8th International Conference on Food Safety, Quality & Policy will be held during October 21-22, 2019 at London, UK. Food Safety Conference will focus on the theme “Healthy Food and Hygienics for an Opulent Future”. It is a worldwide pioneer in creating astounding meetings, gatherings, workshops and symposia in every single real field of science, innovation and prescription. Food Safety Conference is intended to accumulate driving judgment skills to a stage on Food Innovation and its encouragement. It is the exceptional guide to pass on all-inclusive eminent colleges in the bureau of nourishment science and innovation, researchers, theoretical scientists, sustenance analysts, researchers and so forth.
Food Safety is a general term referred to reduce the risk of individuals becoming sick from foodborne illness through managed handling, preparation and storage of food. Each and every food establishment uses processes and sells food in different ways. The main aim of food safety is to prevent the food from contamination.
Keywords Food Conference | Food Conference 2019 | Food Safety Conferences | Food Safety Conferences 2019 | Food and Hygiene Conferences | Food Safety and Policy Conferences | Food Safety and Quality Conferences | Food Safety Event | Food Security | Food Safety
Session on Food Preservation, Quality Standard and Food Management Systems
Food preservation on the other hand is primarily aiming at minimizing post harvest losses of food while improving the shelf-life and value addition. As food safety concerns started to surface with food borne illnesses, food safety management systems slowly evolved and developed to today's sophisticated levels. Food quality standards have benchmarked the required level of food quality parameters, linking the safety management systems to the desired quality. Considering the significance of quality standards and food management system food safety meetings maintains the food safety and security. Abstracts are invited from the research outputs from these areas.
Keywords Food Safety Conferences | Food Conference | Food Conference 2019 | Food Safety Conferences 2019 | Food and Hygiene Conferences | Food Safety and Policy Conferences | Food Safety and Quality Conferences | Food Safety Event | Food Security | Food Safety
Foodborne illness or diseases are caused by the consumption of contaminated, adulterated, toxic produced food products. Foodborne diseases can be lethal. Almost 1 in 10 people fall ill per year (approximately 600 million) and 420,000 lives lost per year due to foodborne diseases out of which 30% are children below 5 years of age. In European regions, more than 23 million people fall ill from unsafe food per year out of which 3 million are less than 5 years of age and leads to a mortality rate of 5000.
Keywords Food Safety and Quality Conferences | Food Safety Event | Food Security | Food Safety | Food Conference | Food Conference 2019 | Food Safety Conferences | Food Safety Conferences 2019 | Food and Hygiene Conferences | Food Safety and Policy Conferences
Food toxicology is a branch of science which includes the nature, causes, effects and detection of toxic substances in the food. Some of the major effects includes food allergy, food intolerance, foodborne diseases and infections. It can be caused by foreign food-borne pathogens, toxic chemicals or pesticides present in our food, chemical reactions due to the presence of some particular ingredient or improper handling during the production process. It is difficult to differentiate between food allergy and intolerance.
Keywords Food and Hygiene Conferences | Food Safety and Policy Conferences | Food Conference | Food Conference 2019 | Food Safety Conferences | Food Safety Conferences 2019 | Food Safety and Quality Conferences | Food Safety Event | Food Security | Food Safety
Session on Genetically Modified Food
Genetically modified foods or Bio-engineered foods are food products induced with the genetic material of specific micro-organisms to obtain the desired characteristics in the food products. This process is done through various techniques of genetic engineering and vector biology. There are various economical, ethical, political, social, environmental and health issues related to the use of Genetically modified food products in industrial scale.
Keywords Food Safety Conferences | Food Safety Conferences 2019 | Food Conference | Food Conference 2019 | Food and Hygiene Conferences | Food Safety and Policy Conferences | Food Safety and Quality Conferences | Food Safety Event | Food Security | Food Safety
Food adulteration is the process of adding other substances in the food products to enhance its quantity or appearance which may result in the deterioration of the quality of the products. Adulterants are the external substances mixed with the food products to increase its quantity.
Keywords Food Safety and Policy Conferences | Food Safety and Quality Conferences | Food Safety Event | Food Conference | Food Conference 2019 | Food Safety Conferences | Food Safety Conferences 2019 | Food and Hygiene Conferences | Food Security | Food Safety
Food Microbiology is the study of micro-organisms present in our food. Some of the microbes helps in the production of food products while others tend to contaminate them, thus causing food spoilage. The study of Food Microbiology is important because it affects the techniques used for food safety, food production and storage. Strains of Bacteria and yeast are used for food production techniques of products such as cheese, yogurt, wine, soy sauce and many more.
Keywords Food Safety Conferences 2019 | Food Conference | Food Conference 2019 | Food Safety Conferences | Food and Hygiene Conferences | Food Safety and Policy Conferences | Food Safety and Quality Conferences | Food Safety Event | Food Security | Food Safety
Session on Nutrition and Food Safety
Nutrition is the process of obtaining necessary nutrients and nourishment for the maintenance of our health and growth of our body. Lack of proper nutrition may cause various diseases and health problems. The lack of proper nutrition leads to malnutrition. Various parts of the world suffer from this condition due to the lack of healthy and safe food. Approximately one billion people are suffering from hunger. Food and Nutrition security is all about ensuring that everyone gets adequate, affordable and nutritious food.
