Sergey Kljujkov: Was born in a village near Mariupol, Ukraine in 1945. Graduated from Mariupol Metallurgical Institute, Ukraine as engineer. Has worked in Pryazovskyi State Technical University since 1997. Joint publications – more than 200 papers and 20 books for the period from 1997 to 2018.
In ancient Greece, the birth of πÏŒλις – the custom of conflict-free life of people. By the comparison of human and divine laws Heraclitus established the Ecumenical community of people and gods – κÏŒσμοπÏŒλις. Plato discovered the rationality of nature according to the order of 16 ideals-numbers with talans of the World Mind of God. He suggested by godlike copying of a Heraclites unite the authenticity of the empirical ideas with the divine succession of the rational ideals. In his mathematical model ΧÏŽρα necessarily miraculously arose Truth, which is called inspiration, revelation, Qi energy, intuition. Plato encrypted the path to ideals, made Kabbalah the mathematical basis of Cognition – theocentric. Aristotle reversed the direction – anthropocentrism – the main source of selfishness, evil and wars. Christianity, as the path to Salvation, arose directly from Plato's mathematical cabbala, but the secrecy essence of the doctrine, as heresy, was greatly distorted by Aristotle's formal logic. Now we observe deplorable results. Cantor tried to present the ideals of Plato by “transfinite numbers”. But, abandoning the order in the sets, came to paradoxes. The authors by means the multi-stage uniting of units have built up Plato's ideals and integrate Mankind with nature by numerical categories. God the Father – The ideal mathematics of Plato. God the Son is the ideal mathematical model of ΧÏŽρα. God the Holy Spirit is the perfect mathematical modelling. This is a mathematical Thomism and Teiardism, the unification of the scientific cognition of nature with the religious cognition of God. The salvation of the world and nature is only by observing such an order. Help implement!