Food and Nutrition Conference is delighted to invite all the participants from all over the world to attend the International Conference on European Food & Nutrition scheduled on October 25-26, 2018 in Vienna, Austria. This prestigious conference provides a global platform to the national & international scholars and researchers to voice their opinions on their finding research. The atmosphere is exciting with an open and friendly interaction between attendees and provides an opportunity to learn about current upcoming issues, development and interact with others with similar interests. It aims to influence unique mix of expert scientists, researchers, students from different parts of the globe. All noteworthy authors are advised to contribute to give a shape to the conference through submissions of their research abstracts, papers and e-posters. This conference aims to provide an aid for people to share, analyse and results about all features and laws of European Food and Nutrition.
Meetings International (Meetings Int.) is a global leader in producing high quality conferences, meetings, workshops and symposia in all major fields of science, technology and medicine. Since its inception Meetings Int. has been associated with national and international associations, corporations and high level individuals, dedicated to host world class conferences world class conferences and events. Meetings Int. supports broad scope research and peer review at a broad range of specialists around the world.
The key strategic objective of Meetings Int. is to communicate science and medical research between academia, and industry. Through inspiring sessions and tons of networking, you will learn to be even more audacious and bold than you are now and free to grow your mind, grow your business, and grow your bottom-line. We can relieve you of the time and resource draining elements of the events that you plan to hold. From planning to coordinating, start to finish; we will be there to ensure you take the accolades for yet another brilliant program.
The European Food and Nutrition Conference 2018 to be held at the “city of music” Vienna is the capital city of Austria. Vienna is known for having played an important part as a leading European music centre since Viennese Classicism to experience high quality of life style “City of dreams” must be visited. It is rich in architectural ensembles which including Baroque castles and gardens.
SESSION 1: Food, Nutrition and Health
The basic and foundational part of our lives is food. The people who eats whole food rich in nutrients enjoy their lives more, live longer and remain at reduced risk of death. It is necessary to maintain a healthy body weight and avoid suffering from chronic diseases like diabetes, heart diseases etc. It’s important to maintain the balance between food and nutrient to remain healthy. From a handful of foods, it is not possible to get all the nutrients. Thus eating handful a variety of foods will ensure that there is nothing lacking. Good dietary food and practising healthy eating habits will give more energy and feel better in overall. Hence Food and Nutrition Congress aims to show the importance to keep balance of Food and Nutrition for a healthy life.
European Food And Nutrition Conference | Food Congress Workshop | Food Science Meeting | World Nutrition Conference | European Food Laws | October Conference | Vienna Event | Meeting International
SESSION 2: Food Science
Food Science is the basic fundamental resource for public education and outreach and to address wrong information and misinterpretations misinformation about food processing. It includes a vast area of study which includes from the production to its processing to its marketing and finally consumption and its effect on health of the whole community to a particular individual. It is an appreciation for the complexity of the modern food supply. It is drawn from different disciplines like biochemistry, biology, chemical engineering to perceive the intended meaning of food process and finally make better food products for the general public. Thus this Food Congress targets to reach a huge community.
European Food And Nutrition Conference | Food Congress Workshop | Food Science Meeting | World Nutrition Conference | European Food Laws | October Conference | Vienna Event | Meeting International
Food Engineering involves several disciplines which include chemistry, microbiology, applied physical science and engineering of food in relation with industries. There are huge number of novel food engineering techniques already developed but in order to understand the products and operation in food industry chemistry, physics and mathematics is the fundamental factor. The application is not limited to few areas. In this Food and Nutrition Conference people from different stream of sciences will be able to point out their views.
European Food And Nutrition Conference | Food Congress Workshop | Food Science Meeting | World Nutrition Conference | European Food Laws | October Conference | Vienna Event | Meeting International
SESSION 4: Food Packaging
Food packaging is a broad spectrum which includes many parts which aims to make the food products safe, nutritious and wholesome. As the nutrition are essential for the humans to live a healthy life. The technology has increased its commercial value and with development, the grading system made a major impact on the preservation of food. The improvement of the food line according to government officials is done for the safety and betterment. The packaging must be right for the future consumption and no nutrient content must not be lost should be kept as the main concern.The food technology Engineers from all over the world can be a part of this Food Congress 2018.
European Food And Nutrition Conference | Food Congress Workshop | Food Science Meeting | World Nutrition Conference | European Food Laws | October Conference | Vienna Event | Meeting International
SESSION 5: Food Economy
Food Economy primary duty is to keep these issues in mind such as standard, quality, safety of consumer health. It is related to inextricable inter-connected with globalization. The changes in demand by public sector for proper nutrition to maintain proper health leads to effect in economy sector. The relationship between private companies and public sector leads to huge amount of revenue collection worldwide. There are multiple agreements, food services, entrepreneurship,food marketing officials who takes the responsibility for economic welfare and maintain the momentum. Hence this Food Conference will bring the relationship between the both sectors in a very positive way.
