3rd International Conference on Chemical Engineering & Technology 2018, cordially invites all the participants from all over the world. This conference is going to be held on December 05-06, 2018 at Dubai, UAE which includes prompt Keynote presentations, Oral talks, Poster presentations, Exhibitions, Workshops.
Chemical Engineering aspires to bring researchers, engineers, environmentalist and delegates from petroleum, chemical and refinery, pharmacy, biotechnology, food technology, microbiology fields together at the same platform to share their work. The theme of conference is 'An Optimistic Glimpse of Advanced Futuristic & Chemical Engineering in Science and Technology'.
The role of chemical engineering can be observed easily in our various day to day activities. It even helps in production of electronics, clothing, paper and photographic equipment etc. The scope for individual in this field is growing day by day. This is mainly because of industrial growth as well as the related scarcity of the resources those are required. In future years, chemical engineers will develop alternatives for resources which are about to be rare and have less suppliers.Chemical Engineers contributions will be very crucial to improve maintenance of quality of our lives. These days production of various high quality products like medical drugs, petroleum, oil, paints, gasoline, lubricants, fibres and many more are been produced by it.
The different designated people from the fields of Chemical Engineering, Biotechnology, Food Technology, Electronics and Communication, Pharmaceutical Sciences, Polymer Engineering, Medical Sciences, Environmental Sciences and related subjects who will be able to participate in the conference are: Engineers, Professors, Chemists, Scientists, Scholars, Students, Industries Associates, staffs and Societies.
Session-1: Biochemical Engineering:
Biochemical engineering is a combination of Chemical Engineering and Biological Engineering that manages the outline and development of unit operations that include natural life forms or molecules, for example, bioreactors. This will help in recognising the organic or biochemical phenomena of these frameworks. Biochemical Engineering additionally manages the kinetics of growth, demise and digestion, maturation, agitation, mass exchange and enzyme technology. Biochemical has many scopes in the field of petrochemical, food, pharmacy, biotechnology, and water treatment ventures. A bioreactor may likewise refer to a gadget intended to develop cells or tissues in the climate of cell culture. These gadgets are being created for use in tissue engineering or biochemical engineering.
Biochemical Engineering Conference| Biochemical Engineering Congress| Biochemical Engineering Workshop| Biochemical Engineering Meeting| Biochemical Engineering Symposium
Session-2: Chemical Thermodynamics:
Thermodynamics is a division of material science comprising with heat and temperature with their connection to energy and work. Thermodynamic balance is one of the imperative ideas of thermodynamics. Thermodynamics is an extensive type of subject in science and engineering, predominantly physical chemistry, chemical engineering and mechanical engineering. A thermodynamic operation is more often about thermodynamic process of exchange of mass or energy that alters the condition of the system, and this transfer is based on the laws of thermodynamics. Thermodynamic systems are hypothetical developments used to show physical frameworks that change matter and energy in favour of the laws of thermodynamics.
Chemical Thermodynamics Conference| Chemical Thermodynamics Congress| Chemical Thermodynamics Workshop| Chemical Thermodynamics Meeting| Chemical Thermodynamics Symposium
Session-3: Sustainable Development with Renewable Biofuels and Energy:
Biofuels are produced utilizing an extensive variety of assets and procedures. Biofuels can be extracted specifically from plants, or by implication from farming, business, residential, as well as industrial wastes. Sustainable biofuels are made through the utilization or conversion of biomass. This biomass can be improved containing energy in three different modes: thermal conversion, chemical conversion, and biochemical conversion. This biomass transformation can bring about fuel in strong, fluid, or gas shape. This new biomass can likewise be utilized specifically for biofuels. This assortment has developed recently, helping to shape an apt industry that is relentlessly searching down another innovation and feedstock.
