Dr Mira Bajirova, Associate Professor, Consultant IVF, Ob-Gyn from Paris, France. Born in Kazakhstan, moved to Moscow for Medical Studies and Science studies, PhD. A er spending 13 years in Moscow, moved to Paris in 1989. Medical and PhD were not recognized. New language. Started from the cleaner job, then caregiver, then studied to obtain the nurse Diploma and entered to the Paris University and a er studying again 13 years, obtained 9 French Diplomas and Certificates. In Total 14 University diplomas and Certificates. In France worked with Prof Frydman who did the 2nd IVF in the World, with Prof Pouly, French IVF Society President. On the Na onal Compe on on the Country level in 2001 to become Assistant Professor was on 2nd place. Did Na onal Science Study: ICSI and Children, which was preselected for European Award by ESHRE in 2001 and orally presented in Lausanne, Switzerland. Special interest in Alterna ve treatment by Nega ve Ions since 2010. Miraculous effects of the Nega ve Ions on Female and Male Infer lity, Premature Menopause, Infec ons, Cervical Dysplasia and even Cancer were published in 2017 and 2018 in Interna onal Journals. 35 publica ons, 6 Oral presenta ons, Interna onal experience: USA, UK, China, Vietnam, Russia, Kazakhstan, Pakistan, Kuwait, United Arab Emirates. Interested by Allah's Treatment: Ruqya and Nega ve Ions. Last presenta on as an Interna onal Speaker in Japan.
The causes of Breast Cancer (and almost of all diseases) are Decreased Oxygen U liza on and Jinn. Decreased Oxygen U liza on is induced by Posi ve Ions, everything man-made. The Nega ve Ions are the best against Posi ve Ions. Posi ve Ions cause acidosis and hypoxia, inamma on inducing consequently the diseases. The Nega ve Ions are abundant in the clean nature (rain, waterfall, sea, forest) and there are many Nega ve Ions products. Allah says:''(Remember) when He overwhelmed you with drowsiness (giving) security from Him and sent down upon you from the sky, rain by which to purify you and remove from you the evil (sugges ons) of Satan and to make steadfast your hearts and plant confirmly thereby your feet'' (Quran, Al-Anfal 8:11). Ruqya is a cure from Allah for all diseases.''Allah has not sent down any disease but He has also sent down the cure; the one who knows it, knows it and the one who does not know it, does not know i''.