European Food And Nutrition Conference | Food Congress Workshop | Food Science Meeting | World Nutrition Conference | European Food Laws | October Conference | Vienna Event | Meeting International
SESSION 6: Nutrition and Obesity
The catabolism and metabolism of food in the body is nutrition. Nutrition is the interaction of nutrients and other substances in food in relation to maintain health, diseases, proper growth, and reproduction of different organisms. There should always be a proper balance of food and nutrition but anything excess will not be good for health. This International Nutritional Conference 2018 will emphasize on its importance on daily basis human life. Obesity in medical term means excess fat accumulates in the body which has the negative impact on the health. It is different from being over-weight. Body Mass Index (BMI) mainly defines it which is used in evaluation of fat distribution and total cardiovascular risk factors. Obesity happens only when food intake is more and also the nutrition amount in body is excess. Being overweight has some severe health consequences which include cardiovascular ailments, certain types of cancer, asthma, and in some cases death. According to a survey approximately 30% of the world population is either overweight or is fat. Thus proper food containing nutrition will reduce the obesity.
European Food And Nutrition Conference | Food Congress Workshop | Food Science Meeting | World Nutrition Conference | European Food Laws | October Conference | Vienna Event | Meeting International
SESSION 7: Malnutrition
Malnutrition is the condition which arises when an individual is eating a diet which lacks essential nutrients or has too much nutrients. Malnutrition may cause several health effects which includes gastroenteritis or chronic illness. Malnutrition is caused due to abnormal nutrient loss, which may occur due to helminthiasis, diarrhoea. In certain cases, malnutrition may be caused due to elevated energy expenditure (also known as secondary malnutrition ).Malnutrition is a major scenario in underdeveloped countries as in such countries most of the people are hungry. To eradicate this problem the Food and Nutrition Congress is organised where this problem will be discussed and can be solved.
European Food And Nutrition Conference | Food Congress Workshop | Food Science Meeting | World Nutrition Conference | European Food Laws | October Conference | Vienna Event | Meeting International
SESSION 8: Clinical Nutrition
Clinical Nutrition is an important part which the European Food laws keeps a check on as eating unhealthy food in excess leads to disorder or inadequate intake of food which in turn effects a person’s health. Eating habit of an individual may result in various chronic diseases, cardiovascular problems, obesity, cancer, etc. Therefore it is necessary to take an adequate and balanced amount of Food with nutrition and by doing so the above said disorders can be treated or minimized. According to an estimation done by National Eating Disorder Association, approximately 70 million people which include both male and female experience the ill effects of eating disorders. The trials are done in clinical industry to maintain the balance of proper Food and Nutrition.
European Food And Nutrition Conference | Food Congress Workshop | Food Science Meeting | World Nutrition Conference | European Food Laws | October Conference | Vienna Event | Meeting International
SESSION 9: Food Microbiology
Food microbiology involves the microorganisms that inhabit, create, or contaminate food, including the study of microorganisms causing food spoilage, pathogens that may cause disease especially if food is improperly cooked or stored, those used to produce fermented foods such as cheese, yogurt, bread, beer, and wine, and those with other useful roles such as producing probiotics.
Microbiological analysis is important to determine the safety and quality of food. For many years, detection and identification of microorganisms in foods, animal feaces, and environmental samples have relied on cultural techniques regarded as the "gold standard". Conventional methods are labour intensive, time consuming, and costly, and advances in these methods have been limited to the development of instruments such as the Stomacher or Pulsifier for sample processing, improved liquid and selective/differential agar media, instruments for plating and counting bacteria, and identification test kits.
Foodborne pathogens continue to cause major public health problems worldwide. These organisms are the leading causes of illness and death in less developed countries, killing approximately 1.8 million people annually. In developed countries Foodborne pathogens are responsible for millions of cases of infectious gastrointestinal diseases each year, costing billions of dollars in medical care and lost productivity. In addition, new Foodborne diseases are likely to emerge driven by factors such as pathogen evolution, changes in agricultural and food manufacturing practices, and changes to the human host status.
This Food Meeting 2018 will bring microbiologist also to be with other food tech engineers, dieticians, nutritionist to have a talk about how the microorganisms play a role in the food production or destruction.
European Food And Nutrition Conference | Food Congress Workshop | Food Science Meeting | World Nutrition Conference | European Food Laws | October Conference | Vienna Event | Meeting International
Quality Assurance comprises of that “part of quality management absorbed on providing confidence that quality requirements will be satisfied.” The confidence provided by quality assurance is double folded i.e. internally to management and externally to customers, government agencies, regulators, certifiers, and third parties. Quality assurance systems in the food industry are much wider in scope than quality control system. This includes the testing, inspection and keep, and monitoring activities of quality control programs. Food And Nutrition Congress also benefits and its additional activities that’s are devoted to prevention of food safety hazards and quality defects. So that the food processed contains the denoted amount of nutrition for leading the human healthy life.