Keywords Food Conference | Food Conference 2019 | Food Safety Conferences | Food Safety Conferences 2019 | Food and Hygiene Conferences | Food Safety and Policy Conferences | Food Safety and Quality Conferences | Food Safety Event | Food Security | Food Safety
Session on Paediatric Nutrition and Food Safety
Paediatric nutrition is defined as the upkeep of a well-balance diet consisting of the essential nutrients and also the adequate caloric consumption that is needed to trigger evolution and withstand the physiological requirements at the various phases of a child’s growth. It conjointly includes nutritional necessities in infants and children. Because of deficiency of nutrition notably throughout the crucial ages of growth causes improper development of major illness, like anaemia, due to the deficiency of iron or scurvy due to lack of Vitamin C. Nutrition plays a crucial role in a childhood development process. Proper nutrition and food safety help in the appropriate growth and development of children allowing them to achieve their complete potential.
Paediatric Nutrition
Conservation techniques of Human Milk
Food safety for Children
Keywords Food Safety and Quality Conferences | Food Safety Event | Food Conference | Food Conference 2019 | Food Safety Conferences | Food Safety Conferences 2019 | Food and Hygiene Conferences | Food Safety and Policy Conferences | Food Security | Food Safety
Session on Global Food Security
Global Food Security is a universal concern. Food being one of the basic needs of humans is essential in every region of the world. Food security is required right from the origin of the food to its packaging. It consists of food additives, food labelling, food hygiene and the guidelines for food production or manufacturing and import or export of the food products. Food security can be developed by Governmental inspection and policy reforms.
Food Defence
Food safety and Climate change
Food safety and Urbanization
Keywords Food Safety Conferences 2019 | Food and Hygiene Conferences | Food Safety and Policy Conferences | Food Safety and Quality Conferences | Food Safety Event | Food Security | Food Safety | Food Conference | Food Conference 2019 | Food Safety Conferences
Maintenance of Hygiene and Sanitation in Poultry rearing farms is a very important issue. It directly affects the end products we are consuming. Proper measures or actions can prevent the spreading of diseases and will also help to improve the production both by quantity and quality.
Keywords Food Conference | Food Conference 2019 | Food Safety Conferences | Food Safety Conferences 2019 | Food and Hygiene Conferences | Food Safety and Policy Conferences | Food Safety and Quality Conferences | Food Safety Event | Food Security | Food Safety
Session on Meat Product Hygiene
Processed meat are meat products containing more than 300 g/kg meat mixed with other ingredients. The products go through various processes such as slicing, dicing, boning, mincing and freezing. Some of the processed meat products are sausages, nuggets, salamis, pepperoni, bacon and many more.
HACCP Application
FSP Requirements
Control of Chemicals
Pest Control
Maintenance of Microbiological Contamination
Measuring devices and Calibration
Keywords Food Conference 2019 | Food Safety Conferences | Food Conference | Food Safety Conferences 2019 | Food and Hygiene Conferences | Food Safety and Policy Conferences | Food Safety and Quality Conferences | Food Safety Event | Food Security | Food Safety
Market Analysis of the Global Food Consumption
With the increasing population, the global food demand is also increasing day by day. Food is a basic amenity required by each and every one. With the elevation in the demand of food products, the maintenance in it's quality seems to be ignored. By the year 2030, the global food demand is expected to rise by 35%. Though the leading companies are working hard to cope up with the rising demand with the use of modern technologies, it is difficult to maintain an equilibrium between the food quality and its price. We can witness that the consumption of food has consistently increased in a global level. The food and beverage industry are growing globally at a rate of 3.5% per year.
Top Universities for Safety in Europe:
Top Universities for Safety in Asia :
Top Universities for Safety in USA :
Food Safety Associations in the World
International Association for Food Protection; Association of Food Industries; Food Safety Associations; Food and Beverage Trade Associations; International Association of Engineering and Food; Food products Association; American Public Health Association; National Environmental Health Association; Food and Drink Federation; Food Trade Association; American Society of Quality;
Food Safety and Hygiene Associations in Europe
European Food Safety Authority; European Association for Food Safety; Food Standards Agency; Brewing, Food & Beverage Industry Suppliers Association; Northern Ireland Food & Drink Association;
The Coca-Cola Co., Groupe Danone S.A, General Mills Inc., Kellog Co., Mars, Inc., Mondelez International, Inc., Nestle S.A, PepsiCo Inc.
A.Moskel AG, Associated British Foods PLC,Baxters Food Group,BCS Group,Borges, S.A., Campina,Dairy Crest Group, Danish Crown Group, Perkins Foods Group, Unilever N.V, Youngs’s Bluecrest Seafood Ltd., Tulip Food Company
In numerous nations, including a portion of the more crowded ones, the relative predominance of undernourishment will decrease essentially with this approach. Less nations than at present will have elevated amounts of undernourishment, none of them in the most crowded class. The issue of undernourishment will have a tendency to end up plainly lesser as far as both supreme numbers influenced and considerably more, in relative terms, subsequently it will turn out to be more tractable through arrangement mediations in both national and international. Now that you have all the data you require on eating healthy, the most vital activity step you can do is to keep up this direction for living however much as could be expected. Post purposes when you require inspiration from others. Keep a journal of your sustenance decisions on your blog or diary. Converse with other individuals when you are feeling enticed to enjoy undesirable pastries.