"International Conference on Family Nursing" will be held during October 21-22, 2019 at London, UK. The Family Nursing is an influential forum for experts from across the globe to explore wide variety of issues of mutual concern as well as exchange knowledge, share evidence and ideas, and generate solutions. The main theme is “Explore Opportunities, Best Practices & Recent Developments in Family Nursing”. Family Nursing conference brings together individuals who have an interest in different fields of nursing like Critical Care Nursing, Emergency Nursing, Geriatric Nursing, Clinical Nursing, Forensic Nursing, Pediatric Nursing, Cardiac Nursing, Dental Nursing, Palliative Care, Perioperative Nursing, Orthopedic Nursing, Gynecology & Obstetrical Nursing, Women Health Nursing, Oncology Nursing, Nursing Informatics, Telenursing, Psychiatric and Mental Health, Urology Nursing, Maternal-Child Nursing and Adult Medical-Surgical Nursing, Public health, Healthcare and Medicine from Practice, Research, Education. When you attend, you connect with leaders and colleagues in the family nursing community.
The Family Nursing 2018 Committee is pleased to announce that they are currently accepting proposals for Symposia and Workshops
Target Audience:
Leading world doctors, Registered nurses, Professors, Research fellows Advanced Practice Nurses, Physician Assistants, Pharmacists, Physicians, and Professionals who are seeking updated information for providers caring for patient in primary, ambulatory and urgent care settings. Staff Nurses, Nurse Manager, Educator/Instructor Societies, Universities, companies and medical research institutions, hospitals sharing their novel researches in the arena of Nursing, Healthcare & Medicine.
Scope and Importance:
International Conference on Family Nursing is unique forum to bring to gether worldwide distinguished academics in the field of nursing and healthcare, public health professionals, nurse educators, researchers, nurse managers, physicians, pediatricians and healthcare professionals provides the ideal environment to disseminate and gain current knowledge in the area of family nursing. Nurses and other healthcare professionals will have the opportunity to network with colleagues and exhibitors; discuss best practice research, safety-related outcomes, competencies, and challenges.
This is an excellent opportunity to share your best practice initiative, research project, or provide continuing education as it relates current issues. The conference offers participants breakout sessions highlighting clinical projects, education, and research studies. Nursing is among the fastest-growing fields, and it has a robust job market, which makes it very attractive to people in search of a new or first career. In the U.S., there is an abundance of exceptional nursing programs available, both online and traditional.
Track 1: Nursing Education and Research
Nursing education consists in the theatrical and practical training provided to nurses with the purpose to prepare them for their duties as nursing care professionals. This education is provided to nursing students by experienced nurses and other medical professionals who have qualified or experienced for educational tasks. Most countries offer nurse education courses that can be relevant to general nursing or to specialized areas including mental health nursing, pediatric nursing and post-operatory nursing. Nurse education also provides post-qualification courses in specialist subjects within nursing. Techniques for reflecting nursing practices are the capacity to reflect on action so as to engage in a process of continuous learning. According to one definition it involves "paying critical attention to the practical values and theories which inform everyday actions, by examining practice reflectively and reflexively. Reflective practice can be an important tool in practice-based professional learning settings where people learn from their own professional experiences, rather than from formal learning or knowledge transfer. Teaching, evaluation and learning and clinical practice provides clinical nurses with the theoretical background and practical tools necessary to succeed as a clinical nursing instructor. The theory used to support the practice of clinical education is presented in a straightforward, easily understood manner.
Nursing research is a planned attempt to increase nursing knowledge by the discovery of new facts through systematic enquiry. It includes: Improvement in patient care, reduced cost of care provision, Accountability and protection against litigation, Addition to the existing body of knowledge, Enhancement of nursing as a profession.
Nursing research falls to a great extent into two zones:
This session includes Family Nurse Practitioner Education, Neonatal Nurse Practitioner Education, Psychiatric Nurse Practitioner Education, Nursing Research, Registered Nursing (RN), Nursing in United States, Nursing in Texas, Nursing management & leadership, Nursing Science, awareness and development, NCLEX, Advanced Practice Registered Nurse (APRN) and Fellow of the American Academy of Nursing (FAAN).
