Dr. Suruchi Garg Gupta is the Founder Director and Chief Consultant Dermatologist and Hair Transplant Surgeon at Aura Skin Ins tute. A scholar throughout her career, she is a board certified Dermatologist from world renowned and India's premier ter ary care Postgraduate Ins tute of Medical Educa on and Research (PGIMER), Chandigarh. She spent around 6 years at this ins tute and then also worked as Senior Consultant Dermatologist and Cosmetologist at For s Hospital, Mohali.She is an interna onally trained Dermato-Laser and Hair transplant surgeon. She has taken advanced training (certified) at USA, Europe and Israel and has been bestowed with many pres gious na onal and interna onal honors for her extraordinary and consistent contribu ons in the field of laser treatments, body contouring and Hair Transplant. Dr. Suruchi has introduced many latest laser treatments at Chandigarh, few of them being first in the country.
Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) has emerged as a new treatment modality in regenera ve plas c surgery and dermatology. PRP is a simple, cost-effective and feasible treatment op on with high pa ent sa sfac on for hair loss and can be regarded as a valuable adjuvant treatment modality for androgenic alopecia and other types of non-scarring alopecias. Authors have proposed a hair model termed “Golden anchorage with ‘molecular locking’ of ectodermal and mesenchymal components for survival and integrity of hair follicle (HF)” in this ar cle. Golden anchorage comprises of bulge stem cells, ectodermal basement membrane and bulge por on of APM. PRP with its autologous supply of millions of growth factors works on ‘Golden anchorage’ along with kera nocytes (PDGF), dermal papilla (IGF and broblast growth factor), vasculature (VEGF and PDGF) and neural cells (Nerve Growth Factor) in a mul pronged manner serving as an ‘elixir’ for hair growth and improving overall environment.