2nd European Physics Congress to be held during May 20-21, 2019 in Berlin, Germany. The main theme of the Conference is "Highlighting Innovations and Challenges in the Field of Physics" which covers a wide range of critically important sessions. Physics Congress 2019 is a novel chance to deliberate and share innovative and theoretical knowledge on physics and those in other related concepts of physics. It will provide a gathering to researchers in demonstrating and recreation to trade the data and discuss new ideas that benefit a wide area of accelerating engineering and technology. Physics Congress 2019 is concerned with all aspects of nature, covering the behavior of objects under the action of given forces and the nature and origin of gravitational, electromagnetic, and nuclear force fields. The goal of Physics Congress 2019 is to formulate comprehensive principles that bring together and explain all discernible phenomena. Physics is a broad discipline which is often broken down into several sub-disciplines. These disciplines concern themselves with differing areas of physics work.
Physics Congress 2019 is the best platform where you can deliberate the novel methods for all the budding scientists and researchers to present their real-time work and share their views and aspects related to the theme of the conference .This congress had especially expressed with the different topics.
Physics Congress 2019 highlights are listed below:
Physics Congress 2019 which is going to be the biggest conference dedicated to Physics that provides a premier technical forum for reporting and learning about the latest research and development, along with launching new applications and technologies. Events include significant themes of presentations from all over the world and professional networking with industries, leading working groups and panels. It covers lot of topics and it will be a very good platform to show case recent researches on Physics and vitality and other interesting fields. It promotes top-level research and to globalize the quality research in general, thus making discussions, presentations and contributions more internationally competitive.
Target Audience:
Session 1: Quantum Mechanics and Field Theory
The Quantum Mechanics session will manage the major mechanical developments and creations in Quantum innovation. The Physics meeting is gone for social event the most recognized analysts in the field of quantum material science to illuminate the agents with their staggering examination works. The key regions that will be centers around this subject incorporate quantum detecting, quantum processing, quantum imaging, quantum recreation and numerous all the more energizing themes.
Physics Conferences | Applied Physics Conferences| Physics Congress | Physics Event | Physics Meeting
Related Conferences:
2nd International Conference on Astronomy, Astrophysics & Astrobiology, 04-06 April, 2019, Auckland, New Zealand; Solvay Workshop "Quantum Simulation 2019", 18-21 February 2019, Brussels, Belgium; Diffusion Fundamentals 8 01-05 September 2019, Erlangen, Germany; MT-26 — International Conference on Magnet Technology, 22-27 September 2019, Vancouver, Canada; 3rd International Conference on Applied Surface Science, 17-20 June 2019, Pisa, Italy: Optics & Laser 2019 — International Summit on Optics, Photonics and Laser Technologies, 03-05 June 2019, San Francisco, United States
Session 2: Astrophysics and Space Sciences
Astronomy and astrophysics are the investigation of articles and marvels that are found past our close planetary system. This consolidates hypothetical reproductions and perception with both earthbound and space-make borne instruments of the electromagnetic radiation and high-vitality particles transmitted by divine bodies. Space science is the investigation of the universe past the world's environment. The principle branches are astrometry, heavenly mechanics, and astronomy. Astronomy is the part of stargazing worried about the physical procedures related with the heavenly bodies and the mediating areas of room. It bargains essentially with the vitality of stellar frameworks and the connection between this vitality and the development of the framework.
Physics Conferences | Applied Physics Conferences| Physics Congress | Physics Event | Physics Meeting
Related Conferences:
2nd International Conference on Astronomy, Astrophysics & Astrobiology, 04-06 April, 2019, Auckland, New Zealand; Solvay Workshop "Quantum Simulation 2019", 18-21 February 2019, Brussels, Belgium; Diffusion Fundamentals 8 01-05 September 2019, Erlangen, Germany; MT-26 — International Conference on Magnet Technology, 22-27 September 2019, Vancouver, Canada; 3rd International Conference on Applied Surface Science, 17-20 June 2019, Pisa, Italy: Optics & Laser 2019 — International Summit on Optics, Photonics and Laser Technologies, 03-05 June 2019, San Francisco, United States
Session 3: Nuclear Physics and Robotics
A Nuclear material science is utilized to remove the atomic power from the radioactive material. The atomic reactor starts and controls the atomic chain response. The present day atomic reactors depend on the atomic splitting response. The Nuclear Reactor bridle the warm vitality discharged by the atomic parting response and this discharged vitality is consumed by the water or coolant and afterward it is changed over to gas with high weight. This high weight gas is then passed to the gas turbine which creates the power from this high weight gas.
