We are delighted to announce 14th International Conference on Food Microbiology with the theme “Innovation and Advancement in Food Safety Research”is going to be held in Dubai, UAE on November 23-24, 2023. This conference provides a global platform in exchanging ideas and it aims to provide the right stage to present stimulating keynote talks, plenary sessions, poster presentations, young researcher’s forum, video presentations, and workshops.
This meeting gives the participants an extraordinary chance to share their groundbreaking thoughts and propelling innovations that can be utilized in the field of Food Microbiology and Food Technology. This is the most obvious opportunity to get the hands together with individuals from the Food Microbiology affiliations, Food Biotechnology Organizations, Food Microbiology Societies, and Food Science Academicians.
SESSION 1: Food Microbiology
This meeting gives the participants an extraordinary chance to share their groundbreaking thoughts and propelling innovations that can be utilized in the field of Food Microbiology and Food Technology. This is the most obvious opportunity to get the hands together with individuals from the Food Microbiology affiliations, Food Biotechnology Organizations, Food Microbiology Societies, and Food Science Academicians.
Food Microbiology conference 2023 | Food Nanotechnology Congress | Food Biotechnology Meeting | Food Safety Conference | Food Microorganism.
SESSION 2: Food Toxicology
Food toxicology manages how normal or manufactured toxins and poisons in different food items cause hurtful, impeding, or antagonistic aftereffects in living creatures. Food Toxicology safeguards different parts of food handling and toxicology, including the investigation of the nature, properties, impacts, and recognition of harmful substances in food and their illness appearances in people.
Food Microbiology conference 2023 | Food Nanotechnology Congress | Food Biotechnology Meeting | Food Safety Conference | Food Microorganism.
SESSION 3: Microbial science of Food Fermentations
Fermentation Technology is determined as the metabolic process which involves the usage of microorganisms and enzymes for the production of compounds that have application in the pharmaceutical, chemical, and food industries. Fermentation occurs in certain types of anaerobic bacteria, fungi, and yeast and leads to contamination or spoilage of food. The process of fermentation is important to the food and beverage industries because excess heat and improper cooking can lead to the generation of harmful toxins.
Food Microbiology conference 2023 | Food Nanotechnology Congress | Food Biotechnology Meeting | Food Safety Conference | Food Microorganism.
SESSION 4: Latest things and Research in Nutrition and Food Science
Food Science helps in the arrangement of sustenance things from the unrefined components of rustic regions that are adequate for human use. A Food Scientist can change over these stomach materials into the secured, engaging sustenance things and beverages open on our supermarket racks. Current Research in Food Science is an international peer reviewed journal devoted to publishing original research and short communications resulting from research in food chemistry, physics, microbiology, nutrition and nutraceuticals, process and package engineering, materials science, food sustainability.
Food Microbiology conference 2023 | Food Nanotechnology Congress | Food Biotechnology Meeting | Food Safety Conference | Food Microorganism.
SESSION 5: Food Nanotechnology
Food Nanotechnology is the interaction or gathering of each and every molecule, particle, and nuclear bundles into designs to convey materials with different properties. Different nanomaterials are framed that make a variety in food taste, food handling, and clinical benefits. Nanotechnology in the development of food packaging has been discussed. Organic, inorganic, and combined nanoparticles are used to prepare improved active and intelligent food packaging.
Food Microbiology conference 2023 | Food Nanotechnology Congress | Food Biotechnology Meeting | Food Safety Conference | Food Microorganism.
SESSION 6: Food Processing and Packaging Technologies
Food handling is the difference in rough fixings into food or various structures by physical or manufactured strategies. Food handling consolidates rough food fixings to frame attractive food things that the customer can without much of a stretch get ready and serve. Food processing is the conversion of raw ingredients into food or into other forms by physical or chemical means. Technologies which are already found in the food industry or related sector are High pressure processing , pulsed electric fields, ultrasound , and cold plasma.
Food Microbiology conference 2023 | Food Nanotechnology Congress | Food Biotechnology Meeting | Food Safety Conference | Food Microorganism.
