L.V. Ksanfomality is a known expert in the study of Solar system bodies, by Space missions and astronomical observations. During the period (1958-1968) of working as head of the laboratory at the Abastumani Astrophysical Observatory, he gained experience as a qualified astronomer-observer and a designer of optico-electronic astronomical instruments. At the Space Research Institute, he works since 1968. His PhD (1961) was devoted to Lunar investigations, and doctoral (professor) dissertation (1977) was devoted to research of the planet Venus’ thermal radiation made by Venera 9 and Venera -10 orbiters.
Habitability of planets is a fundamental question of astrophysics. Some of the exoplanets possess physical conditions close to those of Venus. Therefore, the planet Venus, with its dense and hot (735 K) oxygen-free atmosphere of CO2, having a high pressure of 9.2 MPa at the surface, can be a natural laboratory for this kind of studies. The only existing data on the planet’s surface are still the results obtained by the Soviet VENERA landers in 1975-82. The VENERA TV experiments returned 41 panoramas of Venus surface (or their fragments). The experiments were of extreme technical complexity. They have not been repeated by any space agency in the subsequent 43 years. The VENERA panoramas have been treated anew by modern processing codes. Relatively large objects, from a decimeter to half a meter in size, with an unusual morphology have been found which moved very slowly or changed slightly their shape. Certain unusual findings that have a structure similar to the Earth’ fauna and flora were found in different areas of the planet. Due to the availability of up to eight duplicates of the images obtained and their low level of masking noise, the VENERA archive panoramas permit identifying and exploring some types of hypothetical life forms of Venus. Analysis of treated once again VENERA panoramic images revealed objects that might indicate the presence of about 15 hypothetical items of Venusian flora and fauna.
Timothy Sands completed his PhD at the Naval Postgraduate School and postdoctoral studies at Stanford University and Columbia University. Having previously served as a Chief Academic Officer, Dean, and Research Center Director, he is currently the Associate Dean of the Naval Postgraduate School’s Graduate School of Engineering and Applied Science. Dr Sands is an International Scholar Laurette of the Golden Key International Honor Society, a Fellow of the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA), and panellist of the National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship program, and an undergraduate admissions interviewer at Stanford University. He has published prolifically in archival journals, conference proceedings, book chapters, in addition to keynote and invitational presentations; and holds one patent in spacecraft attitude control. He generally publishes non-government funded research under his continued affiliation with Stanford University or Columbia University; while publishing government funded research under his affiliation with the Naval Postgraduate School.
Nonlinear systems are typically panellist to permit linear feedback control design, but in some systems, the nonlinearities are so strong their performance is called chaotic, and linear control designs can be rendered ineffective. One famous example is the van der Pol equation of oscillatory circuits. This study investigates the control design for the forced van der Pol equation using simulations of various control designs for iterated initial conditions. The results of the study highlight that even optimal linear, time-invariant control is unable to control the nonlinear van der Pol equation, but idealized nonlinear feedforward control performs quite well after an initial transient effect of the initial conditions. The key novelty is the hint that idealized nonlinear feedforward control is generalizable as a first step, design benchmark.
Atsuhira Nagano is a JSPS research fellow (PD) in Graduate School of Mathematical Sciences, University of Tokyo. His field of expertise is algebra. He is interested in the relation between algebraic varieties and automorphic forms. Especially, he gave a simple construction of Hilbert modular forms from period mappings of toric K3 hypersurfaces. Moreover, he gave simple models of Shimura curves and Shimura varieties in terms of periods of K3 surfaces and hypergeometric functions. His results are closely related to mirror symmetry of K3 surfaces. He is also interested in the application of spectral curves to number theory
Algebraic spectral curves are algebraic curves attached to ordinary differential equations. For example, the algebraic spectral curve attached to the classical Lamé equation is given by the Weierstrass equation of an elliptic curve (Wallenberg, 1903). Algebraic spectral curves were originally studied by physicians. However, mathematicians applied them to differential geometry, integrable systems or algebraic geometry. For example, Shiota applied them effectively to solve a difficult problem in the theory of the moduli of algebraic curves, which is called the Schottky problem. Thus, algebraic spectral curves are really important in mathematics.
By the way, the theory of automorphic forms is one of the most important theories among researchers in algebra. For example, appropriate special values of automorphic forms generate class fields (Kronecker’s Jugendtraum). This provided a basis of the development of arithmetic geometry in the 20th century. Moreover, the solution of Fermat’s last theorem (A. Wiles, 1995) is based on the theory of automorphic forms. Currently, many number theorists studied the Langlands programme, which gives a sophisticated theory of automorphic forms.