Track 2: Health Care
Total Worldwide health spending was expected to elevate by 2.6 percent in 2013 afore expediting to an average of 5.3 percent a year over the next four years (2014-2017). The ecumenical mobile health revenue is expected to reach about US$ 23 billion across all stakeholders – mobile operators, contrivance vendors, healthcare providers and content/application players - by 2017. Driven by population magnification and aging, the total number of office visits to primary care medicos is projected to increment from 462 million in 2008 to 565 million in 2025.
Healthcare is the essential health care that is predicated on scientifically sound and universally acceptable methods and technology, which make health care accessible to individuals and families in a community, Improving Quality in Healthcare by Health Promoting Environments & Enhancing Patient Safety in Healthcare. Health promotion practitioners are now facing a more dubious future under a centre-right regime whose priorities are considered by many to be at odds with health promotion principles. The present challenges for the health promotion workforce within primary care are Retaining health promotion principles and ideals and the vision of ‘seeking health for all’, Identifying the threats and challenges to the principles of health promotion, whilst withal identifying and fixating on the pending opportunities that will present into the immediate future through rigorous Healthcare-Law, Policy & Regulation, Maintaining fixate on the medium to longer term strategic vision for the development of the Health Status & Care Systems and keep the ‘longer game’ soundly established in the minds of the vocation and developing Research skills for Health care Leadership.
This session includes Primary Healthcare, Medicinal Healthcare, Skin Healthcare, Dental Healthcare, Health Care Financing, Health Information Technology, Healthcare Research, Healthcare Professionals, Healthcare Management, Healthcare System, HIV/AIDS among People and Health Care, Health promotion/Disease prevention, Health Infections, Diseases and Treatments and Yoga and Physical Therapy.
Track 3: Public Health
Public health is defined as the science of protecting the safety and improving the health of communities through education, policy making and research for disease and injury prevention. The definition of public health is different for every person. Whether you like to crunch numbers, conduct laboratory or field research, formulate policy, or work directly with people to help improve their health, there is a place for you in the field of public health. Being a public health professional enables you to work around the world, address health problems of communities as a whole, and influence policies that affect the health of societies.
This session includes Global Health, Public Health Nutrition, and Leadership in Public Health, Public Health Concept, and Urban Health vs. Rural Health, Health Reform and Health Risks: Tobacco, Drugs & Alcohol, Health Economics, Environmental Occupational Health Issues and Infectious Diseases and Antibiotic Resistance.
Track 4: Family Medicine
Family medicine is the medical specialty which provides continuing, comprehensive health care for the individual and family. It is a specialty in breadth that integrates the biological, clinical and behavioural sciences. Family medicine is a therapeutic forte committed to extensive social insurance for individuals of all ages; the specialist is named a family doctor, family specialist, or once in the past family professionals. It is a division of primary healthcare that gives proceeding with and thorough medicinal services for the individual and family over all ages, genders, Migrant Health Infectious diseases, and parts of the body. It is in knowledge of the patient in the connection of the family and the group, emphasizing disease prevention and wellbeing advancement. As indicated by the World Organization of Family Doctors, the point of family medication is to give individual, comprehensive, and proceeding with look after the person in the connection of the family and the community. The issues of qualities underlying this practice are normally known as primary care ethics. Of the primary care specialties, family doctors give the most care, overseeing about one-fourth of all primary care visits including Cancer Healthcare, Cardiac Healthcare, Dental Healthcare, Diabetes and Obesity, Skin Healthcare, HIV-AIDS Healthcare. Given the scope of family medicine, this comes as no surprise. At the center of the process element is the patient-physician relationship with the patient viewed in the connection of the family. Unlike paediatricians, who just give consideration to kids, and internists, who just give consideration to grown-ups, family medication incorporates all ages, genders, every organ framework, and every disease entity. Family doctors likewise give careful consideration to their patients' within the context of family and the group. While there are similarities between family prescriptions and the other primary care specialties, family doctors have an uncommon chance to have an effect on the well-being of an individual patient over that individual's entire lifetime.
