We welcome all the enthusiastic researchers from all around the world to join us for the “International Conference on Agroecology-Organic Farming & Farming Technology” scheduled on April 22-23, 2022 at Tokyo, Japan. The main theme focused on “latest research of organic farming and Argoecology” The conference will be a common platform for researchers, scholars and students from all areas of Agriculture-food, Aqua Live, Plant Science and Food Safety and other related areas like Soil Science, Soil-Plant Nutrition Chemical and Fertilizer Industries. The aim of the conference is to provide a platform to the researchers, industrials and students. It gives a chance to explore research scholars, delegates and students to interact and share their experience and knowledge in Agroecology.
Agroecology 2022 is aimed the World's leading technical Conferences. The two days event on Agroecology will host 20+ Scientific and technical sessions and sub-sessions on leading and latest research transformation related to the field, covering the globe. Agroecology 2022 will comprise of 12 major sessions designed to offer comprehensive sessions that discourse current topics in the field.
The attendees can find exclusive sessions and panel discussions on the latest innovations in Agroecology by:
Tracks 1: Advances in Agriculture and Horticulture
Various advanced techniques and equipment have been developed over past few decades in Horticulture and farming in order to control pests, improve disease resistance characteristics of crops, to destroy weeds that damage crops and to improve crop productivity. Advances in Agriculture and Horticulture help in maintenance of food security, safety and sustainability.
Tracks 2: Green House and Poly House Agriculture
A Greenhouse is a structure in which plants that need controlled climatic conditions are grown. It is commonly made up of glass. This size of these structures ranges from small sheds to industrial-sized buildings. A tiny greenhouse is known as a cold frame. The interior of a greenhouse is exposed to sunlight in cold weather to make it warmer than the external ambient temperature, protecting the crops. The chief crops grown in greenhouses are pepper, tomato, cucumber, lettuce, herbs, and strawberry.
Poly House: Polyhouse is a category of greenhouse where specific polythene sheet is used as a covering material under which the crops can be grown in partially or completely regulated climatic conditions. The greenhouses were traditionally constructed on wooden frames with glass cladding material. With the advancement of plastic technology, glass is replaced with plastic material. Polyhouses are more appropriate for tropical and subtropical regions like India.
Tracks 3: Agricultural Entomology and Pest Management
Agricultural Entomology is a multidisciplinary area of research. It is applied ecology with roots in plant protection and the population dynamics of insects. Insects play a role in agriculture. Agricultural Entomology is the study of insects both beneficial and harmful to crops and farm animals in relation to agriculture.
Pest management Weeds, Diseases, pests can cause irreversible damage to farm animals and agricultural crops. Approaches to manage such weeds, diseases and pests include the use of pesticides or biological pest control covered under Pest Management
Tracks 4: Agro-ecology And Permaculture
Agroecology is a promising alternative to industrial agriculture, with the potential to avoid the negative social and ecological consequences of input-intensive production. Permaculture is one such Agroecological movement, with a broad international distribution and a unique approach to system design. Permaculture can be understood as the growth of Agricultural Ecosystems in a self-sufficient and sustainable way. This form of agriculture draws inspiration from nature to develop synergetic farming systems based on Crop Diversity, Resilience, Natural productivity, and Sustainability
Tracks 5: Olericulture and Pomology
Olericulture is a branch of horticulture concerned with the production, storage, processing, and marketing of vegetables or the farming of plants for use of edible parts. It is the science of growing vegetables and non- herbaceous plants for food. It covers crop establishment, including cultivar selection, seedbed preparation and establishment of vegetable crops by seed and transplants.Pomology is the branch of botany that deals with fruits and cultivation of fruit. It is also known as fruticulture. Pomological research is mainly focuses on the development, enhancement, cultivation and physiological studies of fruit trees. The aims of fruit tree enhancement include improvement of fruit quality, regulation of production periods, and production cost reduction. Those specialised in pomology are called pomologists.soil science and agricultural chemistry Soil Science & Agricultural Chemistry is a Master Level Program which concentrate on utilization of soil, soil structure, its properties and soil management for benefits to humankind. The course aims at providing knowledge about developing manageable and sustainable agricultural production strategies.
Tracks 6: Aquaculture and Apiculture
Aquaculture refers to farming and harvesting of fish, molluscs, aquatic plants, shellfish, algae, and other organisms in all types of water environments for human consumption, restoration of threatened and endangered species populations, wild stock population improvement for building aquariums, and fish cultures and habitat restoration. It is also referred to as aqua farming. It is the farming of aquatic organisms.