Here, and of the Weierstrass equation can be regarded as automorphic forms. So, the above example of Wallenberg suggests a non-trivial relation between algebraic spectral curves and automorphic forms. In this talk, the speaker will present a result to understand algebraic spectral curves from the viewpoint of automorphic forms. The Baker-Akhiezer function will connect automorphic forms and a certain type of differential equations.
Rabeya Akter is a student of Graduate School of Science and Engineering, Dept. of Mechanical Engineering, Saga University, Japan. Her research interests include falling liquid film, fluid flow in porous media, heat and mass transfer, nanofluids dynamics, magnetohydrodynamics, multiphase fluid-particle dynamics
The aim of this work is to analytically present coupled heat and mass transfer characteristic of mixed convection boundary layer flowing on a horizontal surface embedded in a porous medium with exponentially decaying internal heat generation (IHG) and internal mass generation (IMG) over specific component in the presence of thermal radiation and chemical reaction, respectively. Corresponding similarity solutions are used to reduce the governing partial nonlinear differential equations to three ordinary differential equations for the dimensionless stream function, temperature, and concentration with the following parameters: mixed convection parameter, an exponent of, chemical reaction parameter, ï¥ x ï§ radiation parameter R, and Lewis number. Media with and without Le IHG and IMG are compared in context with the help of graphs and tables. Computations are performed with a system of parameters using built-in codes in Maple. The influences of these parameters on velocity, temperature and concentration profiles, and Sherwood and Nusselt numbers are thoroughly compared and graphically illustrated. The corresponding parameters are defined as,
Dianita Putri Army is magister student at Institut Teknologi Bandung and had her bachelor degree at Universitas Gadjah Mada. Her research interest is applied mathematics especially in nonlinear dynamics of mathematical biology. She had been a paper presented at the 7th SEAMS-UGM International Conference in 2015 as a paper presenter. Furthermore, in magister, she learns about control systems that can be applied in mathematical biology problems.
Flu is one of the respiratory diseases caused by influenza virus A. Antigenic drift mechanism changed the virus’s structure in phase and created two strains of influenza virus A which is simultaneously infected humans. Mathematical modelling can be applied to explain the epidemiology of two strains of influenza virus A infection. Here we discuss the sequential transmission model of two strains influenza virus A with antigenic drift mechanism. There are six equilibrium points obtainable from the model and we analyze the stability of each equilibrium points. The explanation of the model equipped with simulation which described each equilibrium points in face portrait.
This paper discusses ultra-low energy levels of the hydrogen atom which was not predictable with quantum mechanics. The author has derived the following relationship for a bound electron in a hydrogen atom, which must take into account the Coulomb potential Here, is the relativistic energy of the electron, also is the rest mass energy. This paper theoretically predicts that if the energy level of the hydrogen atom is expressed relativistically as then the relativistic energy levels exists in the hydrogen atom. There is a negative relativistic energy solution, just like the Einstein’s energy-momentum relationship which holds in free space. An electron at the negative relativistic energy levels exists near the atomic nucleus (proton). Under the classical description, the radius of this undiscovered hydrogen atom is extremely small. The radius
is about 1.331×10-5 the radius of an ordinary hydrogen atom
in the 1s state. An electron at the negative energy levels exists near the atomic nucleus. Also, Here, is the proton radius. Triplet production is an experiment which strongly supports the existence of an electron at this extremely low energy levels. (However, an interpretation different from the conventional interpretation is needed in order to regard triplet production as evidence for the prediction in this paper.) The matter formed from a proton with positive mass, and an electron with negative mass that orbits near that proton, is smaller than an ordinary hydrogen atom to an extreme degree. When this unknown matter gathers in large amounts, it becomes a huge mass. This paper identifies such matter as the true nature of dark matter, the mysterious matter that physicists are currently searching for.
Yoshiaki Kusaka was received his PhD from Keio University in 2002. He is now a professor of Faculty of Engineering of Tamagawa University. His main interest is in the mathematical analysis of hydrodynamic free boundary problems with the phase transition. He is currently working on a mathematical analysis of dynamic wetting, cusp formation, coalescence/ breakup of liquid drops.
