Nurshahirah Saleh has completed the MSc degree from University Technology Mara Selangor, Malaysia. Currently, she is pursuing the master of halal supply chain of food truck in Kuala Lumpur.
Purchasing and consuming foods sold by the food truck vendors is becoming a popular trend due to the hectic lifestyle of Malaysian people nowadays. Street-vended foods were usually produced in small mobile units (e.g., vans, trailers or carts) from which food was sold, mostly with inadequate layout and equipment, frequently associated with poor environmental sanitation, improper food handling and storage practices, as well as low quality of raw materials. The purpose of this study was to investigate the implementation of halalan toyyiban practices among food truck vendors in Kuala Lumpur. Ten food trucks were selected from location at Dungun Street and Tengah Street in the capital city of Kuala Lumpur. The method used was fast observation questionnaire from the element in Malaysia Standard 1500:2009, Malaysia Standard 2400 and Food Act 1983 which covers the hygienic practices, halal logistics and transportation, halal practices and halalan- toyyiban control point analysis. The results show that the food truck vendors need to undergo practices in handling food using food truck as the part of storage and preparation of food were still low.
Diabetes Advanced Technologies
Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus
Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus
Diabetes Ophthalmology
Endocrinology, Diseases and Disorders
Gestational Diabetes
Diabetes: Diseases and Disorders
Diabetes Drugs and Insulin
Diabetes and Dental Care
Diabetes: Treatment and Diagnosis
Diabetes Oral Medications and Anti-Diabetic Medications