Apiculture refers to the act of cultivating honeybees and is also known as Bee Keeping. In Apiculture the bees are bred commercially in apiaries where a large number of beehives are kept. The bees are reared to produce wax and honey. Beeswax is commercially used in the cosmetic and medical industry. It is also used as a coating for cheese, and as a food additive.
Tracks 7: Food and Nutrition Security
A policy orientation for Food Security and safety include state-wise, previous, current and future policy issues, and cope-wise sustainability of agriculture. The particular part of food distribution in our society can be examined through the research of the changes in the food supply chain. Globalization, in particular, has significant effects on the food supply chain by validating scale effect in the food distribution industry. Provision of an adequate amount of essential nutrients to human beings has ever been the challenge in the province of food security. Hence, malnutrition is heavily interlinked to food security consideration, yet difficult to be eliminated. food security and policy, therefore, become magnetic in the province of research.
Tracks 8: Agriculture Biotechnology
Agricultural Biotechnology refers to the combination of biotechnology tools and techniques like genetic engineering, molecular markers, molecular diagnostics, vaccines, and tissue culture to improve agricultural productivity, quality, diversity and species protection. Agricultural Biotechnology is used to cope up with challenges which usually cannot be solved by traditional methods and practices. Agricultural Biotechnology is also implied in climate adaptation, stress management, and disease management. Biotechnology has helped modern technologies to deal with the global food crisis.
Tracks 9: Agroecosystems:
Agroecosystems, are defined as communities of plants and animals interacting with their physical and chemical environments that have been modified by people to produce food, fibre, fuel and other products for human consumption and processing (Maes, 2018). They are composed by cropland and grassland, and cover about 47 % of the EU’s land area. To a very large degree these are managed ecosystems, only some grassland habitats exist in fact under a natural state. The history of agriculture spans for several millennia, a sufficient time to have specific species and habitats coevolving together with human management. The latter is key to maintain agroecosystems in good condition. But what is a good condition for a managed ecosystem, therefore in an ecosystem that exists to a great extent for the benefit of humans? The approach taken in this report is that a good condition requires balance: in the use of natural resources while maintaining biodiversity, in the supply of a set of ecosystems services, in the necessity to fulfil the needs of current as well as of future generations
Tracks 10: Agronomy
Agronomy is the science and technology of producing and using plants in agriculture for food, fuel, fiber, recreation, and land restoration. Agronomy has come to encompass work in the areas of plant genetics, plant physiology, meteorology, and soil science. It is the application of a combination of sciences like biology, chemistry, economics, ecology, earth science, and genetics. Professionals in the field of agronomy are called agronomists. Agroecology is the management of agricultural systems with an emphasis on ecological and environmental perspectives.[4] This area is closely associated with work in the areas of sustainable agriculture, organic farming, and alternative food systems and the development of alternative cropping systems.
Tracks 11: Agroecology and Sustainable Agriculture
Agroecology is a study of ecological processes in relation to agricultural production systems.
Agroecology can be defined as the ecology of the agricultural systems. It is a farming approach that is stimulated by natural ecosystems. It combines local and scientific knowledge and applies ecological and social methods to agricultural systems, concentrating on the relations between plants, animals, humans, and the environment. Sustainable agriculture is agriculture in sustainable ways to meet present food and textile requirements of the society, without compromising the ability for current or future generations to meet their needs. There are various approaches to improve the sustainability of agriculture. It is necessary to develop flexible business process and farming practices, when developing agriculture within sustainable food systems.
Sustainable agriculture often incorporates a wide range of conventional and organic production practices.
“International Conference on Agroecology-Organic Farming & Farming Technology”
April 22-23, 2022 | Tokyo, Japan
Young Scientist Awards at International Conference on Agroecology-Organic Farming & Farming Technology for best researches in plant science
Meetings International is announcing Young Scientist Awards through International Conference on Agroecology-Organic Farming & Farming Technology (Agroecology 2022) which is scheduled at Tokyo, Japan during April 22-23, 2022. This Food Science conference focuses on “latest research of organic farming and Argoecology”.
Agroecology 2022 and upcoming conferences will recognise participants who have significantly added value to the scientific community of Agroecology and provide them outstanding Young Scientist Awards. The Young Scientist Award will provide a strong professional development opportunity for young researches by meeting experts to exchange and share their experiences at our international conferences.
Agroecology 2022 focuses mainly on Agroecology is the application of plant science to the Selection, Aqua Live, and plant science and food safety. Agroecology 2022 conference is providing a platform for all the budding young researchers, young investigators, post-graduate/Master students, PhD. students and trainees to showcase their research and innovation.
Young Scientists, faculty members, post-doctoral fellows, PhD scholars and bright Final Year MSc and M.Phil. Candidates. Persons from Scientific Industry can also participate.
The Young Scientist Feature is a platform to promote young researchers in their respective area by giving them a chance to present their achievements and future perspectives.
Conditions of Acceptance:
To receive the award, the awardee must submit the presentation for which the award is given, for publication at the website, along with author permission. Failure to submit the PPT, and permission within the designated timeframe will result in forfeiture of award.
Award Announcements:
Official announcement of the recipients will occur after the completion of Agroecology 2022 conference
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Why to organise this Conference?
Agri 2020 trying to bring all reputed researcher, noble laureate, specialist, explore researcher, understudies and individuals together .who are associated with Agriculture webinar give them to talk about their remarkable development, offering thoughts and collaboration to each other. Incredibly famous speakers, the latest improvement and headway in the field of plant genomics are the spotlight of the Agriculture Conference. This is your best opportunity where you can learn, discover inventive items and administrations for your business. Industry meetings give an awesome chance to organize. Agriculture Conference can add a layer of delight to dealing with your vocation development by blending a social viewpoint into your learning and industry marking endeavours.
Scope of Conference
Agroecology 2022 conference is playing an important role to create awareness and providing a platform to share and discuss on different causes and effects of Climate Change on Earth. World’s average surface temperature has increased by around 0.6 degrees Celsius over last 100 years. It is mostly due to pollution, greenhouse gases and depletion of the ozone layer that protects the earth. Global warming is one of the main factors of climate change, leading to excessive flooding, forest fires and rise in global temperatures. Scientists predicted that due to on-going activities contributing to global warming, the average global temperature could increase between 1.4 and 6 degrees Celsius in the 21st century. We are inviting the whole world to gather at a single platform and to discuss the challenges and solutions to tackle Climate Change.
The Conference joins authorities, examiners, analysts and understudies from all regions of Basic science, Chemical building, Earth and planetary sciences, Ecology, Environmental science, Environmental toxicology, Bioremediation and Public prosperity, Occupational and mechanical security.
Business Value of Agriculture
Investments are becoming more international in their collaborations and outlooks of public and private Research and development (R&D). There are many opportunities for the best researchers to link with their counterparts anywhere in the world. Our aim is to make the global agriculture technologies & food productions higher. The global production of agricultural technology has grown nearly $29.2 billion tons in 2016 and $32.1 billion tons by 2017 and this traceability technologies market should reach $53.7 billion in 2022, with a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 10.8% for the period of 2016-2022. Global market trends include the study of data from 2015 to 2016, estimates for 2017, and calculation of compound annual growth rate (CAGR) through the period 2022.
The world population is estimated to reach 9.1 billion by the year 2050. Modern Agriculture & Technology shows significant potential in enhancing food productivity while at the same time providing sustainable management of resources, business, and technologies. The global precision farming market is assessed to grow at a CAGR of 13.07% from 2015 to 2022, to influence over $6.40 billion by end of 2022.
List of Global Universities
University of Cambridge, UK
University of Oxford, UK
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA
California Institute of Technology, USA
Harvard University, USA
Princeton University, USA
Yale University, USA
Imperial College London, UK
University of Chicago, USA
ETH Zurich, Switzerland|
List of Research Centers
The Japan International Research Center for Agricultural Sciences (JIRCAS), Japan
National Agriculture Research Center (NARC), Pakistan
National Research Institute of Aquaculture (NRIAQ), Japan
Chugoku National Agricultural Experiment Station (CNAES), Japan
Japan Sea National Fisheries Research Institute (JSNFRI), Japan
National Research Institute of Agricultural Economics (NRIAEC), India
Bioversity International Maccarese, Roma, Italy
International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI), USA
International Center for Tropical Agriculture (CIAT), USA
International Maize and Wheat Improvement Center (CIMMYT), Mexico
SFAC is an exclusive Society focused on increasing incomes of small and marginal farmers through aggregation and development of agribusiness. SFAC has pioneered the formation and growth of Farmer Producer Organizations/Farmer Producer Companies, which is now being implemented across the length and breadth of the country. SFAC is progressing towards establishing an eco-system for FPOs/FPCs to make them sustainable and viable in the long run. SFAC offers Schemes like Equity Grant and Credit Guarantee Fund Scheme to FPCs to improve availability of working capital and development of business activities .SFAC promotes development of small agribusiness through its VCA Scheme for value added processing and marketing linkages.
The agricultural sector is of important importance for the region. It is undergoing a method of transition to a economy, with substantial changes within the social, legal, structural, productive and provide set-ups, as is that the case with all other sectors of the economy .These changes are in the course of a decline in agricultural production for many countries, and have affected conjointly the national seed offer sectors of the region. The region has had to face issues of food insecurity and a few countries have required food aid for IDPs and refugees.
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