It is well known that if the classical no-slip condition is applied in moving contact line problems, such as dynamic wetting, a non-integrable singularity arises. One way to avoid the situation is to give particular contact angles for which the no-slip condition is consistent with the free boundary conditions. Another way is to replace the no-slip condition with those allowing for slipping near the contact line.
These modified models may remove the foregoing singularity, however, the following issues remain unsolved.
The contact angle depends not only on the contact line speed but also on the whole velocity field near the contact line. (In the above-modified models the contact angles are usually prescribed as some heuristic formula like “Tanner's law'', which are given as functions of the contact line speed only.)
Rolling motion arises near the contact line in the real flow. (If slip conditions are applied, a sliding motion instead of a rolling motion is allowed.)
In 1993, Shikhmurzaev introduced a new model referred to as the “interface formation model'' to overcome these shortcomings. In this theory, the interface is modelled as the “interfacial layer”, which is a thin layer with the mass between different phases. By introducing the interfacial layer, this model can describe the process of interface formation/disappearance occurring at the contact line, and the fore-mentioned issues are resolved not in an ad hoc manner.
In this presentation, we consider a problem with a moving contact line described using the interface formation model. More precisely, we investigate the problem of a steady-rising meniscus in a circular capillary tube in a gravitational field and prove the existence of an axially symmetric solution in weighted Hölder spaces for small rising speeds of the meniscus.
Key Words: Division by zero, division by zero
calculus, singularity, derivative, differential equation, $0/0=1/0=z/0=0 $, $tan (pi/2) = 0$, $log 0=0$, infinity, discontinuous, point at infinity, gradient, Laurent expansion, extension of solutions of differential equations, reduction problems of differential equations, analytic geometry, singular integral, conformal mapping, Euclidean geometry, Wasan.
Seiichi Koshiba: After graduating from the university, a high school mathematics teacher. Management position from 2003.
In order to see simply the results of the division by zero, we will show the simple results in the typical and fundamental object triangles and triangle functions. Even the case of triangles, we will be able to derive new concepts and results from the division by zero property.
One typical result is as follows:
tan frac{pi}{2} = 0.
The essential problems with the mysterious history of the division by zero were on the {bf definition} of the division by zero and the strong {bf discontinuity} of the fundamental function $y = 1/x$ at the origin. This discontinuity was not accepted for long years. One more problem for the division by zero is on the concept of the {bf division by zero calculus}; that is, the fractions and functions cases are different, as we showed clearly.
We have considered our mathematics around an isolated singular point for analytic functions, however, we did not consider mathematics {bf at the singular point itself}. At the isolated singular point, we considered our mathematics with the limiting concept, however, the limiting values to the singular point and {bf the values at the singular point } in the sense of division by zero calculus are different.
By the division by zero calculus, we can consider the values and differential coefficients at the singular point. We, therefore, have a general open problem discussing our mathematics on a domain containing the singular points.
Tsutomu Matsuura majored in mathematical engineering at the University of Tokyo. His research field is applied mathematics, and now he teaches signal mathematical analysis at Gunma University. His most interesting field of research is reproducing kernel theory and its application to inverse problems, and recently he is also studying the division by zero derived from those studies.
Singular integral equations are presently encountered in a wide range of mathematical models, for instance in acoustics, fluid dynamics, elasticity and fracture mechanics. Together with these models, a variety of methods and applications for these integral equations has been developed.
However, what are singular integrals and why do appear singular integrals in many discontinuity phenomena? For singular integrals, we will consider their integrals as divergence, however, the Hadamard finite part or Cauchy's principal values give finite values; that is, from divergence values, we will consider finite values; for this interesting property, we will be able to give a natural interpretation by the division by zero calculus.
We would like to give some essential answers to those questions by the division by zero calculus that was born from the division by zero.
In the talk, we will introduce our recent results on the division by zero calculus and formulas that were obtained from the division by zero and we will give the interpretation for the Hadamard finite part of singular integrals and Cauchy's principal values by means of the division by zero calculus.
Jonathan Cender attended Harvard University for several years as an undergraduate. He then worked at Stanford University in the Economics Department as a research assistant for Lawrence J. Lau, and later, Robert E. Hall. Professor Lau is currently retired from his position as Chancellor of Hong Kong University. Mr Cender has studied the mathematics and philosophy of nothing intensively for a number of years.
