We cordially invite you to the Webinar on Biomarkers to be held at Paris, France on July 20-21, 2020. The 2020 edition of the Biomarkers conference will move forward with the theme “Biomarker as a future protagonist ”. Biomarkers 2020 concentrates on procuring emerging researches in the sector of medicine and health brought to us via applications of biomarkers. Scientists, Young researchers, pharmaceutical industrialists and medical professionals are expected to form a global networking through this conference thereby getting and letting explore the topic to a greater extent. This meeting deals with field of immunology, nutrition, epidemiology, cancer biology, targeted cancer therapies and cancer pharmacology, etc. Paris has been finalized as the venue for the summit and is full of tourists’ attraction places. We welcome participants from all over the globe to join us for the summit as well as to explore the beautiful city.
Session on: Biomarkers
Biomarkers, in other words, biological markers deal with medical science being a source of identification and observation of varied underlying diseases. Observable signs are sometimes in contrast to medical symptoms, which are limited to those indications of health or illness perceived by patients themselves. They allow the assessment of such symptoms via a therapeutic interference thereby framing a pharmacological response. This session of Biomarkers 2020 includes the basic ideology behind heterogeneous biomarkers relating to their discovery, validation, and verification.
Biomarkers Conference | Biomarkers Workshop | Biomarkers 2020 | 3rd World Biomarkers Summit | Oncology Conference | Immuno-oncology Biomarkers | Biomarkers Summit 2020
Session on: Prognosis, Diagnosis and Prediction
Classification of biological markers is broadly divided into three categories i.e., Prognostic, Diagnostic and Predictive basing upon their functionality and implementation methodology. As the names suggest some are being put to use before initiating the treatment while others act as indicators after implementation of medical procedure. Biomarkers linking to early indication of certain risk factors help in curbing the diseases prior to any severe damage. Biomarkers 2020 intends to gather people from varied sectors to provide us with the knowledge of types of biomarkers and their proper uses.
Biomarkers 2020 | 3rd World Biomarkers Summit | Oncology Conference | Immuno-oncology Biomarkers | Biomarkers Summit 2020 | Biomarkers Conference | Biomarkers Workshop
Session on: Lifestyle and Medication
Lifestyle of people i.e., nutrition, medication, nursing in specific is being critically enhanced by the application of biomarkers. Pathogens such as viruses, bacteria, parasites, or fungi causing infectious diseases have been a major threat around the globe and have a huge impact on public health and the world economy. Diseases linked to our metabolism like diabetes, respiratory chronic diseases and cardiovascular diseases are much predominant on today’s date. Session on this topic links to cancer, nutrition, nursing and alternative medicine, metabolomics-based investigations and non-cancerous diseases as well.
3rd World Biomarkers Summit | Oncology Conference | Immuno-oncology Biomarkers | Biomarkers Summit 2020 | Biomarkers 2020 | Biomarkers Conference | Biomarkers Workshop
Session on: Cancer Therapies and Therapeutics
Oncology is linked to the usage of biomarkers for determination of a patient’s risk of developing a malignancy using risk reduction strategies (such as lifestyle changes, prophylactic surgery, or chemoprevention). Biomarkers have been proven to be a certified indicator of such malignancies at the initial stages. These can be used for patient assessment of patients including estimating risk of disease, screening occult primary cancers, distinguishing benign from malignant impressions or one type of malignant finding from another, prognosis and prediction for patients diagnosed with cancer, and surveillance of the disease, either to detect iterating factors or response to therapy. Biomarkers bring the department of Oncology and the sectors related such as cytological biomarkers, biomarkers for cancer stem cells, haematological cancer, etc.
Biomarkers Summit 2020 | Biomarkers 2020 | Biomarkers Conference | Biomarkers Workshop | 3rd World Biomarkers Summit | Oncology Conference | Immuno-oncology Biomarkers
Session on: Immuno-Oncology
Immuno-oncology focuses on working and preaching assistance from our own immune system so as to opt for treatments to fight cancer. Cancer-targeting immunotherapy works with the perspective of modeling the immune system in a way through which it perceives cancer as a foreign entity and starts prepping up to curb it at its initial stage.This session links to various general immunotherapies, cancer linked immunotherapies (monoclonal antibodies, etc.), immunotherapies linked with other treatments like radiology, chemotherapy, surgery.
