Qinthara Salsabila,collage student in Islamic State University of Sunan Ampel, from Indonesia.
Bioenergy is an energy which facile from vegetable or animal agricultural waste product,forestry or municipal waste industry. In Indonesia, palm oil is the main source for bioenergy utilization. Even today, Indonesia is the biggest producing country of crude palm oil. The elevation price of fuel oil in Indonesia, makes bioenergy must be substituting from fuel oil. Besides the price will be more affordable, bioenergy comes from environmentally friendly
materials too and it can be used up to a very wide range. Based from Bank of Indonesia 2017, around 75% from crude palm oil in Indonesia was exported and has donated around 29,5% from industrial exports in 2016. Utilization of bioenergy now in continued during the research period by researches. Because besides the affordable price, good impact of bioenergy utilization also can improve the country’s economy which produced from crude palm oil by great production. The rising prices of fuel oil also can be handled by changed it with bioenergy utilization to be a source of energy in this era.
Renewable & Sustainable Energy and Resources
Biofuels and Biomass
Advanced Materials for Energy Storage, Generation and Transmission
Global Trends in Renewable Energy Commercialization and Investment
Oil and Gas Processing
Energy and Environment
Petroleum Engineering and Natural Gas Recovery
Biorefineries and Bioethanol
Biomass Feed Stocks for Renewable Energy Generation