Respondents with a primary care physician, rather than a specialist, as a personal physician were more likely to be women, white, live in rural areas, report less therapeutic determinations and higher health perceptions and have lower annual healthcare expenditures (mean: $2029 vs. $3100) and lower mortality (hazard ratio = 0.76, 95% confidence interval [CI], 0.64-0.90). After adjustment for demographics, health insurance status, reported diagnoses, health perceptions, and smoking status, respondents reporting using a primary care physician compared with those using a specialist had 33% lower annual adjusted health care expenditures and lower adjusted mortality (hazard ratio = 0.81; 95% CI, 0.66-0.98).
This session includes Family Practice, Family Healthcare, Family Planning Methods, Family Physician, Family Medicine case report, Advances in Family Medicine and Family Medicine and its Effects on Nursing.
Track 5: Patient safety
Patient Safety is characterized as the quest for the lessening and moderation of perilous acts inside the medicinal services framework, and the utilization of best practices appeared to prompt to ideal patient results." There are various aspects of patient security, and it's imperative that everybody required in patient wellbeing, including patients, their families, and social insurance experts, know about the issues, relief procedures, and best practices for guaranteeing persistent security for everybody.
Track 6: Quality Healthcare
Quality healthcare means doing the right thing, at the right time, in the right way, for the right person—and having the best possible results. Quality of care plays an important role in describing the iron triangle of health care, which defines the intricate relationships between quality, cost, and accessibility of health care within a community. Researchers measure health care quality to identify problems caused by overuse, underuse, or misuse of health resources. There are six domains to measure and describe quality of care in health:
Safe – avoiding injuries to patients from care that is intended to help them
Effective – avoiding overuse and misuse of care
Patient-Centered – providing care that is unique to a patient's needs
Timely – reducing wait times and harmful delays for patients and providers
Efficient – avoiding waste of equipment, supplies, ideas and energy
Equitable – providing care that does not vary across intrinsic personal characteristics
Healthcare quality varies from country to country. For example, some health plans and doctors simply do a better job than others of helping you stay healthy and getting you better if you are ill. Research shows that Americans want and value quality health care.
Track 7: Midwifery and Women Health Nursing
A midwife is a trained health professional who helps healthy women during labor, delivery, and after the birth of their babies. Midwives may deliver babies at birthing centers or at home, but most can also deliver babies at a hospital. The Midwifery is the expert in obstetrics. The term is utilized as a part of reference to both ladies and men, albeit most birthing specialists are female. Notwithstanding giving consideration to ladies amid pregnancy and conception, some birthing assistants might likewise give essential consideration identified with regenerative wellbeing, including yearly gynaecological exams, family arranging, and menopausal consideration.
Women's health nurses work primarily in outpatient care facilities, including primary care clinics, physician offices, community health centers and college health clinics. They may also practice in long-term care facilities, hospitals, or virtually anywhere that women seek health care. Women's health nurses work under the direction of a doctor or nurse practitioner to provide a wide range of care to women, including some of the following responsibilities. Women's health nurse practitioners are advanced practice nurses (APNs), qualified to provide diagnosis and treatment for all of the health concerns listed above. They are also trained to apply nursing theory and research to clinical practice, and may function as researchers, administrators, consultants and educators in the field.
This session includes Midwifery Care, Licensed Direct-entry Midwife (LDM), Midwives in Maternal Care, Certified Nurse Midwife (CNM), Complications during Pregnancy, Physical Activity and Diet during Pregnancy, Modern Technologies in Pregnancy and Child Birth, Women's Health Nurse Practitioner (WHNP), Infertility Evolution and Treatment among Women and Urinary Tract Infection and Condition.