Biomarkers Conference | Biomarkers Workshop | Biomarkers 2020 | 3rd World Biomarkers Summit | Oncology Conference | Immuno-oncology Biomarkers | Biomarkers Summit 2020
Session on: Molecular Genetics
Genetic mutations nowadays are a source of biomarkers and are widely in use. Molecular markers and translational markers play the kingpin in certain genre of cancers e.g. lungs cancer, hepatic cancer, etc. in determining and mitigating the same. The coincidence of genetic toxicity events with the initial stages of cancer has aggravated great interest in molecular/cytogenetic epidemiological studies for implementing DNA repair along with carcinogen metabolism and DNA biomarkers with cancer risk. Talks and ideologies in this session could provide information regarding cytological epidemiology, DNA markers, epigenetic mediated gene silencing, and translational diagnosis.
3rd World Biomarkers Summit | Oncology Conference | Immuno-oncology Biomarkers | Biomarkers Summit 2020 | Biomarkers 2020 | Biomarkers Conference | Biomarkers Workshop
Session on: Drug Development
Drug discovery and drug development coupled with biomarkers are used exclusively for the diagnosis and monitoring of patients in clinical trials. Biomarkers enhance the success rate of drug development programmes and thereby accelerate the availability of advanced therapeutics. Biomarker development is a multistep and recurrent process starting with biomarker discovery in infectious diseases. In this session, analytical validation phase of biomarker development, pharmacogenomics, functional proteomics, bio analytical method of validation, pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamics models.
Biomarkers Summit 2020 | Biomarkers Conference | Biomarkers Workshop | Biomarkers 2020 | 3rd World Biomarkers Summit | Oncology Conference | Immuno-oncology Biomarkers
Session on: Nanotechnology for Biomarkers
Nanoparticle-based assays are gradually unfolding as an upcoming approach, providing ultra-high sensitive and specific detection in case of cancer biomarker. The on-going survey presents an overview of methodologies used in the development and usage of nanoparticles for the detection of cancer biomarkers including mass spectrometry, optical and electrical detection methods. Nanoparticles are highly sensitive, selective and accelerate biomarker detection methods, emphasising their detection probabilities in assays for trace amounts of a biomarker in various types of biological fluids be it tears or urine.
Immuno-oncology Biomarkers | Biomarkers Summit 2020 | Biomarkers 2020 | Biomarkers Conference | Biomarkers Workshop | 3rd World Biomarkers Summit | Oncology Conference
Session on: Emerging Therapeutic Biomarkers
Therapeutic Biomarkers are emerging to newer heights along with improvised advancements in their way of operation. This is generally a protein that could be used as target for a therapy. Most of the emerging biomarkers hail from the diagnosis and prognosis related to cancer and tumor therapies. This session of Biomarkers 2020 deals with Biomarkers as surrogate endpoint for clinical trials, Biomarkers for targeted therapy, immuno-oncology.
Biomarkers Conference | Biomarkers Workshop | Biomarkers 2020 | 3rd World Biomarkers Summit | Oncology Conference | Immuno-oncology Biomarkers | Biomarkers Summit 2020
Session on: Clinical Research & Biomarkers
Clinical research governs the productivity and safety of various products and inventions proposed for human use. In this process the validity, shelf life, threats and efficacy of the biomarkers in various fields is being tested and verified. This session includes the usage of biomarkers (especially pharmacodynamics) for biomarkers in sectors of oncology, immunology, neurology, epidemiology.
Biomarkers Summit 2020 | Biomarkers 2020 | Biomarkers Conference | Biomarkers Workshop | 3rd World Biomarkers Summit | Oncology Conference | Immuno-oncology Biomarkers
Session on: Biomarker Testing
Biomarker testing performs tests that focuses on the molecular signs of health so that there will be proper diagnosis and care. Certain tissues or fluid samples are being collected for the experimentation thereby providing a prognostic idea about any alarming threat to health. This section plays a key role in the Biomarker 2020 as it includes the ethical issues, process of implementation, experimentation and organised observation of biological markers for the diagnosis purpose.