SESSION 7: Foodborne Infections and Diseases
Foodborne contaminations, typically called food contamination/sustenance hurting, are brought about by eating or drinking food or water tainted by organisms or the poisons created by the microorganisms. They by and large reason gastrointestinal side effects like spewing, looseness of the bowels, sickness, and stomach torment. Foodborne illness (food poisoning) is caused by consuming contaminated food, beverages, or water and can be a variety of bacteria, parasites, viruses and/or toxins.
Food Microbiology conference 2023 | Food Nanotechnology Congress | Food Biotechnology Meeting | Food Safety Conference | Food Microorganism.
SESSION 8: Single Cell Protein
Single-cell proteins (SCP) are the dried cells of microorganisms, which are used as protein supplements in human sustenances or creature takes care of. Microorganisms like organisms, green growth, parasites, and yeast use restricted feedstock and squanders as wellsprings of energy for development to give biomass, amino acids, or protein concentrate. Since protein addresses the quantitatively significant.
Food Microbiology conference 2023 | Food Nanotechnology Congress | Food Biotechnology Meeting | Food Safety Conference | Food Microorganism.
SESSION 9: Human Health in Probiotics
Probiotics are live microbial societies that further develop the valuable stomach microflora to build up the overall strength of the host. it's a developing field inside the dairy food industry with significant development potential. Probiotic food supplements have uncovered amazing development in this field. Different microscopic organisms, yeast, and molds are frequently utilized as probiotics.
Food Microbiology conference 2023 | Food Nanotechnology Congress | Food Biotechnology Meeting | Food Safety Conference | Food Microorganism.
SESSION 10: Food Allergies
An awkward response by the invulnerable framework to specific food or parts of food is known as a food sensitivity. Normal side effects incorporate tingling, blushing, rashes, heaving, or even the runs. Albeit any food can set off an unfavorably susceptible response, milk, eggs, and nuts are the most widely recognized sources. Individuals oversensitive to specific food should ensure that they make up for lost time with the supplements by devouring options in their eating regimen.
Food Microbiology conference 2023 | Food Nanotechnology Congress | Food Biotechnology Meeting | Food Safety Conference | Food Microorganism.
Food Microbiology 2023 conference will focus on increasing challenges and their solutions, new concepts and approaches presented by different aspects of food microbiology from worldwide and nearby/territorial issues that are going to be faced in keeping the food hygiene and too food safety followed by the molecular approaches in all aspects of modern Food Microbiology.
Market report on Food Microbiology:
The U.S. market for Food Microbiology and staple added up to almost $56.4 billion of every 2014. This market is anticipated to approach $61.4 billion out of 2015 and $69.4 billion by 2020, enrolling a build yearly development rate (CAGR) of 2.5% through 2021.Prepared Food Market Size [2022-2028 ]to Reach USD 190.4 Billion a CAGR of 4.9%.
Food Safety:
The global Food Safety Testing and Technologies market is projected to reach USD 25490 million by 2028 from an estimated USD 19130 million in 2022, at a CAGR of 4.9% during 2023 and 2028. Food safety testing and its technology are the scientific analysis of food and its ingredients. This is done to provide information on various properties of the food, including structure, composition and physicochemical properties. The food safety testing and technology industry includes genetically modified food safety testing market, food pathogen testing market, meat form testing market, food authenticity testing market, pesticide residue testing market, mycotoxin testing market, allergen testing market, etc.
Food Market:
The global market value of ethically labelled packaged foods is projected to grow from 793.3 billion U.S. dollars in 2015 to 872.7 billion US dollars by 2022.
The future of the Food Market looks bright; the worldwide revenue for functional food is projected to increase from about 300 billion U.S. dollars in 2017 to over 440 billion dollars in 2022. At present, there is no universally accepted definition of functional foods. But, according to the International Food Information Council (IFIC), functional foods are “foods or food components that may provide benefits beyond basic nutrition”. Popular product types worldwide include vitamins and dietary supplements, functional beverages such as sport and energy drinks, as well as products fortified with probiotics.
