We gladly invites you to 3rd Annual Congress on Emergency Medicine which is going to be organised on March 18-19 2020 at the Berlin, Germany with the theme “Focusing and targeting on the Emergency Medicine for the future implementation”. This conference will give a major knowledge about the emergency medicine to all the emergency physicians, therapist, researcher and scientist worldwide. Now a days due to implementation of advanced technologies in health industries there should be a long discussion on this topic. Emergency Medicine Conference also focuses on the various types of emergency care, their diagnosis treatment and medicines that are used along with the route of administration.
Emergency Medicine 2020 heartily welcome to all the professors, scientists, medical practitioners, medical associations, junior/ senior researcher fellows, students, pharmaceutical companies related to emergency medicine.
Session 1: Emergency Medicine
Emergency Medicine is about the consideration of wounds and sickness requiring quick medical action. The field of emergency medicine surrounded with care involving surgical condition and internal medicine. The emergency physicians should have procedural skills and broad field of knowledge often regarding surgical procedures.
Emergence Medicine Conference | Trauma Emergency Medicine Conference | Wound Care Conference | Annual Conference on Emergency Medicine| Cardiac Emergency Medicine Conference
Related Conferences:
International Conference on Nursing and Emergency Medicine, December 21-22, 2020, Istanbul, Turkey; International Conference on Emergency Medicine, December 17-18, 2020, Dubai, United Arab Emirates; International Conference on Emergency Sports Medicine, March 12-14, 2020, London, United Kingdom; International Medicine, June 04-05, 2020, Rome, Italy; International Conference on Disaster and Emergency Medicine on July 23-24, 2020, Rome, Italy
Session 2: Pediatric Emergency Medicine
It involves the both emergency and pediatric medicines. It also includes the consideration of unscheduled and undifferentiated children with injuries or acute illness which require immediate medical attention. The pediatric emergency physician considers the necessary investigation for the treatment of pediatric.
Emergency Pediatric Medicine Conference | Pediatric Conference | Pediatric Treatment Conference | Pediatric Congress |Pediatric Emergency
Related Conferences:
Orthopedics for Primary Care, June 12-14, 2020, California, United States; International Conference on Intensive Care and Emergency Medicine, December 17-18, 2020, Dubai, United Arab Emirates; International Conference on Nursing and Emergency Medicine, September 24-25, 2020, London, United Kingdom; International Conference on Critical Care and Trauma Nursing, May 28-29, 2020, Kyoto, Japan; Emergency Medicine Update Conference, May 06-08 2020, Toronto, Canada
Session 3: Neurological Emergency
Neurologic emergencies occur very frequently if it is not checked and treated well then it will have highly destructive effect for long term and may cause death. These conditions are difficult to recognise but if it is not treated well it may cause destructive effect.
Emergence Neurological Conference | Neurological Medicine Conference | Neurological Treatment Congress | Neurological Disorder Conferences | European Neurological Emergency
Related Conferences:
International Conference on Nursing and Emergency Medicine, December 21-22, 2020, Istanbul, Turkey; International Conference on Emergency Sports Medicine, March 12-13, 2020, London, United Kingdom; International Conference on Nursing and Emergency Medicine, September 24-25, 2020, London, United Kingdom; International Conference on Emergency Medicine and Critical Care, April 29-30, 2020, Rome, Aurelia; International Conference on Emergency Medicine and Healthcare Systems, March 26-27, 2020, Sydney, Australia
Session 4: Cardiac Surgery Emergency
It is divided into three categories like Aortic dissection, Cardiac trauma and Surgery for acute myocardial infarctions. Important is given to the patients with such describing problem and taking the clinical step for managing the problem. The goal of each clinical problem is to focus on the early recognition.
Cardiac Emergency Conference | Cardiac Congress | Cardiac Surgery Conference | Cardiac Treatment Conference | Surgery Emergency |
Related Conferences:
International Conference on Intensive Care and Emergency Medicine, December 17-18, 2020, Dubai, United Arab Emirates; International Conference on Nursing and Emergency Medicine, August 17-18, 2020, Istanbul, Turkey; Emergency Medicine Update conference, May 06-08, 2020,Toronto,Canada; Endocrinology for Primary Care, January 24-26, 2020, Florida, United States; Office Orthopedics for Primary Care, June 12-14, 2020, California, United States
Session 5: Emergency Medical Service
Emergency Medicine service is also called as Paramedic service or Ambulance service which provides treatment to the injuries and illness in an urgent medical attention. In most of the places emergency medical service is provided by the public by dialling a specified number. Then they transport to the nearby emergency ward of a hospital.
