We are pleased to cordially invite all attendees to participate in our upcoming Conference “The International Conference on Digital Health and Artificial Intelligence” which is scheduled for June 20-21, 2022 in Toronto, Canada, with the theme “Transforming healthcare with Artificial Intelligence ". Digital Health 2022 brings together influencers from all major medical disciplines to help the region's healthcare continue to progress has been cautiously structured with different multi and interdisciplinary track to both scholarly world and industry specialists and experts to accumulate, trade Intel, and assemble a system in their particular fields. Which encourages the young researchers and students to improve their research abilities by providing an opportunity to meet the experts in the field of Digital Health and Artificial Intelligence from all across the world. Digital Health 2022 Conference also offers an extraordinary window to get a chance to present and to get the most recent updates in a comprehensive way which deals with various regions of Digital Health studies.
Session 1: Big Data and Digital Transformation
Digital transformation necessitates the use of big data and analytics. Many businesses have gone through digital transformations in order to keep up with the ever-changing digital world. They're transforming themselves thanks to their command of Big Data and Analytics, as well as the use of Machine Learning technology. The global big data in healthcare market amounted to $11.45 billion in 2016 and is expected to witness a double-digit growth throughout the forecast period of 2017-2025. ... Additionally, it also includes analysis of applications of big data for clinical analytics, financial analytics, and operational analytic.
Much of medical informatics is covered by e-health, but the delivery of technical practice, treatment, and services is prioritised over technological functions. Extensive e-Health infrastructures and technologies are now regarded as critical to the future provision of accessible, reliable, high-quality, citizen-centred healthcare in many Western national healthcare services incorporating mobile components.
Session 3: Electronic Health record
A person's valid health archive is shared among multiple offices and organisations in an electronic health record (EHR). As more patient data becomes computerised and a growing number of people express a desire to have mobile access to their health records, EHRs are becoming increasingly important. An EHR usually contains the following types of information, among others. Data about visits to healthcare professionals; contact information Details about insurance, family history.
Precision medicine is a form of medicine that uses variations in a person's genes, climate, and lifestyle to direct disease prevention, diagnosis, and treatment. Precision medicine's ability to disrupt the healthcare sector is piquing the attention of a variety of businesses and government agencies immunisation status, and any conditions or diseases, a catalogue of prescription drugs, hospitalization records, any surgeries or operations which have been completed.
The medical and public health activity assisted by mobile devices, such as mobile phones, patient tracking devices, personal digital assistants, and other wireless devices, is referred to as m-Health. Heart disease, diabetes, autism, insomnia, and asthma are among the disorders for which mHealth is now being used. The WHO/ITU project enables governments strengthen their current national health activities to prevent, control, and treat non communicable diseases (NCDs) and their risk factors by incorporating mobile components.
Session 6: Telemedicine and Telehealth
Telemedicine is the use of telecommunications and information technology to offer clinical and medical health services to patients who are located far away. It aids in the removal of geographical barriers and can increase access to health services that are not always accessible in remote rural communities. It's also used in critical care and emergency situations to save lives. These technologies allow convenient and loyal contact between patients and medical staff, as well as the transfer of medical, imaging, and health informatics data from one location to another.
Session 7:Digital Health Technologies
This category includes the following subcategories
AI stands for Artificial Intelligence
Psychological Technology
Sleep Tech
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Session 8: Blockchain Technology
Block chain technology is a network of peer-to-peer nodes that stores transactional records, also known as blocks, of the public in many databases, known as the "chain" This form of storage is commonly referred to as a "digital ledger". Any transaction in this ledger is signed with the owner's digital signature, which verifies the transaction and protects it from tampering. As a result, the data in the digital ledger is extremely secure.
Session 9: Drug Discovery & Drug Screening
Drug screening deals with reverse pharmacology, and reverse pharmacology and forward pharmacology are two approaches to drug development. The method of identifying possible new medicines is known as target-based drug discovery. Preclinical validation of target biology is beginning to illuminate a more cost-effective approach by systematically perturbing and interrogating biological pathways with synthetically novel chemical tools. It includes a broad variety of scientific disciplines, including biology, chemistry, and pharmacology, screening of chemical libraries and their pharmacology, methods to evaluate biological targeting, by systematically perturbing and interrogating biological pathways with synthetically novel chemical tools, preclinical validation of target biology is beginning to illuminate a more cost-effective.
Professionals in bioinformatics and information systems are experts at collecting, storing, retrieving, assessing, and interpreting health-care data and information. Health care information is used not just for patient care, but also for medical legal concerns, reimbursement, testing, preparation, and assessment in order to provide the highest quality health care delivery.
