Biodiversity 2019 invites the global community of restoration professionals that includes researchers, ecologists, students, environmentalists, coversationists, botanists, zoologists, entomologists, and oceanographers who are actively engaged in the ecologically sensitive repair and recovery of degraded ecosystems by utilizing a broad array of experiences, knowledge sets, and cultural perspectives. This biodiversity conference will provide a robust and dynamic platform to meet the people, to exchange the ideas, and to increase the network. This event aims to promote the restoration of a spectrum of degraded ecosystems to stem the loss of biodiversity. The International Conference on Biodiversity and Ecology Restoration will be held on May 15-16, 2019 at Brussels, Belgium. So we invite you to join the global event that will impact economic prosperity and environmental sustainability. So lets be a part of beautiful and exciting city Brussels.
From genes to species, landscapes to biome, biodiversity is an important resource. It is the key for the wide range of services provided by ecosystems. Biodiversity helps in maintaining climate change and also prevents natural calamities. Biodiversity is also of direct importance for human well-being and for cultural and other values including recreation. The provisioning of clean water and food supply makes it vital for all people.
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Maintaing biodiversity & ecology in a proper way is one of the most important factor. New researches are being conducted every day for the Restoration of Biodiversity and Ecology. This conference will provide a platform to researchers to discuss on biodiversity and ecology Restoration for the beneficial of mankind.
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The availability of species in the oceans and seas. As the world is covered with 70% of water, the amount of life in the oceans is more. Mangrove forests, coral reefs, sea grass beds, estuaries in coastal areas and hydrothermal vents are some of the examples of marine and coastal biodiversity
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Of all the living organisms on earth, the most commonly seen by us are the plant life and the animal life. There are many forms of life on earth, but are harder to see with the naked eye. This is why the flora and fauna i,e. plant and wildlife of the earth are fascinating to observe and study. The Importance of flora and fauna is to maintains ecological balance, aesthetic value and expand local economies.
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Bioprospecting is the development of new sources of chemical compounds, micro & macro organisms, genes, and other products from nature. It searches for economically valuable genetic and biochemical resources from nature. The research on the utilization and management of biological resources has also included in to the concept of bioprospecting. Thus, bioprospecting helps in the conservation and sustainable use of biological resources.
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Afforestation is the process of planting trees or sowing seeds, in a bare land to create a forest. Placing the trees is always helpful whether it takes place in a bare or to regenerate a depleted forest. Trees helps in maintaining atmospheric carbon dioxide, and it can decrease the problems caused due to burning of fossil fuels, industrialization and some other.
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It deals with the effects of chemicals on human health and the environment. By applying the principles of biology and chemistry, the toxic behaviour of man-made and natural chemicals can be known. It can also be predicted where chemicals will end up in the environment and in our bodies.
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All types of life on earth, regardless of whether microorganisms, plants, creatures, or people, contain genes. Genetic Diversity is the sum of genetic information contained in the individual plants animals and microorganisms. An important conservation consequence of this is even an endangered species is saved from extinction.
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Agrobiodiversity is the interaction between the environment, genetic resources, land, water, and practices used by culturally diverse peoples. Thus, Agrobiodiversity encloses the variety of animals, plants and micro-organisms that are necessary for sustain of the agroecosystem.
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Captive Breeding is the process of maintaining plants or animals in a controlled environment, like wildlife reserves, zoos and some botanical gardens. Captive Breeding is also used for saving species from extinction.
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Molecular Ecology use molecular genetic techniques to traditional ecology questions.Molecular ecological techniques are used to study bacterial diversity, fungal diversity.
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It involves in the Management of invasive species and forest pests, Predictions of human health-related events, such as allergies and mosquito season, Understanding the timing of ecosystem processes, such as carbon cycling and Optimization of when to plant, fertilize, and harvest crops.
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It applies the management tools to analysis the species occurrence, taxonomic character and image data. It helps to found the inherited characters of species to found out in research.
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Revive and Restore seeks to increase biodiversity through the new techniques of genetic rescue for endangered and extinct species.
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It aims for reducing environmental risks and ecological sacrities, which helps in maintaining sustainable development without degrading environment.
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Biodiversity and ecosystem are the precious gift of nature to mankind. As all the organisms in ecosystem are interlinked, the value of biodiversity in the life of all the organisms is enormous.
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Invasive species, pollution, deforestation, overexploitation and climate change are the factors that are driving towards the threats of the biodiversity and ecosystem.
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In spite of knowing about biodiversity’s importance for a long time, human activity has been causing massive destructions. The current extinction rate is now approaching 1,000 times the past and may climb to 10,000 times during the next century. The rate of biodiversity loss has not been reduced because the 5 principle pressures on biodiversity are constant.
Extinction risks out pace any conservation successes. The risk of extinction is increasing for Amphibians and corals in recent years.
According to the recent study, over a million species will be lost in the coming 50 years. The most important was found to be climate change.
Another cause for extensive fish extinction is the destruction of coral reefs. The main reason behind their extinction is because of combination of warming oceans and ocean pollution. To restore the things which are destroyed will take thousands of years.
Dhempe College of Arts and Science
Firat University
University of Brussels
United States Department of Agriculture-Agricultural Research Service
Sugarcane Breeding Institute
Sea Shepherd Organization
Vidya Sagar University
University of Tunis El Manar
Shenyang Institute of Applied Ecology
Central University of Odisha
Instituto Ekko Brasil
Biodiversity-Based Economy Development Office
Indian Institute of Technology
Institute of Ecologica
University of Vienna