Physics Conferences | Applied Physics Conferences| Physics Congress | Physics Event | Physics Meeting
Related Conferences:
2nd International Conference on Astronomy, Astrophysics & Astrobiology, 04-06 April, 2019, Auckland, New Zealand; Solvay Workshop "Quantum Simulation 2019", 18-21 February 2019, Brussels, Belgium; Diffusion Fundamentals 8 01-05 September 2019, Erlangen, Germany; MT-26 — International Conference on Magnet Technology, 22-27 September 2019, Vancouver, Canada; 3rd International Conference on Applied Surface Science, 17-20 June 2019, Pisa, Italy: Optics & Laser 2019 — International Summit on Optics, Photonics and Laser Technologies, 03-05 June 2019, San Francisco, United States
Session 4: Condensed Matter and Material Physics
Soft-matter physics, is a youthful sub-field of consolidated issue physical science. This field is for the most part depicted as materials arranged with a solid spotlight on understanding macromolecular congregations. Numerous current hypothetical portrayals of delicate issue are inferred through traditional material science, and are regularly depicted utilizing the apparatuses of harmony and non-balance measurable mechanics, symmetry breaking and many body physical science. Delicate consolidated issue physical science is the investigation of materials, for example, liquids, fluid precious stones, polymers, colloids and emulsions, that are delicate to the touch.
Physics Conferences | Applied Physics Conferences| Physics Congress | Physics Event | Physics Meeting
Related Conferences:
2nd International Conference on Astronomy, Astrophysics & Astrobiology, 04-06 April, 2019, Auckland, New Zealand; Solvay Workshop "Quantum Simulation 2019", 18-21 February 2019, Brussels, Belgium; Diffusion Fundamentals 8 01-05 September 2019, Erlangen, Germany; MT-26 — International Conference on Magnet Technology, 22-27 September 2019, Vancouver, Canada; 3rd International Conference on Applied Surface Science, 17-20 June 2019, Pisa, Italy: Optics & Laser 2019 — International Summit on Optics, Photonics and Laser Technologies, 03-05 June 2019, San Francisco, United States
Session 5: Laser and Its Applications
Laser remains for Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation. The material science of a particle laser is like that of an optical laser and the principle contrast between an optical and an iota laser is that molecules connect with themselves, can't be made as photons and hold mass while photons don't. Principle uses of the molecule laser are particle holography and iota interferometry.
Physics Conferences | Applied Physics Conferences| Physics Congress | Physics Event | Physics Meeting
Related Conferences:
2nd International Conference on Astronomy, Astrophysics & Astrobiology, 04-06 April, 2019, Auckland, New Zealand; Solvay Workshop "Quantum Simulation 2019", 18-21 February 2019, Brussels, Belgium; Diffusion Fundamentals 8 01-05 September 2019, Erlangen, Germany; MT-26 — International Conference on Magnet Technology, 22-27 September 2019, Vancouver, Canada; 3rd International Conference on Applied Surface Science, 17-20 June 2019, Pisa, Italy: Optics & Laser 2019 — International Summit on Optics, Photonics and Laser Technologies, 03-05 June 2019, San Francisco, United States
Session 6: Electronic, Optical and Magnetic Materials
Materials with novel and controlled electronic, optical, and attractive properties have broad applications, including PCs, lighting, sensors, pharmaceutical, and supportability. Research in electronic, optical, and attractive materials incorporates preparing procedures for getting materials with controlled sytheses and structures, portrayal, and uses of these materials. Ebb and flow explore includes mass precious stone development, natural semiconductors, thin film and nanostructure development, and delicate lithography.
