life: Drying, salting, smoking and, later, cooling and freezing. While most of these preservation techniques are centuries old and low-tech, advanced technological progress has considerably expanded them over the last half century.
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World Conference on Food Science & Food Safety
August 22-23, 2022 | Singapore City, Singapore
Young Scientist Awards at Food Science & Food Safety for the Best researches in Food Science and Food Safety Meetings International is announcing the Young Scientist Awards through the World Congress on Food Science & Food Safety (Food Science 2022) which is scheduled in Singapore, Singapore City during August 22-23,2022. This Food Conference focuses on Innovative Approach and Recent Developments in Food Science & Food Safety
Food Science & Food Safety Conference and upcoming conferences will recognize participants who have significantly added value to the scientific community of environmental science and provide them outstanding Young Scientist Awards. The Young Scientist Award will provide a strong professional development opportunity for young researchers by meeting experts to exchange and share their experiences at our International conferences.
Food Science 2022 is comprised to offer comprehensive sessions that address current issues in the field of food safety, i.e. Food Safety in Covid-19 outbreak, Good Manufacturing Practices and Preservation, Food Sustainability, Food in Human Health and Wellbeing, Biotechnological Applications in Food Technology, Agricultural Economics & Agribusiness, Food and Resource Economics, Probiotics and Prebiotics, Obesity, Diabetes & Endocrinology, Food Toxicology and Food borne Diseases, Food Borne Infections and Diseases.
Conditions of Acceptance:
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1.https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Forensic Chemistry and Toxicology
2.https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Forensic Odontology
3.https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Top Global Universities/In Hong Kong ,China
4.https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Forensic Nursing
5.https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Forensic DNA Analysis
Global “Food Technology & Food Beverages 2022” report implement in-depth research of the industry with a focus on the current market trends future prospects. The Global Food Safety Testing market report aims to provide an overview of Food Safety Testing Market players with detailed market segmentation by product, application and geographical region. It also provides market share and size, revenue forecast, growth opportunity. The most recent trending report Worldwide Food Safety Testing Economy by Manufacturers, Regions, kind and application, forecast to 2024 provided by Market Reports World is an educational study covering the marketplace with detailed analysis.
The food safety testing market analysis considers sales from meat and poultry, fruits and vegetables, processed foods, dairy, and other applications. Our report also provides a detailed analysis of the market in Asia, Europe, North America, and ROW. In 2020, the meat and poultry segment had a significant market share, and this trend is expected to continue over the forecast period. Frequent recalls and safety issues make meat and poultry as one of the highest-risk categories which necessitates food safety testing. This factor will play a significant role in the meat and poultry segment to maintain its market position. Also, our global food safety testing market report looks at factors such as increase in the involvement of government agencies, growing importance of food safety standards, and rising demand for analytical instruments in food and beverage industries. However, lack of infrastructure and underutilization of resources in developing countries, challenges with changing food regulations, and issues related to sample collection may hamper the growth of the food safety testing industry over the forecast period.
The global Food Safety Testing market is valued at xx million US$ in 2020 and will reach xx million US$ by the end of 2024, growing at a CAGR of 7.5% during 2020-2024. The objectives of this study are to define, segment, and project the size of the Food Safety Testing market based on company, product type, end-user, and key regions.
Research Centres
In many countries, including some of the more populous ones, the relative prevalence of undernourishment will decline significantly with this approach. Fewer countries than at present will have high levels of undernourishment, none of them in the most populous class. The problem of undernourishment will tend to become lesser in terms of both absolute numbers affected and, even more, in relative terms, hence it will become more tractable through policy interventions, both national and international. Now that you have all the information you need on eating healthy, the most important action step you can do is to maintain this lifestyle choice as much as possible. Post intents when you need motivation from others. Keep a diary of your food choices on your blog or journal. Talk to other people when you are feeling tempted to indulge in unhealthy desserts.
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