The global digital health market was worth USD 96.5 billion in 2020, and it is projected to expand at a CAGR of 15.1% from 2021 to 2028. Obesity is on the rise, as is the prevalence of chronic diseases like diabetes and Cardiovascular Disorders (CVDs), as well as an increasing demand for remote patient monitoring services. The market is expected to expand due to rising patient interest and accessibility as a result of widespread adoption of digital health technology. According to research published in NCBI in 2018, 95.0 percent of the adult population in the United States owned a phone, with 64.0 percentowning a smartphone.
Components insights:
In 2020, the services group had the highest sales share of 47.19 percent. Training and integration, implementation, and up-gradation are all included in this section.
Key Companies & Market Share Insights:
Apple, Inc.
Vodafone Group
Google, Inc.
Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd.
Qualcomm Technologies, Inc.
IBM Corporation
Scope and Importance of Digital Health:
The broad scope of digital health includes categories such as mobile health (mHealth), health information technology (IT), wearable devices, telehealth and telemedicine, and personalized medicine.
Digital technology has been driving a revolution in health care, from mobile medical apps and software that help clinical decisions doctors make every day to artificial intelligence and machine learning. Digital health tools have enormous potential for improving our ability to reliably detect and manage illness, as well as improving individual health care delivery.
For health care and related purposes, digital health technologies make use of computing platforms, networking, applications, and sensors. These innovations have a broad variety of applications, ranging from general health to medical devices. They can be used as a medical product, in a medical product, as companion diagnostics, or as an add-on to other medical products.
These innovations have the potential to enable people to make healthier health choices and offer new options for promoting prevention, early diagnosis of life-threatening illnesses, and chronic condition management outside of conventional health care settings.
Digital health innovations are being used by providers and other stakeholders to:
Reduce inefficiencies,
Improve access,
Reduce costs,
Increase quality, and Make medicine more personalized for patients.
Digital Health Societies around the world:
ACM Global Laboratories
Bio Reliance Corporation
Clinical supplies management holdings
Charles River Laboratories
Clinical Site Services (CSS)
Harrison Clinical
Top Digital Health Universities Worldwide:
The University of Tokyo, Japan
Kyoto University, Japan
National University of Singapore, Singapore
University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong
Seoul National University, South Korea
National Taiwan University, Taiwan
Osaka University, Japan
The University of Queensland, Australia
Tsinghua University, China
Heidelberg University, Germany
ETH Zurich, Switzerland
Charité - Universitätsmedizin Berlin, Germany
LMU Munich, Germany
KU Leuven – University of Leuven, Belgium
Erasmus University Rotterdam, The Netherlands
Sorbonne University, France
University of Paris, France
Maastricht University, The Netherlands
University of Zurich, Switzerland
Harvard University, Massachusetts
Johns Hopkins University, Maryland
University of California (San Francisco), California
Stanford University, California
University of Washington, Washington
University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia
Duke University, North Carolina
University of Toronto, Ontario
McGill University, Montreal
University of British Columbia, Vancouver And Kelowna
Queen's University, Ontario
Middle East:
Tel Aviv University, Israel
Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel
Technion Israel Institute of Technology, Israel
Weizmann Institute of Science, Israel
Ben Gurion University of the Negev, Israel
King Saud University, Saudi Arabia
University of Tehran, Iran
King Abdulaziz University, Saudi Arabia
Middle East Technical University, Turkey
King Abdullah University of Science & Technology, Saudi Arabia
As the number and variety of digital health products has grown, the need for requirement-driven product realisation and systematic validation has become more critical. The ability to distinguish clinically relevant solutions would benefit and be demanded by both patients and providers. Payers and investors will need to identify high-value opportunities that will guide reimbursement, investment decisions, and impact-focused care in the long run. Given the increasing demand for impact-focused, interoperable digital health products from non-industry stakeholders, industry may find it useful to demonstrate product quality over product claims. We provide a framework to help you get started.
Meetings International is announcing Young Scientist Awards through International Conference on Digital Health and Artificial Intelligence which is scheduled in Vancouver, Canada during June 15-16, 2022. This Digital Health 2022 focuses on “Transforming healthcare with AI ”. The Digital Health meeting and upcoming conferences will recognize participants who have significantly added value to the scientific community of Medical science and provide them outstanding Young Scientist Awards. The Young Scientist Award will provide a strong professional development opportunity for young researches by meeting experts to exchange and share their experiences at our international conferences. The conference operating committee is providing a platform for all the budding young researchers, young investigators, post-graduate/Master students, PhD. students and trainees to showcase their research and innovation
Eligibility: Young Scientists, faculty members, post-doctoral fellows, PhD scholars and bright Final Year MSc and M.Phil. Candidates Persons from Scientific Industry can also participate.