Sustainable Biofuels Conference| Sustainable Biofuels Congress| Sustainable Biofuels Workshop| Sustainable Biofuels Meeting| Sustainable Biofuels Symposium
Session-4: Environmental Engineering with Green Chemistry Approach:
Environmental engineering is one of the branch which focuses on energy preservation, assurance and control of wastes from human and animal means like issues of society and Green Chemistry includes the improvement of compound items and procedures that limit the utilization and generation of hazardous and undesirable substances. These likewise incorporates waste water management, air contamination control, reusing, waste disposal, radiation protection, modern cleanliness, animal horticulture, ecological manageability, general wellbeing and environmental engineering law. The main motive is the sustainable development using chemical engineering by:
Environmental Engineering Conference| Environmental Engineering Congress| Environmental Engineering Workshop| Environmental Engineering Meeting| Environmental Engineering Symposium
Session-5: Chemical Biotechnology Engineering:
Biotechnology is the study, research and development of living systems and organisms to develop or make products for the use in pharmaceutical, diagnostic, environmental and agricultural industries. Also, as "any technological application that uses biological systems, living organisms, or derivatives thereof, to make or modify products or processes for specific use". Due to tools and applications of biotechnology, it generally relates with the fields of bio manufacturing, molecular engineering, Chemical Engineering, etc.
Biotechnology Engineering Conference| Biotechnology Engineering Congress| Biotechnology Engineering Workshop| Biotechnology Engineering Meeting| Biotechnology Engineering Symposium
Session-6: Biomedical Engineering:
Biomedical engineering (BME) is the application based on standards and plan ideas to drug and science for medicinal services purposes (e.g. diagnostic or therapeutic). This field links engineering and medicine, to propel human healthcare treatment, including diagnosis, monitoring, and therapy.
Biomedical engineering is just recent field when contrasted with numerous other designing fields. Such development is common, as specific specialized fields are changed and not being viewed as a field in it. A great part of the work in biomedical designing comprises of innovative work, spreading over an expansive exhibit of subfields. Applications includes compatible prostheses, different diagnostic and therapeutic gadgets ranging from clinical equipment to micro-implants, imaging equipment, like, MRIs and EKG/ECGs, regenerative tissue development, pharmaceutical medications and therapies.
Biomedical Engineering Conference| Biomedical Engineering Congress| Biomedical Engineering Workshop| Biomedical Engineering Meeting| Biomedical Engineering Symposium
Session-7: Separation Process in Chemical Engineering:
The global market of chemical separation and purification technologies and equipment, used to separate a mixture or solution of chemical substances into at least two particular item mixtures on the basis of their difference in the physical properties. Any of the result of separation is enriched in one or more of the source mixture's constituents. Sometimes, a division may completely separate the blend into unadulterated constituents. BCC Research estimates the total global market for separation and purification equipment reached about $11.2 billion in 2013 and $11.4 billion in 2014. This market is expected to reach $14.3 billion by 2019, registering a compound annual growth (CAGR) of 4.7% over the next five years.
Separation Process Conference| Separation Process Congress| Separation Process Workshop| Separation Process Meeting| Separation Process Symposium
Session-8: Chemical Nanotechnology:
Nanotechnology ("nanotech") is control of issue on a nuclear, atomic, and super molecular scale. Control atoms and molecules for manufacture of macro scale items, likewise now alluded to as sub-atomic nanotechnology. Chemical Engineering with nanotechnology has the great scope in medical sciences. A more summed up portrayal is the control of issue with no less than one measurement estimated from 1 to 100 Nano meters. Nanotechnology includes comprehensively the basic material science, chemistry, biology and innovation of nanometre-scale objects.
Nanotechnology Conference| Nanotechnology Congress| Nanotechnology Workshop| Nanotechnology Meeting| Nanotechnology Symposium
Session-9: Polymer Engineering :
Polymer engineering includes the area of petrochemical business, polymerization, structure and portrayal of polymers, properties of polymers, compounding and handling of polymers and depiction of significant polymers, structure property relations and applications. The market for polymers is in excess of USD 1 Trillion and that number is growing. Researches going on, leads its entry in wider fields such as electronics, biodegradable plastics, medical equipment and utility.