Physics Conferences | Applied Physics Conferences| Physics Congress | Physics Event | Physics Meeting
Related Conferences:
2nd International Conference on Astronomy, Astrophysics & Astrobiology, 04-06 April, 2019, Auckland, New Zealand; Solvay Workshop "Quantum Simulation 2019", 18-21 February 2019, Brussels, Belgium; Diffusion Fundamentals 8 01-05 September 2019, Erlangen, Germany; MT-26 — International Conference on Magnet Technology, 22-27 September 2019, Vancouver, Canada; 3rd International Conference on Applied Surface Science, 17-20 June 2019, Pisa, Italy: Optics & Laser 2019 — International Summit on Optics, Photonics and Laser Technologies, 03-05 June 2019, San Francisco, United States
Session 7: Computational and Medical Physics
Plasma material science is the investigation of a condition of issue involving charged particles. Plasmas are typically made by warming a gas until the point that the electrons wind up isolates from their parent iota or atom. This purported ionization can likewise be accomplished utilizing high-control laser light or microwaves. Plasmas are discovered normally in stars and in space. Plasma, in material science, an electrically directing medium in which there are generally equivalent quantities of decidedly and contrarily charged particles, delivered when the iotas in a gas end up ionized.
Physics Conferences | Applied Physics Conferences| Physics Congress | Physics Event | Physics Meeting
Related Conferences:
2nd International Conference on Astronomy, Astrophysics & Astrobiology, 04-06 April, 2019, Auckland, New Zealand; Solvay Workshop "Quantum Simulation 2019", 18-21 February 2019, Brussels, Belgium; Diffusion Fundamentals 8 01-05 September 2019, Erlangen, Germany; MT-26 — International Conference on Magnet Technology, 22-27 September 2019, Vancouver, Canada; 3rd International Conference on Applied Surface Science, 17-20 June 2019, Pisa, Italy: Optics & Laser 2019 — International Summit on Optics, Photonics and Laser Technologies, 03-05 June 2019, San Francisco, United States
Session 8: Atomic Spectroscopy and Thermodynamics
Atomic spectroscopy examines the assimilation and outflow of radiation by particles. The system is utilized to decide the aggregate centralizations of particular components in an example. Nuclear spectroscopy is the strategy of investigating the photons produced by iotas with a specific end goal to decide the basic structure of a substance. The interest for nuclear spectroscopy frameworks has been on the ascent because of the expanding prerequisites of the existence sciences and pharmaceutical enterprises as wells as the generous request from the concoction and petrochemical ventures.
Physics Conferences | Applied Physics Conferences| Physics Congress | Physics Event | Physics Meeting
Related Conferences:
2nd International Conference on Astronomy, Astrophysics & Astrobiology, 04-06 April, 2019, Auckland, New Zealand; Solvay Workshop "Quantum Simulation 2019", 18-21 February 2019, Brussels, Belgium; Diffusion Fundamentals 8 01-05 September 2019, Erlangen, Germany; MT-26 — International Conference on Magnet Technology, 22-27 September 2019, Vancouver, Canada; 3rd International Conference on Applied Surface Science, 17-20 June 2019, Pisa, Italy: Optics & Laser 2019 — International Summit on Optics, Photonics and Laser Technologies, 03-05 June 2019, San Francisco, United States
Session 9: Physics Applications in Biology & Medicine
Restorative material science is otherwise called Applied Physics in pharmaceutical, biomedical material science or therapeutic biophysics. Speculations, ideas and strategies for Physics are connected to pharmaceutical and human services in this Medical material science. Regions of claim to fame of Medical material science incorporate Medical imaging material science, Radiation restorative physical science, Nuclear solution physical science, Health material science, Clinical audiology material science, Laser medication, Medical optics, Neurophysics, Cardiophysics, Physiological estimation procedures, Physics of human and creature bodies, Health mind informatics and computational physical science and regions of R&D(Research and Development).
