The 4th Annual Diabetes Conference is scheduled for April 15-16, 2019 in Milan, Italy. This conference underscores the theme "Self-management and recent trends in the field of diabetes". This diabetes conference will inspire you through knowledgeable sessions and tons of networking and make you even more courageous and resolute and free to grow your mind beyond your expectations. Diabetes 2019 provides a platform to meet people in the experimentation field and therefore it takes bliss in opening a foyer to encounter the ability in the field, young researchers and potential World-renowned speakers, the most recent approaches, methods and the current upgrade in the field of diabetes. Current advances in endocrinology and metabolism, diabetes genetics, clinical diabetes, diabetic complications, diabetes medications and pharmacotherapy, cell therapy for diabetes are the main sessions to be discussed in this diabetes 2019 conference.
Session 1: Diabetes
Diabetes 2019 will focus on metabolic disorder having multiple aetiology. In case of Diabetes mellitus there are high blood sugar levels over a prolonged period of time and is characterized by chronic hyperglycaemia resulting from either insulin secretion, insulin action, or both. The effects of diabetes mellitus with disturbances of carbohydrate, fat and protein metabolism include long-term damage, dysfunction and failure of various organs .When it became most severe , ketoacidosis or a non-ketotic hyperosmolar state may develop and lead to hypnosis, coma and in the absence of adequate treatment, death will occur.
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Session 2: Prevalence of Diabetes
According to National Diabetes Statistics Report which provides updated statistics about diabetes in the United States for a scientific audience stated that about 30.3 million people have diabetes (9.4% of the US population), out of which 23.1 million people are diagnosed and 7.2 million people are undiagnosed. In case of pre-diabetes, 84.1 million adults aged 18 years or older are suffering (33.9% of the adult US population) and 23.1 million adults aged 65 years or older have pre-diabetes.
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Session 3: Symptoms
With mild symptoms, it is very difficult to say if someone have diabetes. Patient could not even notice these sypmtoms. Therefore awareness in this area need to be explore. Here are some of the symptoms which can gave you some idea about your health.
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Session 4: Risk Factors
People are at risk of diabetes having numerous complications. This conference ( Diabetes 2019) will discuss complications like Family history, physical inactivity, gestational diabetes, history with cardiovascular disease, polycystic ovary syndrome, Obesity, hypertension.
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Session 5: Classification
Peolple with different age groups suffering from different types of diabetes. Diabetes 2019 will talk about these types and new researches trending in particular types. Diabetes can be classified as given below:
1. Type 1 diabetes occurs due to autoimmune β-cell destruction, usually leading to absolute insulin deficiency and will results from the pancreas’s failure to produce enough insulin previously referred as “Insulin dependent diabetes mellitus” or “Juvenile diabetes”. It is of two type’s further i.e. Autoimmune and Idiopathic. The cause of type 1 diabetes is unknown.
2. Type 2 diabetes may range from predominantly insulin resistance due to a progressive loss of β-cell insulin secretion in which cells fail to respond to insulin properly. Type 2 diabetes previously referred as “Non-insulin dependent diabetes mellitus” or “adult onset diabetes”. The main primary cause of type 2 diabetes is excessive weight and not enough exercise.
3. Specific types of diabetes include diseases of the exocrine pancreas (such as cystic fibrosis), and drug or chemical-induced diabetes (such as with glucocorticoid use, in the treatment of HIV/AIDS, or after organ transplantation).
Pre-diabetes is a condition in which person blood sugar level doesn’t meet the diabetes criteria but the blood sugar level is higher than the normal level. People who have diabetes suffer from pre-diabetes for many years in most of the cases.
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Session 6: Gestational Diabetes Mellitus (GDM) occurs in pregnant women having no diabetic history develop high blood sugar level (diabetes diagnosed in the second or third trimester of pregnancy that was not clearly overt diabetes prior to gestation). It resembles type 2 diabetes mellitus in many aspects and may occur in 2-10% of all pregnancies but disappear after delivery.
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Session 7: Determination of Diabetes
Diabetes 2019 will discuss about the tests which are used for diabetes determination. Diabetes can be determined by different tests i.e. A1C test, Fasting plasma glucose test, Oral glucose tolerance test on the basis of patient condition and symptoms.
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Session 8: Diabetic Ketoacidosis is a life threatening problem and needs awareness about its prevention. It occurs when body doesn’t produce enough insulin and body cells can’t use sugar in blood for energy then body start using fat as fuel for energy. When the body continue to burn fat, it makes acids called ketones. If this process remains continue for a period of time, it will build up in body and can change the chemical balance of body and will affect the whole body functions. It is seen more in young ones having type 1 diabetes.