Polymer Engineering Conference| Polymer Engineering Congress| Polymer Engineering Workshop| Polymer Engineering Meeting| Polymer Engineering Symposium
Session-10: Chemical Engineering in Food Processing:
Food Engineering is a field which unite microbiology, applied physical sciences, Chemical Engineering and designing for food and related ventures. Food engineering incorporates the use of farming designing and chemical engineering standards to nourishment materials. Food engineers give the innovative knowledge of cost-effective production and commercialization of nourishment items and administrations. The global market for confectionery processing equipment has grown exponentially in the last few years. The market is estimated to be valued at USD 4.69 Billion in 2018, and is projected to reach USD 6.55Billion by 2023, at a CAGR of around 6.90% during the forecast period. Food engineering includes an extensive variety of activities. Particular Food engineering activities include:
Many researches are going on for modification of food for its nourishment and their viability.
Food Engineering Conference| Food Engineering Congress| Food Engineering Workshop| Food Engineering Meeting| Food Engineering Symposium
Session-11: Waste Management and Chemical Engineering:
Chemical engineering mainly deals to problems related to food processing, materials development, environmental remediation, waste management and other challenges for the improvement of life. Recently, chemical engineering laboratories of MSU-IIT were focused towards examining new alternative technologies to handle the mixed wastes. There are many technologies for fast composting of kitchen and garden wastes using a patented composter and dehydrator. Waste management is to be mainly focused in this present scenario.
Management Conference| Chemical Engineering Conference| Waste Management Congress| Chemical Engineering Congress| Waste Management Workshop| Chemical Engineering Workshop| Waste Management Meeting| Chemical Engineering Meeting| Waste Management Symposium| Chemical Engineering Symposium
Session-12: Organic Chemistry Approach in Pharmaceutical Chemical Engineering:
Organic science is the science sub-discipline for the logical investigation of structure, properties, and reactions of natural compounds and natural materials (materials that contain carbon atoms) like as in Pharmaceutical chemical engineering it manages the plan and development of unit operations that include biological organisms or molecules, such as bioreactors with the study of structure decides their concoction arrangement and equation. Investigation of properties incorporates physical and chemical properties, and assessment of compound reactivity to understand their behaviour. The investigation of organic reactions incorporates the chemical synthesis of natural products, medications, and polymers, and investigation of individual natural atoms in the research centre and through theoretical (in silico) study.
Organic Chemistry Conference| Organic Chemistry Congress| Organic Chemistry Workshop| Organic Chemistry Meeting| Organic Chemistry Symposium
Session-13: Ecological Geochemistry:
Geochemistry is a science that deals with the compound structure and synthetic changes/reactions in the strong Earth and its different segments (lithosphere: rocks, minerals, hydrosphere and seas, waterways, lakes, and climate). All the more particularly, it explores the relative abundance, distribution, and transport of the Earth's chemical components (e.g. C, O) and their isotopes (13C/12C, 18O/16O). Ecological Geochemistry explores the effect of normal geochemical processes, and human instigated (anthropogenic) natural bothers, on our natural systems (e.g. streams, lakes, soils, backwoods) and on human well-being.
Ecological Geochemistry Conference| Ecological Geochemistry Congress| Ecological Geochemistry Workshop| Ecological Geochemistry Meeting| Ecological Geochemistry Symposium
Session-14: Industrial Chemical Engineering:
Industrial Chemistry is the connection between the research and industrial-scale chemical engineering. Industrial chemists make utilization of their wide comprehension of science and environmental sustainability in areas like pharmaceutical organizations, polymer fabricating, petrochemical handling, nourishment science, and manufacturing industries. Industrial chemists are associated with:
Industrial Chemistry Conference| Industrial Chemistry Congress| Industrial Chemistry Workshop| Industrial Chemistry Meeting| Industrial Chemistry Symposium
Session-15: Petrochemical Engineering:
Petroleum engineering is a blend of development, investigation and expansion and is a specialty profession within the field of chemical engineering. It manages the operations engaged with refining oil or raw petroleum and chemical procedures associated with turning the crude materials of unrefined petroleum and oil into helpful items, for example, sustenance, garments, composts and plastics by the utilization of advanced technology. Energy is a key part in our regular day to day existences. A safe vitality future requires a harmony between ecological effect and reasonable supply. Petroleum engineers progressively utilize propelled PCs, not just in investigation of exploration data and simulation of reservoir behaviour, yet in addition in automation of oilfield generation and drilling activities. Oil and geosystems engineers can address and settle imperative issues that will lead to energy security and subsequently are popular.