3rd World Biomarkers Summit | Oncology Conference | Immuno-oncology Biomarkers | Biomarkers Summit 2020 | Biomarkers 2020 | Biomarkers Conference | Biomarkers Workshop
Session on: Advances and Future Perspective
Biomarkers are considered as the lynchpin of future medicine in regards to their advancement and accuracy. Investors and industrialists especially in the sector of pharmaceuticals and epidemiology are booming at an alarming rate because of the profits and high revenue. In the sector of medicine the contribution of biomarkers still remains unmatchable. This session anchors all the future perspective of biomarkers, advancements and applications as well.
Biomarkers Summit 2020 | Biomarkers 2020 | Biomarkers Conference | Biomarkers Workshop | 3rd World Biomarkers Summit | Oncology Conference | Immuno-oncology Biomarkers
About Biomarkers:
The basis of Biomarkers 2020 is to gather eminent personalities and professionals from the sectors of pharmacy, medicine and research sharing similar interests and ideologies regarding prevalent diseases especially in the department of oncology and the ways of mitigations linked. Biomarkers 2020 purposes to bring forth the information regarding new line tech savvy methodologies used in Biomarkers with the applications from nanotech for curbing nightmarish diseases like cancer.
Why to attend Biomarkers 2020?
3rd World Biomarkers Summit invites renowned and experienced personnel hailing from fields like Oncology, Neurology, Epidemiology, Immunology, Nanotechnology, Nutrition, Medicine, Pharmaceuticals. The Conference will be composed of many exciting academic programs including multiple panels, workshops, affinity group lunches, paper presentations, and scientific sessions by professionals. Nonetheless everyone who will be a part of this gets certification for their participation, personal brand establishment and rebuild customer base.
We plan to provide all delegates and high skilled professors with all possible basic amenities and for attendees a source of knowledge regarding all the imminent technologies lined up.
Importance and Scope:
Theme of the conference “Biomarkers As A Future Protagonist” conveys the basic notion we are willing to showcase to the world. Biomarkers 2020 prioritizes the high end technologies used for human welfare and convenience. People from every genre i.e. the highly classified professionals, budding industrialists and young innovators have a great deal in this as they will be having a chance for diversification and global communication. We believe Biomarkers 2020 will come out as an academic exploration and a platform full of public awareness.
Business Value of Biomarkers:
Major market players include Abbott Laboratories, Medtronic, BG Medicine Inc., Hoffmann LA Roche Ltd., Siemens Healthnineers, Nexus-DX, Qiagen N.V., Lifesign LLC
Reference- https://www.transparencymarketresearch.com/cancer-biomarkers-market.html
List of universities associated with Biomarkers in Worldwide:
List of Universities associated with Biomarkers in Europe:
List of Research centres Worldwide:
List of Research Centres in Europe:
List of Hospitals Worldwide:
List of Hospitals in Europe:
Funding on biomarkers:
Biomarkers Market worth $40.8 Billion by 2018
Reference- https://pitchengine.com
Forecast for next 5 years:
Biomarkers are successfully predicting drug efficacy hastily than conventional clinical endpoints. These aids of Biomarker will also be swelling its demand among the end-user industries over the upcoming years. Sectors from oncology to medicine to nanotech, Biomarkers have been spreading its branches all along within these years and plans to have more expansion of territory in the field of science and technology in the future.
Biomarkers hold a latent position for the world of medicine and healthcare. This is the era of technology and every day is a day of new innovation and invention. Expertise increases day by day so as our expectations and lifestyle. We can hope for better tomorrow where we observe early detection possibly not only for cancer but for other diseases also.
Reference- https://www.transparencymarketresearch.com/cancer-biomarkers-market.html
Reference- https://pitchengine.com
Meetings International is announcing Young Scientist Awards through 3rd World Biomarkers Summit (Biomarkers 2020) which is scheduled at Paris, France during July 20-21, 2020. This Biomarkers conference focuses on “Biomarker as a Future Protagonist”.
Biomarkers 2020 and upcoming conferences will recognise participants who have significantly added value to the scientific community of oncological research and provide them outstanding Young Scientist Awards. The Young Scientist Award will provide a strong professional development opportunity for young researches by meeting experts to exchange and share their experiences at our international conferences.
Biomarkers 2020 focuses mainly on Biomarkers, Prognosis, Diagnosis and Prediction, Lifestyle and Medication, Cancer Therapies and Therapeutics, Immuno-Oncology, Molecular Genetics, Drug Development, Nanotechnology for Biomarkers. Biomarkers conference operating committee is providing a platform for all the budding young researchers, young investigators, post-graduate/Master students, PhD. students and trainees to showcase their research and innovation.