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Session 9: Animal Research and Diabetes
Islet or beta cells in the pancreas produced insulin normally. Similarly, as with any long haul condition, a definitive objective for specialists is a cure. In type 1 diabetes, islet transplantation is one approach to accomplish this. Effectively carried out in rats, dogs, monkeys, and humans, this treatment requires the patient to take immunosuppressants to prevent rejection. Stem cell research examines mice is exploring approaches to utilize the body's very own cells and so reduce the chances of rejection.
Gene therapy might be an approach to handle type-2 diabetes, which will in general hit more seasoned, overweight individuals. Utilizing rats and dogs, researchers found a chemical which obstructs the breakdown of proteins expected to make insulin. The substance is presently entering clinical preliminaries.
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Session 10: Hyperglycemia
Hyperglycaemia or high glucose is a condition in which an exorbitant amount of glucose circulates in the blood plasma. This is basically a glucose level higher than 11.1 mmol/l (200 mg/dl), yet side effects may not begin to wind up perceptible until considerably higher qualities, such as 15– 20 mmol/l (~250– 300 mg/dl). A person is considered hyperglycemic if the blood sugar level fall in the range of ~5.6 and ~7 mmol/l (100–126 mg/dl)(American Diabetes Association guidelines), while above 7 mmol/l (126 mg/dl) is generally considered to have diabetes.
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Session 11: Complications With Diabetes
As diabetes is fast spreading disease now-a-days and with today’s lifestyle and eating habits people mostly suffers from other complications too along with diabetes. These complications include damage to blood vessels, diabetic retinopathy, blindness, cardiovascular disease, stroke, coronary artery disease, peripheral artery disease, diabetic nephropathy, chronic kidney disease, diabetic neuropathy – most common complication of diabetes, glaucoma, cataract, diabetic foot ulcer, muscle atrophy, weakness.
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Session 12: Management of Diabetes
Diabetes is a leading cause of death and can be managed by self-care like diet plan, avoiding high fat foods, increased exercise, self-glucose monitoring and foot care, medication if prescribed by doctor, drink plenty of water.
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Session 13: World Diabetes Day
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Session 14: Diabetes and Genetics
Each form of diabetes has very serious effects on health. Type 1diabetes and type 2 diabetes, both are caused by a combination of genetic and environmental risk factors. There are very rare forms of diabetes which are directly inherited. These forms include maturity onset diabetes in the young (MODY), and the one which occurs due to mutations in mitochondrial DNA.
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Session 15: Maturity Onset Diabetes In The Young (MODY)
About less than 5% of all type 2 diabetes cases generally occurs before 25 years of age is MODY and is characterized by no evidence of beta cell autoimmunity, absence of obesity and slow onset of other symptoms. MODY extending across three generations is an autosomal dominant pattern inheritance and due to advances in molecular genetics ,it has been found that there are at least six forms of MODY, each caused by mutation in a different gene.
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Session 16: Genetics In The Treatment And Prevention of Diabetes
There is no permanent way to prevent Type 1 diabetes at present. Only the lifelong insulin injections are available for this disease. A cure for type 1 diabetes is currently unavailable. Genetics currently play no major role in the treatment or management of diabetes whereas type 2 diabetes can be prevented by maintaining age appropriate body weight and by following physical activities.
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Session 17: Current Focuses on Diabetes Mellitus: Now-a-days there are many new techinques which is currently used for the treatment of diabetes. Diabetes 2019 will surely focus on them.
Reprogramming skin cells: In a laboratory, Skin cells were grown in a culture medium to develop into specialized beta cells, which produces insulin. This process will lead to new treatments for patients with diabetes using their own skin cells.
Islet cell transplants: This study focuses on islet transplant in which clusters of insulin producing beta cells that live in islets are taken from a donor pancreas and implanted in the recepient’s liver to make insulin.
Gut hormones: Gut hormones such as Incretins which are involved in controlling the rise of blood glucose after eating.
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Session 18: Diabetes Medication: Diabetes 2019 will discuss about the new drugs in clinical trials for the treatment of diabetes. There are medicines given below in the treatment of diabetes besides the fact that some of them has many side-effects.