European Food And Nutrition Conference | Food Congress Workshop | Food Science Meeting | World Nutrition Conference | European Food Laws | October Conference | Vienna Event | Meeting International
Nutrient supplements are the supplements that are usually termed as non-food items that are used to enhance the nutritional status. Supplements are not limited to vitamins, minerals and many more but are the supplements that are used along with a healthy diet but not to replace it. They are taken along with food containing nutrition as a support for the person who requires adequate amount of nutrition or those who lack some of the most important nutrition for proper and healthy balanced diet. Today’s supplements include vitamins, minerals, herbals and botanicals, amino acids, enzymes, and many other products. They come in different forms: traditional tablets, capsules, and powders, as well as drinks and energy bars and the famous supplements which include vitamins D and E, minerals like calcium and iron, and specialty products like glucosamine, probiotics, and fish oils.
The Nutraceuticals are the non-poisonous food that has technically recognized as a wellbeing user, in combination with disease medication or prevention.” including ailment therapy or prevention. Nutraceuticals depends mainly on the source. They are divided on the basis of their natural source, pharmacological conditions and chemical composition of the products. At utmost they are grouped in the categories like dietary supplements, functional food, vitamins and minerals, healing food and pharmaceuticals. Thus Food and Nutrition relation is kept in balance by nutrition supplements and nutraceuticals.
European Food And Nutrition Conference | Food Congress Workshop | Food Science Meeting | World Nutrition Conference | European Food Laws | October Conference | Vienna Event | Meeting International
Public health nutrition is the branch which includes the application of Food and Nutrition knowledge and research to improve the health of the whole population. Its emphasis on the upliftment of good health through nutrition and primary prevention of nutrition related illness in the population. It comprises of the most critical, social, behavioural Food and Nutrition related factors that effect the health. This finds the path so that design, implementation and evaluation of the whole programs will improve the Nutritional status of the population as a whole or in subgroups. It includes the study of Food and Nutrition related public policies which affect health in vulnerable population specifically. Here in this Nutrition Meeting 2018, this public health is the main concern.
European Food And Nutrition Conference | Food Congress Workshop | Food Science Meeting | World Nutrition Conference | European Food Laws | October Conference | Vienna Event | Meeting International
SESSION 13: Current Research In Food and Nutrition
The present research in Food and Nutrition focusses on the latest and the relatable studies in this field and same will be done in this Conference. It deals with the nutritional epidemiology and management, nutrition, food in security, probiotic nutrition, the safety about consumption of genetically modified food, nutrigenetics and nutrigenomics, novel techniques in food processing ,food engineering, importance of nutritional sciences in different treatments,nutrition analysis tools, software’s and nootropics. The boost of sequencing technologies and the speedy accumulation of genome facts provide an unheard of possibility to comprehensively characterize genetic versions in human populations and unravel the genetic foundation of human evolution. Now in Food and Nutrition 2018 it will give a platform to have views about the research that nutraceuticals play a vital role in cancer therapy which holds the promise that they're perfect active doctrines in opposition to cancer cells.
European Food And Nutrition Conference | Food Congress Workshop | Food Science Meeting | World Nutrition Conference | European Food Laws | October Conference | Vienna Event | Meeting International
SESSION 14: Food Safety Certificate
The Food safety certification is given only when the process of Food production, preservation is completed with the proper safety so that it contains proper amount of nutrients and other required substances for proper healthy growth and development of the body. When all the criteria are fulfilled then they are accredited with the food safety certificate. The original certificate is required to be maintained onsite at the facility. It is the duty of the certified food supervisor to ensure that all employees have sufficient knowledge and are well trained in food safety as it recounts to their assigned duties which are framed by FDA (Food and drug administration). This administration applies few rules and regulation on the food nutrition industry so any implementation or amendment to be done in this can be brought into highlight in Nutrition and Food Conference 2018 for the safety of human being.
European Food And Nutrition Conference | Food Congress Workshop | Food Science Meeting | World Nutrition Conference | European Food Laws | October Conference | Vienna Event | Meeting International
SESSION 15: European Food Standards
The people in Europe need to have access to the good and nutrition in balanced amount with highest standards. EFSA (European food safety authority) is an organization of scientific advice on the pre-existing and the developing risks that are associated with the food chain. The main concern of this organization is to cover the whole matters associated directly or indirectly with food safety with proper nutrition. EFSA connects to the general public directly and in a transparent manner about the Food and Nutrition intake in proper and balanced manner. Food Safety policies in Europe consists of different activities which are as follows:
-To guarantee effective control systems in the food safety and quality, nutrition within Europe and in other countries in which it has the relation of food exports to Europe
-To maintain global relations with other countries and global organizations which are related to food safety, welfare, nutrition, health.