Young Scientists, faculty members, post-doctoral fellows, PhD scholars and bright Final Year MSc and M.Phil candidates. Persons from Scientific Industry can also participate.
Benefits: The Young Scientist Feature is a platform to promote young researchers in their respective area by giving them a chance to present their achievements and future perspectives.
Conditions of Acceptance:
To receive the award, the awardee must submit the presentation for which the award is given, for publication at the website, along with author permission. Failure to submit the PPT, and permission within the designated timeframe will result in forfeiture of award.
Award Announcements:
Official announcement of the recipients will occur after the completion of Biomarkers Conference.
Meetings International recognises those participants and organisations that have significantly added to the value to scientific community. Exceptional performances were judged by an independent panel of experts. Awards provide an opportunity to the participants and organisations to showcase their best research and projects to the world. All of us at international conference are proud of our outstanding successes over the years. Here are some of our highlights:
Best Keynote Award:
Opening remarks or presentation at Biomarkers 2020 sets the tone or theme of the event and motivates attendees. Excellent Keynote Award will be given to the speaker who has made significant contributions to the field of oncology and related sessions but also makes a difference by his presence during the Biomarkers Summit. Recipients of the award are considered to have advanced in the field of oncology through research or service.
Best OCM Award:
The most active member of the Biomarkers 2020 committee will be awarded with this Honourable OCM Award whose valuable direction help in hosting this biomarkers conference. A certificate with an inscription stating the award name, name of the presenting author, and title of the presentation shall be sent to the award recipient after the meeting or congress when the conditions of acceptance are met.
Superlative Speaker Award:
Meeting International offers award to the best oral presentations or proffered scientific papers at this Biomarkers Summit. These are judged in terms of scientific content and quality of presentation. The aim of the awards is to support research activities in the field of oncology and biomarkers research, which advance the work or personal development of the winner. The awards are announced at the end of this oncology conference as winner and runner-up. Award should motivate participants to strive to realize their fullest potential which could in turn be beneficial to the field as whole. These awards will be provided to participants for their poster presentation at Biomarkers Summit.
A maximum of 2 prizes will be awarded for the best student posters, the following criteria apply:
Outstanding Young Researchers’ Forum Award:
Award for Young Scientists in Biomarkers 2020 is provided in order to promote excellence in various fields of oncology. This award is known as “Outstanding Young Researchers’ Forum Award”.
Award will be given to the best young researcher, the following criteria apply:
Finest Poster Award Biomarkers 2020:
This award recognises the best poster presentation given during the course of an event. Recipient of this award will be selected by the judge of the poster session. An award winning poster will be evaluated on presentation content and clarity, innovativeness of approach, communication criteria and scientific aspects. It will also be based on layout, insights, analysis and results description. The awardee will be felicitated after the completion of poster session.
Selection of Judges & Judging Process:
2 weeks prior to this biomarkers conference, select preconference registrants are invited to participate to judge presentations. Judges are asked to select their field of interest. Each judge evaluates their assigned presentations. All presentations are judged equally regardless of categories with confidential. Judge's scores are compiled, per category, and tallied to get the overall score. Committee members determine the recipients of the awards
Poster Guidelines:
Abstract Guidelines:
Award Announcements:
Official announcement of the recipients will occur after the Biomarkers Summit.
3rd World Biomarkers Summit concentrates on procuring emerging researches in the sector of medicine and health brought to us via applications of biomarkers. Scientists, Young researchers, pharmaceutical industrialists and medical professionals are expected to form a global networking through this conference thereby getting and letting explore the topic to a greater extent. The size and diversity of our advertising options, including banners, sponsored emails, article alerts or newsletters, provide clients with the very best customized marketing opportunities in science and medicine.
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If you sell biomarkers, diagnostic kit, research materials, chemicals, instruments, or you are looking to recruit that next investigator, here is your opportunity to advertise in the website that can connect you to leading experts and science specialists across the Globe.
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For any queries regarding advertising opportunities, please contact: biomarkers@insightsummits.com
Nutritionist, de Beaumont Bonelli Foundation for Cancer Research
Consultant Medical Oncologist
New Delhi NCR