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Session 19: Diabetes Care Policy
The weight of unending illnesses is huge and developing, not just in the U.S. yet in addition around the globe. The control of interminable infections requires compelling methodologies, including understanding training, supplier learning, and group care. Powerful approaches should likewise be sanctioned to address ceaseless ailments at a neighborhood, state, and government level. This is particularly valid as to diabetes, which in the U.S. cost $245 billion out of 2012 and expended 1 in each 10 human services dollars
Marketed analysis
World diabetes day is praised on November 14 and was presented by the International Diabetes Federation (IDF) and the World Health Organization (WHO). By and by diabetes is the quickest developing illness in the world. In US the greater part of the general population are influenced with type 1 diabetes (around 5-10%). There are almost 1.5-5.0 million passings for every year from 2012-2015. By 2030 it is assessed that type 2 diabetes is set to increment to 438 million from 285 million individuals recorded in 2010. India has around 50 million individuals experiencing type 2 diabetes and India is the diabetes capital of the world. As per IDF, 1 out of 11 grown-ups in the world are experiencing diabetes and diabetes is the main source for kidney disappointment. Diabetes is expanding a result of inactive way of life. WHO assessed that 80% of diabetic passings happen in low-pay and center pay nations.
About Diabetes 2019
Diabetes mellitus is a typical, serious health condition that expands the levels of glucose in blood. The majority of the glucose achieved by the body originates from the sustenance we take. This conference chiefly manages the reasons for the diabetes, pathophysiology of diabetes, difficulties of diabetes, current focal points of diabetes, biomarkers of diabetes, nourishment and pediatrics for diabetic, nursing care plans for diabetic patients. This Conference gives a novel scope to enhance the information about the way of life of diabetic patients and furthermore about the preventive measures that ought to be taken by the diabetic patients.
New activities marked by world diabetes establishment
Community-based detection and surveillance of gestational diabetes
Strengthening Management, Diagnosis and surveillance
Nurses led Rural Diabetes Prevention and Management
Improved prevention and care of diabetes and hypertension
Diabetes education and awareness program
Managing Diabetes for older people
Diabetes foot care/Podiatry Nigeria
Preventing diabetes related adverse consequences of pregnancies
Related Societies and Associations
American Association for Clinical Endocrinology
American Diabetes Association
American Optometric Association
Asian Association for the study of Diabetes
Association of Diabetes Educators
Baker Heart and Diabetes Institute
Canadian Diabetes Association
Central European Diabetes Association
Diabetes Association of Nigeria
Diabetes Association of the Republic of China
Diabetes Australia
Diabetes Canada
Diabetic Society of Singapore
French Diabetics Association
International Diabetes Federation
Italian Association for the Defense of the Interests of Diabetics
Juvenile Diabetes Association
Latino Diabetes Association
Missouri Diabetes Association
World Diabetes Foundation
Today’s Market Study of Diabetes in Europe
The number of individuals living with diabetes in Europe is relied upon to increment from 51 million out of 2014 to 67.9 million by 2035, as indicated by the International Diabetes Federation (IDF). Crosswise over Europe, around 1 of every 11 grown-ups is influenced and the number is set to ascend as the populace ages.
Global data
In the course of recent decades number of instances of diabetes has been expanding consistently. Hostile to diabetic pharmaceutical is generally ingested orally, aside from insulin.
Worldwide diabetes tranquilize advertise was esteemed at 49.26 billion dollars in 2016 and is anticipated to achieve worldwide income of 66.29 billion dollars in 2021. Most utilized medication in the market in 2016 was human insulin.
Worldwide diabetes advertises esteemed $125 billion out of 2016 and is relied upon to reach $155 billion by 2021.
Worldwide market for incretin-based therapeutics was esteemed $12.7 billion out of 2014 and is relied upon to reach $22.8 billion by 2019.
Worldwide market for corpulence medications should reach over $7.8 billion by 2021 from $4.3 billion out of 2016.
Worldwide market for Continuous Glucose Monitoring (CGM) items esteemed $320.9 million in 2014 and is required to reach $783.9 million by 2019.
The insights indicate worldwide spending on diabetes in both created markets and pharmerging markets from 2013-2018. In 2013, the created diabetes showcase exhausted 35 billion U.S. dollars on diabetes. In 2018, it is evaluated to be 66 billion U.S. dollars. Global Diabetes Federation (IDF) assessed the aggregate number of grown-up diabetics everywhere throughout the world at around 425 million. In 2045 it is assessed as 629 million.
This demonstrates to us the nations with the most astounding number of diabetics in 2017. Starting at 2017, China was the nation with the most astounding number of diabetics around the world.
Professor, University of Toronto.
Former Ambassador and Free Lance Medical Doctor, Cairo University Medical Collage. MB. BCH.
Trisguide Ltd.
Certified Trainer in Human Development and a Motivational Speaker
PhD.,Lysulin, Inc., San Diego
PhD in mathematics, eclaireMD Foundation.
Pharm D, PhD,St. John of God Hospital
Founder Physician of Telemedicine startup,Weight Zero MD