The International Conference on Coastal Ecosystem and Management scheduled on September 16-17, 2019 at Amsterdam, Netherlands includes prompt keynote presentations, oral talks, poster presentations, and exhibitions. Coastal Zone 2019 aims to bring together leading academic scientists, researchers and research scholars to exchange and share their experiences and research results on all aspects of coastal ecosystem and ocean sciences. It also provides a premier interdisciplinary platform for researchers, practitioners, and educators to present and discuss the most recent innovations, trends, and concerns as well as practical challenges encountered and solutions adopted in the fields of coastal zone management.
Understanding the ecology, biogeochemical environment, marine conditions, and societal impacts of near-shore environments range from wetlands and estuaries to the edge of the continental shelf.
1. Coastal Ecosystem: Coastal ecosystems are areas where land and water join to create an environment with a distinct structure, diversity, and flow of energy. It includes salt marshes, mangroves, wetlands, estuaries, and bays and is home to many different types of plants and animals.
Coastal Ecology Conference| Coastal Ecosystem conferences| Coast Conservation workshop| Coastal Zone symposium| Coastal Zone conferences
2. Coastal Zone Management: It is to avoid erosion and floods, and also stops erosion to claim lands. Its goal is to: “preserve, protect, develop, enhance, and restore, the coastal resources.” Discuss new techniques or ideas which could be used to manage the coastal zones.
Coastal Zone Management Conference| Coastal Zone Management symposium| Coastal Management meeting| Coast ecosystem and Management conference
3. Mangrove Ecosystem: Mangroves can help reduce vulnerability to climate-related coastal hazards. As a result, mangrove restoration has been used as an ecosystem-based disaster risk reduction and adaptation measure, particularly after the 2004 Asian Tsunami. Discuss more Mangrove Ecosystem and its uses.
Mangrove Ecosystem Conference| Coast and Mangrove Ecosystem conferences| Coastal Mangroves workshop| Mangrove Ecosystem and coastal symposium
4. Coastal Resources: By being adjacent to water, coastal regions include fish and other types of marine life that are important food sources for humans. Coasts also contain sand and other sediments, which are valuable resources for maintaining healthy beach and dune systems.
Best Coastal Zone and Resources conferences| Coastal Zone Conference in Amsterdam| Coastal Zone Conference in 2019| Coastal Resources Seminar
5. Coastal Processes: Tides, waves, and wind-blown coastal dunes, and seaward to the point at which waves interact significantly with the seabed are the coastal processes. The coastal zone is a dynamic part of the Earth's surface where both marine and atmospheric processes produce rocky coasts, as well as beaches and dunes, barriers and tidal inlets, and shape deltas.
Top Coastal Zone conferences| Wave and Tidal Energy conferences| Coastal Processes Conference in the USA| Coastal Processes Conference in the Netherlands
6. Coastal Oceanography: The coastal ocean links the continents and the open (deep) ocean; as such, it overlies the continental margin that consists of the shallow continental shelf, steep continental slope, and the deep continental rise. These strong variations in water depth, and associated geomorphological anomalies, together with earth rotation, exert controls on the direction of coastal ocean circulation. Know about the coastal oceanic processes which are influenced by topographic controls.
Coastal Zone workshops| Coastal Oceanography Conference| Ocean Management Conference| Coastal Zone and Oceans Conferences
7. Near-shore and Surf Zone Processes: The study of the interactions between the oceans and land and the processes that shape coastal features and transport sediment and other materials near coastlines. Land-Ocean Interaction; Land Processes; Ocean Processes and many more
Near-Shore Processes Conferences| Surf-Zone Processes Conferences| Land-Ocean Interaction Conference| Land-Ocean Processes Conference
8. Ocean, Fisheries and Coastal Economics: Economy statistics describe the economic value of activities directly or indirectly related to the use of oceans, or coastal zone resources. Know more about the Economic status of the coastal ecosystem from economy experts worldwide.
Ocean Economy Conference| Conference on Blue Economy| Upcoming Fisheries Conference| Aquaculture Conference
9. Coast and Shore Protection: There are four ways that can be approached:
1. Hold the line
2. Advance the line
3. Retreat the line (surrender) OR
4. Do nothing
Share new ideas to protect the coasts or shores, as it is important for the environment to maintain the balance.
Global Coastal Protection Conference| Coast and Shore Protection Conference| Shore Protection Events|
10. Underwater/Marine Life: Life in the ocean is amazing. Cute and cuddly, creepy crawly, gigantic and microscopic - marine life comes in millions of shapes and size. Learn more about Underwater Life and discuss how they are important for coastal ecosystem management.
Coral Reef Conference| Marine Biology Conferences| Underwater Life Events| Coast Life and Management Conference
11. Coastal Archaeology: Coastal Archaeological sites (environment, history, settlements and findings), shallow water coastal archaeological surveys and near shore wrecks, methodology of the research (direct surveys, remote sensing, etc.), conservation of the coastal archaeological sites, cultural tourism, coastal and underwater archaeological itineraries.
Coastal Archaeology Conference| Island & Coastal Archaeology| Europa Conference 2018| Maritime Archaeology
The coastal zone makes up only 10% of the ocean environment but is home to over 90% of all marine species. For example, of the 13,200 known species of marine fish, almost 80% are coasts. According to the UN, around 3.6 billion people, or 60% of the world’s population, live within 60km of the coast. And 80% of all tourism takes place in coastal areas. Most of the goods we extract from the ocean - from fish to oil and gas - come from coastal regions. Coastal ecosystems also provide a range of services that benefit people around the world.
Coastal zones include the entire continental shelf and occupy about 18% of the surface of the globe, supplying about 90% of global fish catch and accounts for some 25% of global primary productivity while at the same time being some of the most endangered regions on the planet. This growth, which has reached its peak in recent decades, exerts pressures on the environmental and cultural resources of coastal areas, and negatively affects the social, economic and cultural patterns. Offshore oil & gas is the world's biggest marine industry where production alone can have a value of more than $300 billion per annum.
University Cote Azur
Universidad Mayor
University of Padova
University of Sistan and Baluchestan
University of Haifa
Belle Arti e Paesaggio della Liguria
Kuwait university
Hippocampus Institute
International Master In Marine Biological Resources
National University of San Marcos
Swansea University
Studium sas
Hebrew University of