Emergency Medical Service Conference| Medical Service Emergency| Medical Service Congress | Medical Service Conference | Emergency Congress
Related Conferences:
International Conference on Nursing and Emergency Medicine, December 21-22, 2020, Istanbul, Turkey; International Conference on Emergency Medicine, December 17-18, 2020, Dubai, United Arab Emirates; International Conference on Emergency Sports Medicine, March 12-13, 2020, London, United Kingdom; International Medicine, June 04-05, 2020, Rome, Italy; International Conference on Disaster and Emergency Medicine on July 23-24, 2020, Rome, Italy
Session 6: Post-accident Primary Care
There are many major or minor accidents happen in many ways which can be life threatening. The first treatments that given after the immediate happen of incident or the emergency medicines are used in this type of situation. Primary care facilities consist of emergency medicine.
Postaccident Conference | Primary Care Congress| Postaccident Primary Care Emergency | Postaccident Emergency | Primary Care Treatment Conference
Related Conferences:
International Conference on Emergency Medicine and Healthcare Systems, March 26-27, 2020, Sydney, Australia; International Conference on Nursing and Emergency Medicine, September 24-25, 2020, London, United Kingdom; International Conference on Critical Care and Trauma Nursing, May 28-29, 2020, Kyoto, Japan; International Conference on Emergency Medicine and Critical Care, April 29-30, 2020, Rome, Aurelia; Neurology for Primary Care, April 24-26, 2020, South Carolina, United States
Session 7: Emergency Nursing and Care
Emergency nursing is a professional field of nursing which mainly focused on the special treatment of the patient for the avoiding of long term effect or death of the patient. Emergency nurses are mostly employed in the emergency department of the hospital. The main focus of emergency nurse is to monitor patients, evaluate the patient and to take care of patients in emergency word.
Nursing Conference | Trauma Emergency Medicine Conference | Nursing care Conference | Emergency Nursing Congress | Emergency Medicine Conference |
Related Conferences:
International Conference on Nursing and Emergency Medicine, December 21-22, 2020, Istanbul, Turkey; International Conference on Emergency Sports Medicine, March 12-13, 2020, London, United Kingdom; International Conference on Nursing and Emergency Medicine, September 24-25, 2020, London, United Kingdom; International Conference on Emergency Medicine and Critical Care, April 29-30, 2020, Rome, Aurelia; International Conference on Emergency Medicine and Healthcare Systems, March 26-27, 2020, Sydney, Australia
Session 8: Gynaecological Emergencies
These are the female reproductive system disease that mainly threatens the woman life. Abnormal vaginal bleeding, acute abdomen, or some time both, Pelvic inflammatory disease and Contraceptive issue are some Gynaecological emergency disease. The main objective of this topic is to have an overview on gynaecology emergency and their management.
Emergence Medicine Conference | Conference on Gynaecology | Gynaecology Congress | Obstetrics Conference | Gynaecology Medicine Conference
Related Conferences:
Office Orthopedics for Primary Care, June 12-14, 2020, California, United States; International Conference on Intensive Care and Emergency Medicine, December 17-18, 2020, Dubai, United Arab Emirates; International Conference on Nursing and Emergency Medicine, September 24-25, 2020, London, United Kingdom; International Conference on Critical Care and Trauma Nursing, May 28-29, 2020, Kyoto, Japan; Emergency Medicine Update conference, May 06-08, 2020, Toronto, Canada
Session 9: Anaesthesia and Pain Management
Since pain is a primary sign that patient have in the emergency department. It is important to treat the patient to recover from the pain. Historically emergency department are too small for the treatment of pain management. But from few decades there are some advance technologies implemented by emergency department for which Anaesthesia and pain management are easily treated.
