Wroclaw Medical University, Poland
Title: When prophylaxis fails – interdisciplinarity in the treatment of diabetic foot
Izabela Kuberka: One of the most burdensome complications of diabetes is diabetic foot. Published data show that the problem of diabetic foot affects 6 to 10% diabetic patients. The consequence of diabetic foot and remittent infections of ulcers may be an amputation of limbs leading to disability and deterioration of patients mental state. In cases when prophylaxis fails, radical actions connected with local therapy, systemic therapy and educational measures need to be taken. The implementation of good health practices linked with both the necessity of changing patients lifestyle and the implementation of effective prophylactic and medicinal methods reguires multispeciality approach. Presentation of beneficial health practices in prophylaxis and treatment of diabetic foot connected with the local procedure and the modification of lifestyle.
One of the most burdensome complications of diabetes is diabetic foot. Published data show that the problem of diabetic foot affects 6 to 10% diabetic patients. The consequence of diabetic foot and remittent infections of ulcers may be an amputation of limbs leading to disability and deterioration of patients mental state. In cases when prophylaxis fails, radical actions connected with local therapy, systemic therapy and educational measures need to be taken. The implementation of good health practices linked with both the necessity of changing patients lifestyle and the implementation of effective prophylactic and medicinal methods reguires multispeciality approach. Presentation of beneficial health practices in prophylaxis and treatment of diabetic foot connected with the local procedure and the modification of lifestyle. The study included patients receiving outpatient treatment. The thesis has shown the complexity of diabetic foot problem and the negative effects connected with patient’s inability to adapt to conditions conducive to diabetic foot treatment. The areas of interdisciplinary team’s cooperation leading to the lack of diabetic foot problem have been highlighted. It has been observed that in the case of patients with diabetic foot syndrome, the implementation of actions connected with local treatment and interactive education may lead to the improvement of general health status and healing of diabetic foot. The main focus should be on the individual choice of feet unloading, actions devoted to prevention of infections in local treatment and the modification of treatment methods if they are ineffective.