To receive the award, the awardee must submit the presentation for which the award is given, for publication at the website, along with author permission. Failure to submit the PPT and permission within the designated timeframe will result in forfeiture of award
Official announcement of the recipients will occur after the completion of Digital Health 2022.
Awards @ Clinical Research_2022
Meetings International: Recognizes the obligation and astounding work in all fields of scholastics and assessment. By seeing their responsibility; Meetings International rouses and convinces specialists, researchers and scholastics by giving the Best YRF and Researcher Awards in each academic request and arrangements close by other express distinctions. These distinctions fuse regarded Certificate of Award with various enrichments.
Digital Health 2022 picks a significant component master to talk to at the meeting. All recognized component topic specialists' suggestions will be considered for the Best Keynote Speaker Award. The leading body of trustees will pick different competitors for the honor among the recognized recommendation. The victor will be picked at the social affair, considering both the recommendation and the presentation. The best component master can help with boosting motivation, change their point of view, and make swarm animated and stirred. For Keynote the individual should be conspicuous or uncommonly banded together like Dean, Professor, HOD, Chair individuals, CEO, CFO, MD, etc. Assurance of the Best Keynote Speaker will be made dependent on the part responsibility and extended lengths of contribution with the individual investigation field. Each convenience will be recognized reliant of the idea of hypothetical and social occasion theme. Unessential sections will be excused. The affirmation and excusal of novel passages will be picked by the Organizing board. All passages will encounter quality checking. Last embraced hypothetical will consider for Keynote award.
Digital Health 2022 has confidence in seeing our best speaker. The best speaker is picked by their assessment remarkable before the social affair. All vectors are constrained by an assurance board. This honor is proposed to see and recognize extraordinary speakers who have achieved late striking conspicuousness and accomplishment. Being an extraordinary speaker expects to pass on a message that interfaces with a horde of individuals. The exceptional speaker award will in like manner be given dependent on affiliation and cleaned strategy of presentation, social capacities of the arbitrator, and fitting usage of time. Each gathering will be evaluated autonomously. For the speaker, the individual should be Professor, Researcher, Scientist, and Entrepreneur, etc. The decision of the Speaker will be made dependent on the part responsibility in the specific assessment field. Each convenience will be recognized subject to the idea of interesting and assembling gatherings. Pointless sections will be excused. The affirmation and excusal of dynamic passages will be picked by the Organizing chamber. All passages will encounter a strategy of significance worth checking by our gathering. Last asserted powerful will consider for extraordinary speaker award.
Outstanding Masters /Ph.D./ Post. Doc Thesis work presentation Awards:
Digital Health 2022 offers the opportunity to young experts in different fields of gatherings. The best individuals are picked by their investigation hypothetical before the social affair. In case you are an energetic and dynamic researcher then you can join our social events to examine notable ideas and investigations. A leading body of judges will pick the best YRF. Best YRF will be seen transparently at the completion of the gathering. The Best YRF Award will be given to the most exceptional presentation presented by a part who has enrolled under the understudy characterization. Understudies, Master understudies, and Ph.D. understudies will be considered under this class. Assurance of the YRF will be made dependent on the part responsibility in the individual assessment field each convenience will be recognized subject to the gatherings of the social occasion. Immaterial sections will be excused. The affirmation and excusal of hypothetical sections will be picked by the gathering. All passages will encounter quality checking. The last attested exceptional will consider for the YRF award.
To be equipped for the honor Students excited about having their standards considered for the Digital Health 2022 gathering, presumably introduced a hypothetical of their pennant to the gathering. The honor board will consider all pennants that relate to the examination of famous inclination, whether or not they revolve around speculation, important revelations, research methodologies, just as authentic techniques used in such assessment. All pennants will normally be considered for the flag honor and the standards will happen in the social event scene and Poster Judges will pick the best standards. The victors will be authoritatively detailed during the end work. The champs will get a confirmation award.
The masterminding leading group of trustees can profit during the time went through managing the various tasks that should be done. Board people, having good savvies of the event the heads plan, are specially situated to give planning, oversight, and help to other work power drew in with the relationship of the event. Social events International will regard as the best OCM the individual who has demonstrated their assistance and bearing all through the gathering. OCM should be conspicuous or uncommonly auxiliary like Dean, Professor, HOD, Chair individuals, CEO, CFO, MD, etc. .The decision of the best OCM will be made dependent on the part responsibility and significant length of association with the specific assessment field. They ought to have an incredible number of investigation papers and references and should be more extensive stretches of involvement
Meetings International is a global leader in producing high quality conferences and workshops in all major fields of science, technology and medicine.
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