Track 8: Critical Care and Emergency Nursing
Critical care nursing is the field of nursing with a focus on the most extreme consideration of the discriminatingly sick or unsteady patients. Contamination revolution and nursing consideration is the control concerned with turning away nosocomial or health awareness related disease, a functional (as opposed to scholastic) sub-order of the study of disease transmission. Infants who need escalated restorative consideration are regularly conceded into a unique region of the clinic called the Neonatal serious care and nursing consideration. The part of backing in discriminating nursing consideration: Critical consideration medical attendants work in a wide assortment of settings, filling numerous parts including bedside clinicians, attendant teachers, medical caretaker analysts, medical caretaker supervisors, clinical medical caretaker authorities and medical attendant professionals.
Emergency Nursing is a nursing specialty concerned with the care of patients who are experiencing emergencies or who are critically ill or injured. In contrast to most other areas of nursing, in which a patient arrives with a diagnosis applied by a physician, emergency nurses work with patients when a diagnosis has not yet been made and the cause of the problem is not known. Emergency nurses frequently contact patients in the emergency department before the patients see physicians. In this situation, the nurse must be skilled at rapid, accurate physical examination, early recognition of life-threatening illnessor injury, the use of advanced monitoring and treatment equipment, and in some cases, the ordering of testing and medication according to "advance treatment guidelines" or "standing orders" set out by the hospital's emergency physician staff. Emergency nurses most frequently are employed in hospital emergency departments, though they may also work in free-standing emergency centers or urgent care clinics. Behavioral health patients have become an increasing concern for emergency nurses.
This session includes Brain death, Organ donation and Transplantation, Critical Care Registered Nurse (CCRN), Critical Care Nurse Practitioner, The Role of Advocacy in Critical Care, Dimensions and, Limitations in Critical Care Nursing, Care of Patient and Family in Emergency Crisis, Emergency Medicines and Healthcare, New Innovative Ideas and Research in Emergency Nursing, Intensive Care in Emergency, Trauma/injury/burns, Certified Registered Nurse Anaesthetists and Anaesthesiology.
Track 9: Pediatric Nursing
There are 75 million children in USA accounting for 24% of total US population (315 million) in 2013. They are primarily covered by either Employee Sponsored Health Insurance programs (41.4 million in 2010) or by federal-state sponsored Medicaid insurance programs (26.8 million in 2010) and approximately 7 million children were uninsured. ESI covered 41.4 million children in 2010. Since 2007, the population of children covered by ESI declined 5.7%. Insurers and beneficiaries spent $87.9 billion on health care for children in 2010. Since 2007, total health care expenditures on children grew 11.9 %. Americans spent over 31.1% of their health care dollars for children on teenagers and 31.4% on infants and toddlers.
Childhood overweight and obesity is a condition where excess body fat negatively affects a child's health or well-being. As methods to determine body fat directly are difficult, the diagnosis of obesity is often based on BMI. Due to the rising prevalence of obesity in children and its many adverse health effects it is being recognized as a serious public health concern. Health issues with children and youth is the range of approaches to preventing, detecting or treating young people’s health and well. The term adolescent and young people are often used interchangeably, as are the terms Adolescent Health and Youth Health. Young people’s health is often complex and requires a comprehensive, bio psychosocial approach. Children’s health includes the study of possible environmental causes of children’s illnesses and disorders, as well as the prevention and treatment of environmentally mediated diseases in children and infants. Children are highly vulnerable to the negative health consequences associated with many environmental exposures.Health care transition planning refers to the coordination and continuity of health care during a movement from one healthcare setting to either another or to home, called care transition, between health care practitioners and settings as their condition and care needs change during the course of a chronic or acute illness.
This session includes General Pediatrics, Pediatric Healthcare, Pediatric Dental Healthcare, Pediatric Medicine, Certified Pediatric Nurse Practitioner (CPNP), Preterm-birth Complications and Neonatal Intensive Care, Paediatric Allergy and Respiratory Disorders, Paediatric Haematology and Oncology, Paediatric Cardiology and Research, Paediatric Mental Health, Childhood Vaccines, Childhood Overweight and Obesity and Paediatric Diet and Nutrition Tips.