Anaesthesia Conference | Veterinary Anaesthesia Conference | Perianaesthesia Conference | Neuropathic Pain Congress | Burn Injury and Pain Management Conference
Related Conferences:
International Conference on Nursing and Emergency Medicine, December 21-22, 2020, Istanbul, Turkey; International Conference on Emergency Medicine, December 17-18, 2020, Dubai, United Arab Emirates; International Conference on Emergency Sports Medicine, March 12-13, 2020, London, United Kingdom; International Medicine, June 04-05, 2020, Rome, Italy; International Conference on Disaster and Emergency Medicine, July 23-24, 2020, Rome, Italy
Session 10: Emergency Drugs and Its Administration
Department of medical emergency should have adequate knowledge about the emergency medications and their route of administration. Different routes of administration are there but the routes should be chosen in such a way that emergency drugs will cause immediate effect.
Emergency Drug administration Conference | Fiscal Administration Conference |Emergency Drug Conference | Drug Administration Congress |
Related Conferences:
International Conference on Emergency Medicine and Healthcare Systems, March 26-27, 2020, Sydney, Australia; International Conference on Nursing and Emergency Medicine, September 24-25, 2020, London, United Kingdom; International Conference on Critical Care and Trauma Nursing, May 28-29, 2020, Kyoto, Japan; International Conference on Emergency Medicine and Critical Care, April 29-30, 2020, Rome, Aurelia; Neurology for Primary Care, April 24-26, 2020, South Carolina, United States
The U.S. emergency medical services (EMS) products market size was valued at USD 8.08 billion in 2016. It is expected to rise at a CAGR of 7.2% during the forecast period. Spiralling demand for emergency care, rising incidence of trauma, and increasing healthcare spending are among the key trends stoking market growth.
Trauma injuries are severe physical injuries and sudden occurrence of these injures require quick medical attention. As per the U.S. American Association for the Surgery of Trauma, it is the leading cause of death among individuals between the age 1 to 45 and fourth leading cause of death for all ages. The association also reported that in the U.S., over 3.0 million non-fatal injuries occur every year and leads to over 150,000 deaths per year. In addition, as per CDC, traumatic brain injury is the major cause of disability and death in the U.S., accounting for 30.0% of all injury related deaths. High number of cases of disability and deaths due to trauma is anticipated to bolster the growth of the market. Increasing healthcare spending is another factor influencing market dynamics positively. In the U.S., the National Health Expenditure Accounts (NHEA) officially estimates the total healthcare spending. It measures government administration, investment related to health care, the total budget for health insurance, healthcare products and services, and public health activities. The NHEA reported that in 2016, the healthcare spending of the U.S. increased by 4.3%, reaching USD 3.3 trillion, which is USD 10,348 per person. Rising healthcare spending in the country is estimated to improve the quality of emergency medical services in order to enhance health outcomes.4 out of 5 (82%) providers report that the number of ED visits increased over the last two years. Nearly the same amount (83%) say the number will continue to increase, however the increase will not be as significant. When comparing what happened over the last two years with what will happen over the next two years, a relatively small portion of providers predict an increase of over 10% in the next two years. An increase of over 10% was seen by 31% of providers over the past two years, vs. 17% of providers over the next two years. A lack of primary care providers and an increase in insured patients have created a perfect storm for patients who have little choice but to turn to the ED for treatment.
Why to organise this conference
The conference should be organised because now a days many people face emergency diseases like trauma, cardiac emergency, etc. so therefore there should be long discussion on this topic and also according the growth of population in every hospital or health institution there should be a emergency department. Right now there are many advance technology and treatment procedure are included in the emergency medicine department so there should be a conference through which people will get the more knowledge and get aware of this topic.
Emergency Medicine is a medical specialty—a field of practice based on the knowledge and skills required for the prevention, diagnosis and management of acute and urgent aspects of illness and injury affecting patients of all age groups with a full spectrum of undifferentiated physical and behavioural disorders. It further encompasses an understanding of the development of pre-hospital and in-hospital emergency medical systems and the skills necessary for this development. Emergency medicine by itself is an emerging opportunity in world. Apart from being consultants in emergency medicine, physicians in this discipline can become the emergency department administrators, EMS (emergency medical services) directors, EMS & paramedic trainers, disaster planning consultants and first aid trainers for non-medical personnel.