The real numbers were built from the counting numbers in a process using new definitions and symbols to graft new numbers on to already
existing numbers. The new numbers made possible something impossible with existing numbers. For example, defining fractions made possible dividing odd numbers by an even number and defining negative numbers made subtracting larger numbers from smaller numbers possible. Proposed here are new definitions and symbols to once more build on to the already existing real number system with one key difference. An existing number, zero, will be replaced with a new and improved zero as part of the process. In this paper, we will focus on the impossible task of making an additive identity that has a reciprocal - a reciprocal that is not a multiplicative inverse of zero. The benefits of defining division by the new zero such as unique quotients capable of constructing
spaces of dimensions higher than the complex plane have been explored more thoroughly in another paper
Saburou Saitoh is a retired Professor Emeritus of Gunma University, Japan. He gained a major in the theory of reproducing kernels with many applications in analysis. His PhD thesis was titled “The Bergman norm and the Szego norm”, and these topics held a substantial influence on his future research. He has published over 170 original papers and his publications include Theory of Reproducing Kernels and its Applications (1988); Integral Transforms, Reproducing Kernels and their Applications (1997); Inverse Problems and Related Topics (2000); and Theory of Reproducing Kernels and Applications, Developments in Mathematics (2016).
The common sense on the division by zero with a long and mysterious history is wrong and our basic idea on the space around the point at infinity is also wrong since Euclid. On the gradient or on differential coefficients we have a great missing since $tan (pi/2) = 0$. Our mathematics is also wrong in elementary mathematics on the division by zero. In this talk, we will show and give various applications of the division by zero $0/0=1/0=z/0=0$. In particular, we will introduce several fundamental concepts in calculus, Euclidian geometry, analytic geometry, complex analysis and differential equations. We will see new properties on the Laurent expansion, singularity, derivative, extension of solutions of differential equations beyond analytical and isolated singularities, and reduction problems of differential equations. On Euclidean geometry and analytic geometry, we will find new fields by the concept of the division by zero. We will show many concrete properties in mathematical sciences from the viewpoint of the division by zero. We will know that the division by zero is our elementary and fundamental mathematics.
Masatoshi Murase is an Associate Professor of Yukawa Institute for Theoretical Physics at Kyoto University and is the editor-in-chief of the Journal of Integrated Creative Studies (ISSN: 242-0370). He is also Director of Research Promotion Strategy Office at The International Research Unit of Advanced Future Studies of Kyoto University. He received a PhD from the University of Tokyo in 1987. Positions held overseas include a period as a Postdoctoral Fellow in the Physiology Department at Duke University Medical Centre from 1987 to 1988, and an Associate Professorship in the Department of Mathematics of the University of California at Davis from 1990 to 1991. He is the author of The Dynamics of Cellular Motility (Wiley, 1992), and is the author of Life as History: Construction of Self-Nonself Circulation Theory (Kyoto University Press, 2000).
The extended self-conception was first discussed 20 years before( Hidano (2002), Hidano and Muto (2006)) and has attracted an attention from various fields of studies including applied physics. Unlike to western world individualism, we proposed a united self not only within our body and mind and also multiple individuals as an extended self. After showing the results of the game-theoretic theorem to identify the conditions to make an extended self, we argue how the extended self can be specially formulated in a collective art making a performance by taking several experiments. We discuss the possibility to utilize this conception to promote innovation in applied sciences.
Ingo Fischer is a research professor (CSIC) at the Institute for Cross-Disciplinary Physics and Complex Systems, IFISC (UIB-CSIC) in Palma de Mallorca (Spain). Moreover, he is currently a Distinguished Visiting Professor of the International Research Unit of Advanced Future Studies, Yukawa Institute of Theoretical Physics, Kyoto University, Japan. He obtained his PhD degree in physics from Philipps-University Marburg, Germany. After positions at TU Darmstadt, Germany, and Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium, he became a full professor (chair) for photonics and integrated systems at Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh, U.K., before taking the position at IFISC. His research concentrates on nonlinear photonics, laser dynamics, complex systems and neuro-inspired information processing. He has published >100 peer-reviewed publications and has been co-organizer and chair of several international conferences. He received the prize of the Adolf-Messer Foundation and the first Hessian Industry Cooperation Prize of the Technology Transfer Network
Cognitive computing and neuro-inspired information processing have been gaining immense interest in recent years. Increasing demands on computing, problems to maintain Moore’s Law much longer and the need for higher energy efficiency have been stimulating novel computational concepts. Their hardware implementation, adapted to the concept and to the targeted infrastructure in which it needs to be embedded, define a number of challenges. We follow a minimal design approach in optics, allowing for hardware efficiency, high speed, low energy consumption and compatibility with our optical communication infrastructure.