Track 10: Psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing
High commonness of mental and passionate issue universally will drive the business of psychiatric treatments. WHO expressed that 350 million populace is experiencing melancholy and mental issue and almost 24 million populace comprehensively is influenced by schizophrenia issue. Subsequently, rising occurrences of mental illnesses will in the long run expand the interest of psychiatric treatments and consequently invigorates the business sector development. The worldwide emotional well-being pharmaceutical business can be evaluated at $80 billion in 2010. This business sector is required to increment at a 1.9% compound yearly development rate (CAGR) over the figure period to achieve an estimation of $88 billion in 2015.
•The antianxiety portion was worth $11 billion in 2010 and in 2015 ought to be worth $12 billion, a CAGR of 1.8%.
•The portion made up of rest issue medications was esteemed at $4.5 billion in 2010 and in 2015 ought to be worth $9 billion, a CAGR of 14.9%.
Psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing is a psychiatric assessment, or mental screening, is a system of gathering information around a man within a psychiatric (or phrenic wellbeing) accommodation, with the demonstrate of making an investigation. The assessment is expectedly the first period of a treatment process, yet psychiatric assessments may moreover be utilized for sundry licit purposes. Care and rest issue. Nursing thought is a class of noetic issue depicted by feelings of mindfulness and fear, where benevolence is an anxiety over future events and anxiety is a reaction to current events. There are different generosity issue: including summed up attentiveness issue, a strong apprehension, wonderful apprehensiveness issue, uniqueness consideration issue, agoraphobia, and free for all issue among others. Fundamental noetic therapeutic administrations and nursing is the cup of tea of nursing that watches over people of all ages with noetic illness or phrenic torment, for instance, schizophrenia, bipolar issue, psychosis, demoralization or dementia. Stress and emotional treatment studies and results is may develop after a man is displayed to one or more traumatic events, for instance, genuine stretch, assault, terrorism, or distinctive perils on a man's life. Electroconvulsive therapy and effects treatment is a technique in which electric streams are experienced the cerebrum, purposely setting off a brief seizure. A round of ECT is helpful for around 50% of people with treatment-safe genuine depressive issue, whether it is unipolar or bipolar.
This Session includes Psychiatric Issues, Family Therapy in Nursing, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, Positive Psychology, Tele Psychiatry, Sexual Disorders and Mental Health, Mental Healthcare, Mood Disorders, Stress, Depression, Mental Health Disorders and Forensic Psychiatry.
Track 11: Cancer Nursing
This statistical surveying report evaluates that the worldwide pancreatic malignancy medication business will be worth USD 1.2 billion by 2015. The worldwide oncology medications business is required to achieve at $111.9 billion by 2020. The report gives examination and estimates to the pancreatic disease market from 2012-2018. Enlisting a compound yearly development rate of 14.60% from 2011 to 2018, the business for oncology biomarkers was esteemed at $13.16 billion in 2011 and is required to be worth $29.78 billion in 2018.
Blood malignancy medications business was the biggest income producing portion in 2013 inferable from the high cost of medications (immunotherapies) utilized for the treatment of blood tumor. Pancreatic malignancy is a key test in the United States, where the 30,000 patients are determined to have the sickness every year. With more than 25 million individuals influenced by disease internationally, and an expected 5 million individuals biting the dust every year as an aftereffect of growth.
Clinical implicative intimations and tumor nursing is predicated on the rates of agony and different side effects archived in the writing, changes in clinical practice are expected to lessen the indication encumbrance of natives with disease. Then again, proof predicated practice guidelines have yet to be characterized for the clear cut populace of natives with disease. Essential consideration and malignancy nursing is a consideration conveyance framework that strengthens proficient nursing practice. Inside of Primary Nursing, a restorative relationship is built up between an enlisted medical caretaker and an individual patient and his or her gang. Disease nursing and oncology is the field of pharmaceutical that holds fast to malignancy. Clinical oncology comprises of three essential orders: therapeutic oncology, surgical oncology and radiation oncology. Treatment of disease and malignancy nursing are the most everyday sorts of tumour treatment, for example, surgery, chemotherapy, radiation treatment, and numerous others. Impacts of disease in chemotherapy and growth nursing in which distinctive medications cause diverse reactions which are Pain, Sores in the mouth and throat, Diarrhea, Blood issue, Nervous framework impacts, Hair misfortune, Long-term symptoms.
