Wassil Nowicky is the Director of “Nowicky Pharma” and President of the Ukrainian An -Cancer Ins tute (Vienna, Austria). He is the inventor of the an -cancer prepara on on the basis of celandine alkaloids “NSC-631570”. He is an author of over 300 scien ï¬ c ar cles dedicated to cancer research. He is a real member of the New York Academy of Sciences, member of the European Union for applied immunology and of the American Associa on for scien ï¬ c progress, honorary doctor of the Janka Kupala University in Hrodno, doctor “honoris causa” of the Open interna onal university on complex medicine in Colombo, honorary member of the Austrian Society of a name of Albert Schweizer. He has received the award for merits of Na onal guild of pharmacists of America, the award of Austrian Society of sanitary, hygiene and public health services and others.
In a series of ar cles the researchers have studied the eff ect of NSC-631570 on various parameters in breast cancer pa ents. Best results were achieved with higher dosage of NSC-631570. Almost every pa ent noted the improvement of the general well-being, sleep and appe te. During the surgery, the tumors as well as involved lymph nodes were presented sclero c and well demarcated from the surrounding ssue. This alleviated the surgical removal of the tumor considerably. In the tumor ssue, increased concentra on of the amino acid proline was revealed indica ng augmented produc on of connec ve ssue that 16 demarcate the tumor from surrounding ssue. NSC-631570 improved also the amino acid balance of pa ents.
A recent in vitro study with murine and human cancer cell lines conï¬ rmed these good results in the treatment of breast cancer were not accidental. The researchers from Emory University (Atlanta, Georgia, USA) and Kennesaw State University (Kennesaw, Georgia, USA) concluded: “The an cancer drug Ukrain exerts its cytotoxic eff ects on both mouse and human breast cancer cell lines in a dose and me dependent manner. Weeks following Ukrain treatment, cells maintained a reduced capacity to proliferate. Our data suggest that Ukrain could be eff ec ve as an an cancer drug for breast cancer due to its short term and long term inhibitory eff ects on tumor cell viability and prolifera on.”