Using telecommunication-compatible hardware, we have implemented reservoir computing and extreme learning machine concepts and could demonstrate their attractive features in benchmark tests including classification tasks and nonlinear prediction. The real-world technological challenge we present here is, how to classify ultra-fast signals that are subjected to significant nonlinear distortions. In particular, we process optical fibre communication data. Fibre communication systems are range-limited due to transmission impairments that distort the propagating signals. For extended transmission distances, standard bit recovery techniques fail completely. We overcome this limitation by transforming the bit classification problem into a pattern recognition problem. We experimentally demonstrate a bit error rate improvement of 2 orders of magnitude compared to competing methods. The bit classification performance we achieve is a significant breakthrough since we can recover data at a high speed that otherwise cannot be recovered. Challenges regarding a full hardware and real-time implementation remain, but we show strategies how these challenges can be overcome
Dr Eiichi YAMAGUCH is a Professor, Graduate School of Advanced Integrated Studies in Human Survivability, Kyoto University. He received a Master of Science (M.Sc.) degree and a Doctor of Science (DSc.) degree, respectively in 1977 and 1984 both from The University of Tokyo. He has been a physicist since he joined NTT Basic Research Laboratory in 1979. He also served as a visiting scholar of University of Notre Dame, U.S.A., from 1984 to 1985, and as a guest scientist of IMRA Europe, France, from 1993 to 1998. Since he joined The 21st Century Public Policy Institute of Keidanren as an executive senior fellow in 1998, he has been investigating science policy and innovation theory. He served as a professor of Doshisha University, Kyoto, from 2003 to 2014. From 2008 to 2009, he served as a Visiting Fellow of Clare Hall, University of Cambridge. In 2014, he was appointed as a professor of Kyoto University. He founded four venture companies, ArcZone K.K. (1998), Powdec K.K. (2001), ALGAN K.K. (2005), and CONNEXX SYSTEMS K.K.(2011) and is currently a board member of Powdec K.K. He published "Innovation: Paradigm Disruption and Fields of Resonance" (NTT Publishing) in 2006, "Recovering from Success: Innovation and Technology Management in Japan" (Oxford University Press) in 2006, "JR Fukuchiyama Line Incident : Rethinking Corporate Social Responsibility from Science" (NTT Publishing) in 2007, “Five Physics Theories to Learn Before You Die” (Chikuma Shobo Publishing) in 2014, "Science of Science, Technology and Innovation Policy" (The University of Tokyo Publishing) in 2015, "Why Innovation Ceased: Crisis of Scientific Japan" (Chikuma Shobo Publishing) in 2016 and “The Graves of Physics: Seeking the Secret of Inspiration" (Nikkei BP) in 2017.
Gallium nitride (GaN) is currently the most ideal semiconductor for power transistors and other power devices. It has been found that GaN has much better performances in comparison with silicon carbide (SiC) as well as Si from a viewpoint of condensed matter physics. However, GaN power devices (power GaNs) have not yet been applicable to power electronics devices for inverters/converters, power conditioners, electric vehicles and other transportation systems, although theoretical calculations have revealed that the change from power Si to power GaN will bring about more than 90 percent cut of the energy loss to the society. In the present work, we will discuss what disturbs the appearance of power GaN and draw an innovation scenario toward the society without energy loss from both aspects of physics studies and industry studies.
Recently global climate change has been a critical issue for survivability of the whole life system on the globe. Monitoring and prediction of population and community stabilities are an urgent issue as a prerequisite for achieving sustainability of ecosystems. Example cases of population/community dynamics are presented during the course of invasion, eruption and establishment. Based on model applications population growth patterns are reported, showing the break points during the course of invasion and eruption. Community structure properties are additionally revealed in responding to various sources of natural and anthropogenic disturbances according to species abundance distributions. The responding patterns of communities were observed including a few dominant taxa in natural conditions and rapid decrease in species richness under stressful conditions of disturbances. Feasibility of mathematical models in population/community monitoring and management are further discussed in the presentation.
