Applied Physics 2019 which is scheduled during October 16-17, 2019 in Singapore City, Singapore addresses key issues that are the spine of technology and innovations impacting our lifestyle. It aims to improve the cognizance by claiming world through perception, experimentation and hypothesis. Applied physics solves engineering and medicine problems through exploratory standards. Similarly, Mathematics proves the description of nature and universe done on the basis of the principle of physics. Applied mathematics aims to apply the mathematical models to different fields such as science, engineering, business, computer science and industry.
Applied physics 2019 conference gives an immense opportunity to learn and express the views through interactive sessions, poster presentation, and abstract publishing. Eminent professionals, researchers, physicists, mathematicians, post graduates, young researchers will share their views and enhance knowledge on broad spectrums of physics and mathematics. It will publish the abstracts of the research conducted by the prominent scientists and scholars.
Session-01: Applied Physics and Mathematics
Applied physics is focused on particular technology which commonly considered as a connection in between physics and engineering. Applied physics based on basic concepts of the physical sciences, but the utilization of scientific principles in practical devices and systems are really concerned.
Application of mathematical methods in different fields such as science, engineering, business, computer science, and the industry is called applied mathematics, so it is a combination of specialized knowledge and mathematical science. Applied Mathematics also describes the professional specialty where mathematicians work on practical problems by implementing mathematical models and formulating them.
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Session-02: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics
AMO- Atomic, molecular, and optical science is the investigation of the matter and light-matter connections at the size of one or more atoms and energy scales around a few electron volts. The three fields are firmly interrelated. Commonly, the hypothesis and applications of scattering, absorption, emission of electromagnetic radiation from excited molecules and atoms, the examination of spectroscopy, lasers and masers generation, and the optical properties fall into these classes.
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Session-03: Astrophysics
Astrophysics is the part of cosmology that utilizes the standards of chemistry and physics "to learn the idea of the astronomical objects, as opposed to their positions or movements in space". Astrophysicists apply ideas and techniques from numerous controls of physics, mechanics, statistical mechanics, electromagnetism, quantum mechanics, thermodynamics, relativity, atomic and molecular physics, and nuclear physics.
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Session-04: Condensed Matter Physics
The field of physics that deals with the macroscopic physical properties of matter is called condensed matter physics. Specifically, it is worried about "condensed" phases that show up whenever the quantity of particles in a system is very huge and the collaborations between them are strong.
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Nuclear physics is the field of physical science that reviews nuclear cores and their constituents and communications. Different types of nuclear matter are likewise contemplated.
Particle physics advanced out of nuclear physical science and both these are ordinarily taught in close affiliation. Nuclear astrophysics, the use of nuclear science to astronomy, is urgent in clarifying the internal functions of stars and the beginning of the compound components.
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Session- 06: Quantum Physics
Quantum mechanics or quantum physics deals with matrix mechanics or wave mechanical model, including quantum field hypothesis, is a fundamental hypothesis in physics which depicts nature at the littlest sizes of vitality dimensions of molecules and subatomic particles.
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Session- 07: Thermodynamics and Statistical Physics
Thermodynamics is the part of physics that manages heat and temperature, and their relation to work, radiation, energy, and matter properties.
Statistical physics is a part of physics where the methods like statistics, probability theory and particularly the mathematical tools will be used in solving out the large populations, approximations, and physical problems.
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Session- 08: Nano Physics and Nano Technology
The word Nanophysics alludes to the engineering of matter, particles, and structures on the nanometer scale. Essential properties of materials, for example, the electrical, optical, thermal and mechanical properties, are controlled by the manner in which atoms and molecules collect on the nanoscale into bigger structures.
Nanotechnology is the use of nanoscience prompting the utilization of new nanomaterials and nanosize segments in applicable products. In the long run, nanotechnology will give us the capacity to structure specially crafted materials and products with new upgraded properties, new nanoelectronic parts, new sorts of smart medicines and sensors.
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Session- 09: Algebra
Algebra is one of the wide pieces of arithmetic, along with geometry, number hypothesis, and analysis. In its most broad structure, the study of mathematical symbols and the rules for manipulating these symbols is a unifying thread of almost all of mathematics is called algebra.
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Session- 10: Analysis
Analysis or Mathematical analysis is a part of mathematics that incorporates the theories of integration, differentiation, measure, infinite series, limits, and analytic functions. These theories are typically examined with regards to real and complex numbers and functions.
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Session- 11: Geometry
Geometry is a part of mathematics worried about inquiries of shape, the relative position of figures, shape and the properties of space. There are some broad ideas that are pretty much essential to geometry. These incorporate the ideas of lines, points, planes, surfaces, curves and angles, just as the further developed thoughts of manifolds and topology or metric.
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Session- 12: Statistics and Applied Probability
Practically all-natural phenomena in the biological, physical, technological and sociologies have random components. The utilization of probabilistic methods to comprehend the random elements in real-life problems. Statistics is the study of utilizing data, which ordinarily emerges from the randomness inherent in nature, to learn more things.
Research regions of the applied math display this interchange among mathematics and real-life problems. Areas of current intrigue incorporate improvement of stochastic systems; the investigation of stochastic procedures and stochastic differential equations in hydrology and broadcast communications.
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Session- 13: Computational Mathematics and Scientific Computing
Computational applied mathematics comprises generally of utilizing mathematics for permitting and improving PC computation in applied mathematics. Computational mathematics may likewise allude to the utilization of computers for mathematics itself. The two parts of computational math include scientific research in mathematics just as in regions of science where computing plays a focal and basic job that is practically all sciences, and emphasize algorithms, numerical techniques, and symbolic calculations.
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