Thus European Food And Nutrition Congress 2018 aims to provide a proper standard to the entire globe for the betterment, safety and a healthy life with proper nutrition in food.
European Food And Nutrition Conference | Food Congress Workshop | Food Science Meeting | World Nutrition Conference | European Food Laws | October Conference | Vienna Event | Meeting International
Food and Nutrition is a branch of science that depicts the interaction of nutrients and all other required substances in food in relationship to maintain growth, health, disease, reproduction of an organism. It includes a proper process of food intake and its effect on the body i.e food intake to absorption to assimilation and continues till excretion. There are different laws that are followed and it has to be continued to maintain proper standards. European Food law is one among them which is very famous.
Our aim is to provide the specialists in the field of Food and Nutrition and others who are involved with this field an opportunity to learn and share about the current issue, look at new advancement and their efficiency that will help to improve the health for the human species around the globe. The increasing awareness of the health benefits and nutritional value is to do as it is one the most integral part of a healthy life style.
The people across the globe focused on finding the new solution to the problems associated to Food and Nutrition and discuss concerning related to the advancement in Food and Nutrition, hence this is the best platform to meet the eminent personalities of Food and Nutrition industry. This particular scientific stage will allow the researchers, experts related to this field to showcase their work through presentations have a chance to gain knowledge about the current and upcoming situation and receive the name recognition at this 2-day event.
Food technologist, Microbiologist, Food safety officers, Nutritionists, Dietician ,Quality assurance officers, Scientists, Researchers, Biotechnologists, Mechanical Engineers , Food Engineers.
Food and Nutrition is a branch of science that depicts the interaction of nutrients and all other required substances in food in relationship to maintain growth, health, disease, reproduction of an organism. It includes a proper process of food intake and its effect on the body i.e food intake to absorption to assimilation and continues till excretion. There are different laws that are followed and it has to be continued to maintain proper standards. European Food law is one among them which is very famous.
Our aim is to provide the specialists in the field of Food and Nutrition and others who are involved with this field an opportunity to learn and share about the current issue, look at new advancement and their efficiency that will help to improve the health for the human species around the globe. The increasing awareness of the health benefits and nutritional value is to do as it is one the most integral part of a healthy life style.
The people across the globe focused on finding the new solution to the problems associated to Food and Nutrition and discuss concerning related to the advancement in Food and Nutrition, hence this is the best platform to meet the eminent personalities of Food and Nutrition industry. This particular scientific stage will allow the researchers, experts related to this field to showcase their work through presentations have a chance to gain knowledge about the current and upcoming situation and receive the name recognition at this 2-day event.
Food technologist, Microbiologist, Food safety officers, Nutritionists, Dietician ,Quality assurance officers, Scientists, Researchers, Biotechnologists, Mechanical Engineers , Food Engineers.
The key products of the nutrition market are for elderly nutrition, parenteral nutrition, pediatric nutrition and sports nutrition. By topography, the market has been partitioned into Asia Pacific, North America, Europe, and rest of the World. In earlier times nutrition products were restricted to tending to issues related to malnutrition; but now, due to development in the healthcare industry, a good market has developed for the nutrition industry throughout the world. These items are being utilized generally to treat illnesses like diabetes, obesity, cancer. The worldwide market for nutrition is anticipated develop at a moderate pace in the following couple of years, on account of open mindedness among buyers with respect to the benefits of nutritional supplements. The developing perception among people for living a healthy lifestyle and the rising rates of illnesses are the essential factors which have helped in growth of the nutrition market.
The popularity for nutritional supplements in North America has increased already as many of people suffering from chronic diseases. Europe and Asia Pacific will also witness significant development in the coming years attributable to the changing propensity of the people to spend an expanded amount on living a healthy life style. A large number of people in United States suffer from Obesity also the number of people suffering with diabetes, coronary illness has also increased, due to which the demand for Nutritionists and Dieticians has increased. The Nutrition sector has an optimistic future increased importance on disease prevention through improved eating regimen. In the last 10 years the global nutrition market has seen an exceptional spike. As per the appraisals of the Nutrition Business Journal report, the worldwide nutritional supplements market remained at US$96 billion in 2012. After a year, it was roughly US$104 billion. In the future the nutrition market will show a CAGR between 6%-7%.
Thus Food and Nutrition industry will improve day by day. The next uplift in Global nutrition market will be profits. The rate of development will not be only in the developed countries but also in the developing countries. The European Food and Nutrition Congress 2018 aims in rapid development of the food and nutrition industry.