Physics Conferences | Applied Physics Conferences| Physics Congress | Physics Event | Physics Meeting
Related Conferences:
2nd International Conference on Astronomy, Astrophysics & Astrobiology, 04-06 April, 2019, Auckland, New Zealand; Solvay Workshop "Quantum Simulation 2019", 18-21 February 2019, Brussels, Belgium; Diffusion Fundamentals 8 01-05 September 2019, Erlangen, Germany; MT-26 — International Conference on Magnet Technology, 22-27 September 2019, Vancouver, Canada; 3rd International Conference on Applied Surface Science, 17-20 June 2019, Pisa, Italy: Optics & Laser 2019 — International Summit on Optics, Photonics and Laser Technologies, 03-05 June 2019, San Francisco, United States
Session 10: Nanotechnology and Applied Physics
Applied Physics is physical science which is expected for a particular innovative or down to earth utilize. It is normally considered as an association amongst material science and designing. The most part varies from building in that a connected physicist may not be planning something in particular, yet rather is utilizing material science or leading material science look into with the point of growing new advancements or settling a designing issue. This approach is like that of connected arithmetic.
Physics Conferences | Applied Physics Conferences| Physics Congress | Physics Event | Physics Meeting
Related Conferences:
2nd International Conference on Astronomy, Astrophysics & Astrobiology, 04-06 April, 2019, Auckland, New Zealand; Solvay Workshop "Quantum Simulation 2019", 18-21 February 2019, Brussels, Belgium; Diffusion Fundamentals 8 01-05 September 2019, Erlangen, Germany; MT-26 — International Conference on Magnet Technology, 22-27 September 2019, Vancouver, Canada; 3rd International Conference on Applied Surface Science, 17-20 June 2019, Pisa, Italy: Optics & Laser 2019 — International Summit on Optics, Photonics and Laser Technologies, 03-05 June 2019, San Francisco, United States
Global Market for Physics:
The ultimate aim of physics is to find a unified set of laws governing matter, motion, and energy at small (microscopic) subatomic distances, at the human (macroscopic) scale of everyday life, and out to the largest distances (e.g., those on the extragalactic scale). This ambitious goal has been realized to a notable extent. Although a completely unified theory of physical phenomena has not yet been achieved (and possibly never will be), a remarkably small set of fundamental physical laws appears able to account for all known phenomena. The body of physics developed up to about the turn of the 20th century, known as classical physics, can largely account for the motions of macroscopic objects that move slowly with respect to the speed of light and for such phenomena as heat, sound, electricity, magnetism, and light.
According to the new market research report on the by Type Application of physics like (Optical communication & laser processing), Vertical (Commercial, Telecom, Research, Defense, Medical, Automotive, Electronics, & Industrial), & Geography - Global Forecast to 2022", this market is expected to be valued at USD 15.38 Billion by 2022, at a CAGR of 5.2% between 2017 and 2022. The major factors driving the growth of physics include increasing demand from the healthcare sector, environmental sector, financial sector and shift towards production of nano and micro devices, and enhanced performance over the traditional material processing techniques.
Why Berlin, Germany?
Berlin is the capital and the biggest city of Germany and in addition one of its 16 constituent states. With a populace of roughly 3.7 million, Berlin is the second most crowded city legitimate in the European Union and the seventh most crowded urban territory in the European Union. Situated in north eastern Germany on the banks of the streams Spree and Havel, it is the focal point of the Berlin-Brandenburg Metropolitan Region, which has around 6 million inhabitants from more than 180 countries.
Major Physics Associations and Societies around the Globe
Top Universities of Physics Across the Globe
Funding agencies for Physics Research
Physics is intended for technical and practical use. Physics is established in the basic certainties and essential ideas of the Physical sciences and it utilizes the scientific principles in practical devices and in other related areas such as Lasers, Optics, Semiconductor devices and Nano-Photonics. Demand for Physics is always there in the market because of its applications.
Professor, University of Tennessee at Chattanooga
Leading Researcher, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences
Professor, Nanjing University
PhD Student, Polytechnic University of Turin
PhD Student, University of Turin
Technical University (MADI)
Senior Lecturer, Haagse Hogeschool
Professor, Firat University