Scope and Importance of Nutrition studies:
According to the estimates of the Nutrition Business the global nutrition and supplements market raised at US$96 billion as of 2013. A year later, it turned into nearly US$104 billion global. Going forward, the market is anticipated to reveal a CAGR between 6% and seven%. This charge of increase can be similar to that of advanced marketplace along with the US while growing markets along with Asia-Pacific will exhibit an uptick in boom charges. Sports drinks have blends of electrolytes (salts) that the body drops at some point of exertion and sweating, as well as nutrients, minerals, and overall performance-assisting herbs. Technavio’s studies analyst calculates the fitness supplement market in Malaysia to upward thrust at a CAGR of 8% throughout the projection length.
List of Food Associations/Societies:
• Federal Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Consumer Protection, Germany
• ISEKI Food Association, Austria
• Institute of Food Research, U.K
• Association of Food Science and Technology of Basque Country, Spain
• Belgian Association of Food Technology, Belgium
• Central Food Research Institute, India
• Centre for Advanced Food Studies, Denmark
• Czech Committee for Food Science and Technology, Czech Republic
• Food research Institute Albania, Albania
• German Federation of Food Science and Technology, Germany
• National Institute for Agriculture Research in Tunis,Tunisia
• Spanish Council for Scientific Research, Spain
• The Institute of Food Science and Technology of Ireland, Ireland
• Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs, U.K
• European Food Safety Authority, EU, Italy
• Food Standards Agency, U.K
List of Companies:
• Cargill,USA
• Nestle,India
• Archer Daniels Midland,USA
• PepsiCo Inc.,USA
• Kraft Foods Inc.USA
• The Coca-Cola Company,USA
• Anheuser-Busch InBev, Belgium
• Tyson Foods Inc., USA
• Unilever Plc/Unilever NV, U.K
• Mars Inc., USA
• SABMiller Plc, U.K
• Kirin Brewery Company Ltd, Japan
• Heineken N.V., The Netherlands
• Lactalis, France
• Asahi Breweries Ltd., Japan
• Associated British Food, U.K
• Diageo Plc, U.K
• Fonterra, New Zealand
• General Mills Inc., USA
• Kellogg Company, USA
• FrieslandCampina NV, The Netherlands
• Vion, The Netherlands
In the era of digital life, the value of Food microbiology is still key to a healthy life. Increasing prosperity has also taken a place in the deciding factors and triggered a health boom. As people are more and more aware of a healthy lifestyle it is evident that the health care sector will boom along with it and will help to create a prosperous world.
Food Microbiology Conference Committee is intended to honour prestigious award for talented Young researchers, scientists, Young Investigators, Post-Graduate students, Post-doctoral fellows, Trainees, Junior faculty in recognition of their outstanding contribution towards the conference theme. The Young Scientist Awards make every effort in providing a strong professional development opportunity for early career academicians by meeting experts to exchange and share their experiences on all aspects of Food Safety.
Young Research’s Awards at Food Microbiology-2023 for the Nomination: Young Researcher Forum - Outstanding Masters/Ph.D./Post Doctorate thesis work Presentation, only 25 presentations acceptable at the Food Microbiology 2023 young research forum.
Conditions of Acceptance:
To receive the award, the awardee must submit the presentation for which the award is given, for publication at the website, along with author permission. Failure to submit the PPT and permission within the designated timeframe will result in forfeiture of award.
Award Announcements:
Official announcement of the recipients will occur after the completion of this Food Microbiology-2023.
Important Dates:
Abstract Submission Start Date: September 20, 2023
Abstract Submission Last Date: November 20, 2023
Early Bird Registration Date: July 30, 2023
Important Links:
Mode of Participation:
Presentation Requirements:
Submission Options:
NOTE: YRF category includes short oral presentation especially for Ph. D. students
Extended abstract: Submissions should utilize the Abstract Template. Papers submitted in this category may represent original empirical research, theoretical development, reviews or critiques.
Contact Details:
Conference Manager: David Williams
Email: foodmicrobiology@scimeetings.com
Phone Number: +44-7482873756
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