Business value
The greatest single expense for a physician group is salary. What emergency physicians are paid for professional services varies widely from group to group. To determine the minimally acceptable salary for the business plan, a long discussion with group members is necessary. Too high a figure (whereby a hospital stipend becomes necessary or inflated) may result in loss of the contract to a CMG that can find physicians to accept a lower rate. Too low a figure may encourage attrition, difficulty recruiting, and failure to maintain the contract. In addition to the average hourly pay rate, the amount of paid hours per day is integral in determining the salary expense. Average hourly rate divided by PPH and multiplied by annual volume quickly determines the clinical salary expense. For instance in a 50,000 visit ED with a pay rate of $150 per hour and an average of 2.2 patients per physician per hour (PPH), the annual salary cost is $3.4 M or $68 per patient. By contrast in a single coverage, 12,000 visits ED, maintaining $68 per patient for salary means the hourly pay rate must be $93. This is because the night physician experiences 1.2 PPH. In this low volume ED, to maintain salary at $150 per hour, $110 per patient must be realized.
Universities in Europe:
University of York, Heslington, United Kingdom
University of Nottingham, United Kingdom
University of Warwick, Coventry, United Kingdom
University College Dublin, Ireland
University Zurich, Switzerland
University de Geneva, Switzerland
University of Glasgow, Scotland
Newcastle University, United Kingdom
University of Copenhagen, Denmark
Trinity College Dublin, Ireland
Queen Mary University of London, United Kingdom
Maastricht University, Netherlands
University College London, United Kingdom
University of Bristol, United Kingdom
Universities in Asia pacific:
The University of Tokyo, Japan
National University of Singapore (NUS), Singapore
Kyoto University, Japan
University of Hong Kong (HKU), Hong Kong
Peking University, China
Seoul National University (SNU), South Korea
National Taiwan University (NTU), Taiwan
Osaka University, Japan
Tsinghua University, China
The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK), Hong Kong
Universities in Middle East:
Alexandria University, Egypt
Cairo University, Egypt
The American University in Cairo, Egypt
University of Al-Azhar, Egypt
The University of Jordan, Jordan
Philadelphia University Jordan, Jordan
American University of Kuwait, Kuwait
The American University of Beirut, Lebanon
The Lebanese American University, Lebanon
University Saint-Joseph, Lebanon
American University of Technology, Lebanon
Sultan Qaboos University, Oman
Qatar University, Qatar
Weill Cornell Medical College in Qatar, Qatar
Universities in America:
Medical College Montezuma University, Alabama
Southwestern University, Arkansas
California Eclectic Medical College, California
College of Physicians and Surgeons of San Francisco, California
Denver College of Medicine, Colorado
National University Medical Department, Columbia
Atlanta College of Physicians and Surgeons, Georgia
Edinburg University, Illinois
Fort Wayne College of Medicine, Indiana
Drake University College of Medicine, Iowa
Louisville National Medical College, Kentucky
Research centres in Europe:
European Research Institute for the Biology of Ageing University Medical Center, Groningen, Netherlands
Medical and Biological Informatics (DKFZ Department), Heidelberg, Germany
Queen's Medical Research Institute, Edinburgh, United Kingdom
Medical Research Council, Leicester, United Kingdom
MRC London Institute of Medical Sciences, London, United Kingdom
The William Harvey Research Institute, London, United Kingdom
The Institute of Cancer Research, London, United Kingdom
Cardiovascular Sleep Research Center, Czech Republic
Centre for Social Medicine and Global Health, Lund University, Lund, Sweden
Institute for Tropical Medicine, Antwerp, Belgium
Research centres in Middle East:
Harvard Medical School Center for Global Health Delivery, Dubai, United Arab Emirates
Sidra Medicine, Ar-Rayyan, Qatar
King Abdullah International Medical Research Center, Al-Rimayah, Riyadh Saudi Arabia
Prince Naif Bin AbdulAziz Health Research Center, Riyadh Saudi Arabia
Gulf Medical University, Ajman, UAE
Research Institute of Medical & Health Sciences (SIMHR), United Arab Emirates
Dubai Specialized Medical Center & Medical Research Labs, United Arab Emirates
Medical Research Institute – Alexandria University, Egypt
National Research Centre, Egypt
PRA Health Sciences, Hod Hasharon, Israel
Research centres in Asia pacific:
Institute for Frontier Life and Medical Sciences, Kyoto University, Japan
National Institute of Health Sciences, Kawasaki, Japan
Clinical Research Institute, Hyderabad, India
Singapore Clinical Research Institute (SCRI), Biopolis Way, Singapore
National Institute of Health, Metro Manila, Philippines
Korea National Institute of Health, Chungcheongbuk-do, South Korea
Armed Forces Research Institute of Medical Science, Bangkok Thailand
Siriraj Medical Research Center (SiMR), Bangkok, Thailand
Tehran University of Medical Sciences Exceptional Talents Development Center Students Scientific Research Center, Vesal Shirazi St, Iran
Institute of Chinese Medicine, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong
Research Centres in America
Center for Psychiatry and Behavioral Medicine, Inc.