Petrochemical Engineering Conference| Petrochemical Engineering Congress| Petrochemical Engineering Workshop| Petrochemical Engineering Meeting| Petrochemical Engineering Symposium
In the present economy, Chemical Engineering must react to the changing needs of the chemical process industry with a specific end goal to meet market requests. The advancement of chemical engineering is important to stay competitive in worldwide exchange. Chemical engineering is essential for sustainability: to fulfill, both, the market necessities for particular end-use properties of items and the social and environmental requirements of industrial scale processes. A multidisciplinary, multi-scale way to deal with chemical engineering is developing because of leaps forward in molecular model , logical instrumentation and related signal processing and great computational apparatuses.
The way to survival for chemical engineering is the capacity to adapt to societal and conservative issues experienced by the chemical procedure industry. The future research in chemical engineering is heading in four ways: fitting materials with controlled structures, process growth, product oriented and multi scale recreation and displaying from the sub-atomic scale to the item scale.
Chemical knowledge is likewise developing quickly, and the rate of disclosure is expanding each day. More than fourteen million diverse molecular compounds have been combined and around One Lakh out of them are found available. Just a little portion of them are found in nature. A large portion of them are and will be purposely considered, planned, synthesized and made to meet a human need, to test a thought or to fulfill our mission of learning.
Chemistry as of now assumes a basic part in our attempt to encourage the total populace, to tap new wellsprings of vitality, to dress and house mankind, to enhance well-being and kill ailment, to give substitutes to uncommon crude materials, to plan essential materials for new data and communication advances, and to screen and secure our condition. Hence, the difficulties looked by chemical and related enterprises and the particular business of scientific experts is to envision activities that will change over the chemical substances we find around us into substances or items that address the customer's issues.
Modern chemistry has developed to meet these new needs, such that the new related words with it are: life sciences, information and communication sciences, and instrumentation in the 21th century.
The present chemical designing methodology represents new or rising advancements, for example, biotechnology, microelectronics and micro optoelectronics, biomedical, nanotechnologies, and new polymer, earthenware and composite materials and at the same time stays competitive in traditional innovations that include taking care of the established issues of sustainable power sources, engineered energies, crude material and energy reserve funds.
Today, chemical process engineering is concerned about understanding and creating precise techniques for the outline and ideal task of chemical, pharmaceutical, nourishment, beauty care products and process frameworks, going from Nano and Microsystems to modern scale continuous and batch processes. For the fate of chemical engineering, it is proposed to attempt synchronous research in four different ways such as:
(a) Total multi-scale control of the procedure to expand selectivity and profitability, a great outline in the Nano structural fitting of required materials with controlled structure.
(b) Process growth by plan of novel equipment in based on logical standards and new creation operating techniques.
(c) To synthesize structured products, consolidating a few capacities and properties required by the customer, with uncommon accentuation on complex liquids and solids technology. Cases managed the nature of micro emulsions for foodstuff and the control of the shape, size and structure of gems in crystallization forms experienced in chemical industries.
(d) To execute multi scale and multidisciplinary computational demonstrating and reenactment to real-life circumstances, a comprehension of the material science, chemistry and biology of the connections should be stressed, instead of the refinement of numerical codes, whose complexity isn't at all related with genuine issues in industrial practice.
In reality specialists and researchers in chemical engineering are issue solvers. In fact, chemical engineering today should both apply and finish Isaac Newton's reference: "tackling issues is more essential than learning rules". To do this in this day and age of chemical and process industries, an extraordssinary number of difficulties must be confronted and explained.
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