Johann Hohenegger is a retired professor at the Department of Palaeontology, Vienna University, Austria, where he got his undergraduate and postgraduate degrees. His main interests with more than 150 publications are focused on population dynamics, taphonomy and carbonate production of larger foraminifera, recognition of species in the present and past, morphometrics, morphogenetic programs and their phylogenetic implication in comparison to molecular genetic trees, morphocoenoclines along environmental gradients and their importance to decipher paleoenvironmental conditions, integrated stratigraphy and paleoenvironmental analysis in the Neogene of the Paratethys (Central Europe) concentrating on astronomic cycles and spatial distributions on micro- and macroscale. He stayed for long time in Japan working at the Sesoko Marine Laboratory of the Ryukyu University, at the Kagoshima University and at the Kyoto University Museum. At Vienna University he was leading basic courses for earth- science students in geostatistics, biology, micropaleontology and biostratigraphy
Perception and recognition means the assignment of objects to specific classes. Objects defined by the primary character ‘life’ are named ‘organisms’. Organisms are grouped into classes called ‘species’ according to homogeneities in shape and organization. Several species concepts have been developed. Like organisms, species are ‘individuals’ because being entities restricted in time (by originating and ending) and by space. A general explorative species definition must be used in the studies on evolution, phylogeny, ecology, biodiversity and biogeography. Species as evolutionary units show different forms of speciation. Measures for diversities used in ecology and biodiversity must be based on a general species concept otherwise apples will be mixed with oranges. Grouping of species into classes with decreasing character homogeneities leads to nested hierarchical class systems. Introduced by Carolus Linnaeus together with the binomial naming, two classification systems require representing the ‘natural system’. The phenetic system is a nested hierarchy of fixed classes called ‘categories’, named ‘genus’, ‘family’, ‘order’, ‘class’, ‘phylum’, ‘kingdom’ and ‘domain’. This ‘evolutionary system’ cannot directly show phylogenetic lineages due to different evolutionary rates within categorial classes. Furthermore, the fixed categories are arbitrary due to inconsistencies in the defining character sets. The phylogenetic system strictly reflects phylogenetic relations. Initially based on morphological characters weighted by apomorphies (novel evolutionary traits), molecular genetic sequences are used today. Both methods result in nested hierarchies named ‘phyletic systems’. The underlying phylogenetic system, which is an exclusive hierarchy with branching points becoming objects (species), cannot be reconstructed explicitly. Natural categories can be detected in nested hierarchies based on inconstancies in class building rates when identical character sets are used. Only the genus category with the lowest inconstant heterogeneity grade in monophyletic groups can represent a natural category. This is important for a consistent intersubjective identification of species by the binomen
Nursing Science is one of the integrative human sciences. The nursing theories are considered to be the structures reflecting thinking ways or philosophical ideas, which can explain the mutual relationships among human beings within nursing phenomena in a unified manner. Most nursing theories so far have been proposed in order to understand such mutual relationships on the basis of the general system theory and the problem-solving way according to Western scientific ideas.
The first nursing theory was presented by Florence Nightingale in her book, “Notes on Nursing: What it is and what it is not” published in 1859. She said that “Nursing is to alter the environment in such a way to obey the natural laws and at the least expense of vital power to the patient.” Nightingale’s vital power can be considered to be “resilient systems” in the present terminology. Resilient Systems have the Power that can rebuild autonomously and fluidly our own structure. In addition, the resilient systems have the meaning of recovery from the failure and/or recovery from the disability, illness, and some other dis-functions autonomously.
In the present study, the author proposed the new nursing model based on the Eastern Philosophy. The right-side figure shows the structure of a new nursing model named “The Mandala Nursing Model”. It was constructed on the framework of the “Self-Nonself Circulation Theory” proposed by Masatoshi Murase (2000). The data obtained from 10 persons with depression were qualitatively analyzed in order to identify 5 cognitive characteristics: (1) inharmonic body v.s. harmonic mind-body, (2) limit of energy v.s. increasing energy, (3) introvert relationship v.s. the extrovert relationship, (4) collapsing self v.s. redeveloping self, and (5) past life v.s. future life.
In addition, there were 5 different patterns of nursing care: (1) nursing care of inherent ability within denial, (2) nursing care of the discovery of the meaning of life, (3) nursing care from parts to wholeness, (4) nursing care of pro-care (sympathetic care), and (5) nursing care of con-care (critical care).
The present figure indicates one of the developmental stages of nursing care. As time proceeds, the structure develops in such a way that the whole structure and its parts are the same as each other. This is the important characteristics of the mandala structure. Because of this self-nested hierarchical structures, the mandala can indicate not only the goal of nursing care but also its current stage. From such a point of view, the author believed that we have a hopeful future on human caring as well as its education.