Clinical Research Center of Nevada
Spring Grove Hospital Center -Maryland Psychiatric Research,USA
Uams Psychiatric Research Institute,USA
Jasper Summit Research, LLC
Lynn Institute of the Ozarks
Carl T Hayden Medical Research Foundation
Sun Valley Research Center
Sutter Institute for Medical Research (SIMR)
Pritzker Neuropsychiatric Disorders Research Consortium
University Neuropsychiatric Institute
Hospitals in Europe:
Assistance Publique Hôpitaux de Paris,France
Leiden University Medical Center, Netherlands
Centre Hospitalier Universitaire Vaudois Lausanne, Switzerland
Hôpitaux Universitaires de Geneve, Switzerland
Universitätsklinikum Hamburg Eppendorf, Germany
Sahlgrenska University Hospital,Sweden
Instytut Psychiatrii i Neurologii, Poland
UniverstatsSpitals Zürich, Switzerland
Instytut Psychiatrii i Neurologii, Poland
Universitair Ziekenhuis Leuven, Belgium
Hospitals in Asia pacific
Bumrungrad International Hospital, Bangkok, Thailand
Fortis Hospital, Bangalore, India
Asan Medical Centre (AMC), Seoul, South Korea
Buddhist Tzu Chi Medical Foundation, Taiwan
National Hospital Organisation Medical centre, Gifu, Japan
Gleneagles Hospital, Singapore
Hong Kong Sanatorium and Hospital (HKSH), Hong Kong
Luke’s Medical centre, Philippines
Wooridul Spine Hospital, Seoul, South Korea
Beacon Hospital, Malaysia
Hospitals in America
Mayo Clinic, Rochester
Cleveland Clinic, Cleveland, Ohio
Johns Hopkins Hospital, Baltimore
Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston
University of Michigan Hospitals-Michigan Medicine, Ann Arbor
UCSF Medical Center, San Francisco
UCLA Medical Center, Los Angeles
Cedars-Sinai Medical Center, Los Angeles
Stanford Health Care-Stanford Hospital, Stanford, California
New York-Presbyterian Hospital-Columbia and Cornell, New York
Hospitals in Middle east
Dar Al Fouad Hospital, Egypt
Schneider Children's Medical Center, Israel
Bellevue Medical Center, Mansourieh, Lebanon
Trad Hospital, Beirut, Lebanon
Buraidah Central Hospital, Buraydah, Saudi Arabia
Dallah Hospitals, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia
Surp Agop Hospital, Istanbul, Turkey
Turkey Hospital, Istanbul, Turkey
Oasis Hospital, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates
Seha Emirates Hospital, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates
Funding on Emergency medicine
Funding for global health has grown significantly over the past two decades. In 1990, an estimated US$5.6 billion was spent on development assistance for health while in 2011, estimates demonstrated a spending increase upwards of US$27.7 billion. In 2013, the FIC issued over $16,000,000 of new grant support to international projects.
Funding bodies:
US National Institutes of Health (NIH)
National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH)
National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA)
National Institute on Aging (NIA)
Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR)
Department of Veterans Affairs (VA)
Forecast for next five year:
Due to advancements in research and fundings it’s clear that in future most advanced technologies will be accepted in Emergency medicine department for the treatment of emergency cases and also it can avoid the death of people which require emergency treatment.
Emergency Medicine department in every hospital or organization are always active, clinically, intellectually. The emergency physicians are always coordinating to the patients 24/7 for their care and treatment. Emergency medicine professional should be develop and well known to the people. Also the physicians of Emergency medicine department should be highly skilled, vast knowledge on disease state and body system also stays calm under pressure. They never know what disease the patient has when they meet the next patient thus they should prepare for all this things.