This session includes Breast Cancer, Kidney Cancer, Liver cancer and colon cancer, Anal and Prostate Cancer, Heart and lung cancer, Throat cancer, Bone cancer, Skin Cancer, Oral Cancer, Blood Cancer, Brain Cancer, Radiation in Cancer, Cancer Chemotherapy, Surgical Cancer, Cancer Therapy and Cancer Anesthesia.
Track 12: Cardiac Nursing
USA has more than 600 hospitals. Nine are nationally ranked and 35 others meet national high performing standards. U.S. News also ranked Texas in many metro areas, including Dallas and Houston. There are 27.076 cardiologists in the USA. The 2012/13 National Heart Failure Audit recommends specialist care input for all people with heart failure. The figures show that for those who received no specialist input, mortality stood at 14.4 per cent, whilst for those who did receive specialist input, the mortality rate was just 7.5 per cent. Heart disease is the No. 1 cause of death in the United States, killing nearly 787,000 people alone in 2011.Heart disease is the leading cause of death for people of most racial/ethnic groups in the United States, including African Americans, Hispanics and Whites. For Asian Americans or Pacific Islanders and American Indians or Alaska Natives, heart disease is second only to cancer. Coronary heart disease is the most common type of heart disease, killing nearly 380,000 people annually.
Meeting International is overwhelmed to announce the commencement of International Conference on Family Nursing from October 14-15, 2019 in London, UK.
The upcoming conference will be organized around the theme “Explore Opportunities, Best Practices & Recent Developments in Family Nursing”.
Scope & Importance:
International Conference on Family Nursing and Healthcare is unique forum to bring to gather worldwide distinguished academics in the field of nursing and healthcare, public health professionals, nurse educators, researchers, nurse managers, physicians, pediatricians and healthcare professionals provides the ideal environment to disseminate and gain current knowledge in the area of family nursing. Nurses and other healthcare professionals will have the opportunity to network with colleagues and exhibitors; discuss best practice research, safety-related outcomes, competencies, and challenges.
This is an excellent opportunity to share your best practice initiative, research project, or provide continuing education as it relates current issues. The conference offers participants breakout sessions highlighting clinical projects, education, and research studies. Nursing is among the fastest-growing fields, and it has a robust job market, which makes it very attractive to people in search of a new or first career. In the U.S., there is an abundance of exceptional nursing programs available, both online and traditional.
London is the capital and most crowded city of England and the United Kingdom. Remaining on the River Thames in the south east of the island of Great Britain, London has been a noteworthy settlement for two centuries. It was established by the Romans, who named it Londinium. London's antiquated centre, the City of London, to a great extent holds its 1.12-square-mile (2.9 km2) medieval limits. Since in any event the nineteenth century, "London" has likewise alluded to the city around this centre, truly split between Middlesex, Essex, Surrey, Kent and Hertfordshire, which today to a great extent makes up Greater London, a locale administered by the Mayor of London and the London Assembly
Conference Highlights:
Why to attend???
Target Audience:
World’s Leading doctors, Registered nurses, Professors, Research fellows Advanced Practice Nurses, Physician Assistants, Pharmacists, Physicians, and Professionals who are seeking updated information for providers caring for patient in primary, ambulatory and urgent care settings. Staff Nurses, Nurse Manager, Educator/Instructor Societies, Universities, companies and medical research institutions, hospitals sharing their novel researches in the arena of Nursing, Healthcare & Medicine.
Top Societies and Associations around the World:
Top Societies and Associations in USA:
Worldwide Nursing Unions:
Worldwide top Nursing Universities:
Major Nursing Universities in USA: