The Meetings International and Organizing Committee is inviting from all over the world to attend “International Conference on Addiction Research and Psychiatry” to be held on August 16-17, 2021 in Berlin, Germany. The topic of the meeting depends on "Reintegrating innovations in Addiction Psychiatry to improve Mental Health". The meeting will offer a worldwide stage to all the scientists for future challenges in various sorts of mental state, psychiatric and psychology disorders & its related issues. World-leading health professionals, clinicians, scientists and researchers can show sensible, clinical and latest techniques primarily based upon wide accepted proof and new and rising analysis.
Session 1: Addiction and Mental Health
Psychological well-being troubles like depression, anxiety, PTSD, stress often leads an individual towards substance misuse, and utilizing these drugs frequently demolishes the emotional wellness.
Mental illness and substance abuse often occur together, and it is called Dual Diagnosis or Co-Occurring Disorder. Following are the emotional well-being issues that happen habitually with enslavement. Nervousness, Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), Eating Disorder, Bipolar Disorder, Schizophrenia, and Personality Disorders.
Alcohol addiction
Opioid dependence
Cognitive impairment
Drug use and toxicity
Hallucinogens abuse
Addiction and brain
Psychiatry Conference |
Brain Disorder conference |
Schizophrenia Conference |
Psychiatry Congress |
Conference on Bipolar disorder |
Drug Addiction Conference
Session 3: Addiction and Youth
The current days in a few urban communities, dependence and youth could be a significant consider to be inspected. It centers around the view of the substance victimizers, the foundations for their dependence on
medication, smoking, and liquor; the job of their families, companions and social air and furthermore the law forcing organizations in spreading this risk. The investigation has taken 200 youth by following snowball examining philosophy. The young people of the princely and furthermore the working classes ar in plenitude inside the town. As they need admittance to material solaces, the majority of them endeavor to lead the inordinate and in vogue life that later on offers them an enormous kind of things to explore different avenues regarding. during this strategy, they style the delights of cigarettes, liquor, and medications just for a change anyway tragically, they're gotten inside the endless loop of dependence on destructive substances and misuse. the first regular explanation behind youths to be pulled in towards medication, liquor, and so forth is peer pressure.
Cocaine addiction
Alcohol addiction
Heroin addiction
Caffeine addiction
Legal high drugs
Mental Health Conferences |
Brain Disorders Conference |
Clinical Psychology Conference |
Psychiatry Conference |
Psychology Congress |
Addiction Psychology conference |
Psychiatry Conference |
Addiction conference
Session 4: Prescribed Drug Use & Addiction Misuse
Expertly recommended medicine palm is that the usage of a drug while not a medications, during a way separated from as upheld, or for the mastery or feelings intrigued. According to some public investigations, expertly endorsed
drugs, for example, those wont to treat torture, thought deficiency issue, and disquiet, ar being misused at a rate second basically to weed among amerciable medicine buyers. The consequences of this misuse are methodicallly disturbing, reflected in extended treatment affirmations, emergency territory visits, and medication passing.
Drug dependence
Drug induced disorders
NSAIDS and Mental illness
Drug addiction in Children and Adolescents
Anxiety, Depression and Insomnia
Psycho-dynamic therapy
Psychology and Education
Perceptual Disorders
Session 6: Therapeutic Addiction Recovery
Different progressions in fixation treatment procedures can encourage in furnishing quality deal with people with unfortunate liquor, tobacco, or elective medication use. Among them mental element social clinical guide could be a sort of psychotherapy intended to treat conduct impacts of propensity. The conduct clinical forte investigation could be a propensity clinical examination program including every human lab investigation and patient treatment examination.
Neurorehabilitation and clinical guide offers convoluted clinical technique that intends to help recuperation from a framework injury on account of enslavement. twelve stage recuperation treatments includes an energetic commitment methodology intended to broaden the likelihood of an individual changing into associated with and effectively worried in 12-venture help groups, in this way advancing restraint. it's for some time been a critical a piece of the recuperation technique and furthermore the reason for a few recuperation programs.
Psychology Congress |
Clinical Psychology Conference |
Addiction Psychology conference |
Psychiatry Conference |
Addiction conference |
Forensic Psychology |
Clinical Psychiatry Conference
Session 7: Neuropsychiatry
Neuropsychiatry might be a field that centers around each mind conduct connections and spotlights on the investigation and treatment of patients WHO have neurological issues along the edge of passionate, psychological, and additionally social issues. It's moreover called the part of medications adapting to infections affecting the brain and framework. Clinical claim to fame side effects may be laid out as medication signs of cerebral (neuropsychiatric) messes. Clinical forte is Associate in nursing raising subspecialty of psychopathology and it's also firmly connected with the fields of social nervous system science and mental science. Neuropsychiatry issues zone unit the problems of cerebrum exacting psychopathology indications. clinical forte issues region unit neurodegenerative problems, epilepsy, stroke, development issues, dispersed different sclerosis, awful mind injury, diseases, framework issues, metabolic issues, inebriation, scattered various sclerosis, dementia, aphasia, agnosia, apraxia, mental element weakness, Mood issue.
Psychiatry Conference |
Brain Disorder conference |
Schizophrenia Conference |
Psychiatry Congress |
Conference on Bipolar disorder |
Drug Addiction Conference|
Mental Health |
Neuropsychiatry Conferences |
Positive Psychology Conferences
Session 9: Alcoholism and Drug Addiction
Alcohol addiction is characterized in light of the fact that the alcoholic fluid that is acquired from hard grain or natural product. These liquids embody brewage, wine, and alternative arduous liquors. Alcohol is associate degree addictive drug. The extra alcohol we tend to drink the extra our body includes depend upon it - along these lines, the personality of enslavement. Unnecessary drinking of liquor and persistent redness made thanks liquor abuse, alcoholic polyneuropathy that harms the nerve. (DTs) is brought about by liquor withdrawal once a measure of huge drinking and result in serious mental and framework apprehensive changes.
Drug addiction use could be an encephalopathy that is described by habitual medication chasing, notwithstanding its hurtful results. It causes changes inside the customary action of the framework apprehensive harming the nerve tissues, murdering neurons and this outcomes in dis-guideline of neural framework. in this way uncontrolled medication brings in regards to the annihilation of the cerebrum. The vast majority of the movement impacts of reliance typify Aggressiveness, negligence, suspicion, and loss of self-administration.
Mental Health Conferences |
Brain Disorders Conference |
Clinical Psychology Conference |
Psychiatry Conference |
Psychology Congress |
Forensic Psychology |
Clinical Psychiatry Conferences
Session 10: Neurology & Neurological Disorders
Nervous system science is the part of medication that manages issues of the sensory system, which incorporate the cerebrum, veins, muscles and nerves. The primary zones of nervous system science are: the autonomic, focal and fringe sensory systems. A doctor who works in the field of nervous system science is known as a nervous system specialist; a neurosurgeon treats neurological problems through medical procedure.
Neurological issues are infections of the fringe and focal sensory system. That incorporate mind, spinal line, fringe nerves, cranial nerves, autonomic sensory system, neuromuscular intersection, nerve roots and muscles. The absolute most regular neurological problem incorporate Brain tumor, Epilepsy, Craniosynostosis, Chiari deformity, Craniofacial anomalies, Cerebral paralysis, Encephalopathy and so forth.
Neurological Control
Brain tumor
Developmental disorders
Why to Attend?
To transmit current issues and advances of your latest research.
For Thought provoking speeches by Scientists, Professors, Ph.D.'s and Young Researchers.
For Network development with Academic and Business Professionals
Accepted Abstracts will be published in our Supporting journals & also in our proceedings Book
Certificate Accredited by our Committee Member
Handbook & Certificate (Soft Copy)
Target Audience:
Medical Nursing 2022 has extended global outreach efforts to invite speakers and attendees from many nations around the world, who have an opportunity to witness the results of quality research efforts provided by attending world renowned Scientists, Nursing Students, Professors, Organizations and societies of Medical Nursing and Health Care, Business delegates, CEOs and R&D Heads from Industries, Professors and Students. Directors/Co-Directors of Research based companies across Europe and US who are investing in Medical Nursing and Health Care.
Addiction psychiatry aims to treat folks with addiction topics in conjunction with co-occurring psychiatrically disorders, otherwise referred to as patients with identification. The National Council on Alcoholism and Drug Dependency estimates that over twenty three million Americans (age twelve and older) area unit captivated with alcohol and different medication. The U.S. drug abuse and mental state Services Administration calculable the marketplace for addiction cure at regarding $35 billion for 2014.Since 2006, personal equity corporations have endowed quite $2.2 billion in drug abuse treatment firms.
This report shows the ranking summary of the drug prevalence in European country, covering drug offer, use and public health issues yet as drug policy and responses.
Methamphetamine (Meth) may be a powerfully habit-forming stimulant that dramatically affects the central system that is additionally called “speed,†“meth,†and “chalkâ€. In its smoke-cured type, it's usually introduced as “ice,†“crystal,†“cranks,†and “glass.†May be the foremost terrible takeaway from the 2017 Drug Survey comes from its information on amphetamine usage. This drug is additional threatening than any others within the read as a result of on the average, 4.8 % of users needed emergency medical attention when use.
The need for emergency treatment when deoxy ephedrine use is way higher in sure countries, as well as the us and North American country, wherever the odds of users WHO ask for medical attention are half-dozen.1 and 8.3, severally.
In 2018 report, quite more than 20,000 pregnant womens appeared abusing pain medications or opiate. Submission to future opioids throughout gestation will result in addiction and new born withdrawal once birth.
Opposed the yearly value of prescription opioid abuse of $78.5 billion, this allocation could be a very little discovery. Quite 2 million Americans have opioid use disorder. Access to treatment and recovery services is restricted, and 90% of dependent persons don't receive treatment.
Patient hospital ward scope from $1,000 to $1,500 in total. Majority patient rehabs have hospital ward within the worth of a program. The same worth of hospital ward depends on whether or not it’s a part of a persistent program and therefore the sort of white plague being keep. Substances with dangerous hospital ward adverse effects need additional careful observant, creating the worth higher.
The international tobacco (nicotine) market space is believe to attain USD 694.47 billion by 2021, consistent with new survey by Grand read analysis, Inc., discovered a pair of.8% CAGR from 2016 to 2021. For the aim of this study, Grand read analysis has metameric the worldwide tobacco market report supported selection and region.
In the market over 742 million folks and total care pay of €2.3trillion, Europe is that the largest medical cannabis market within the world. 2018-19 saw a vital modification in Europe understands of cannabis. The ECU drug cannabis market may be value €55b once all markets have execute legislation and market infrastructure. We tend to estimate that this may probably be completed by 2023. Cannabis accounts for the lion’s share of the €40b+ felonious drug market in 2018. By 2028, we tend to decide that the ecu recreational cannabis market may be value €60 billion.
The international legal marijuana market space is valued at USD nine.3 billion in 2016 and is meant to exhibit a CAGR of three4.6% throughout the forecast amount. In North America, it's been report that presently concerning 70-75% of cannabis trade is unlawful, that has diminished nearly thirty.0% in states wherever marijuana has been legalized. This successively has prompted to many countries to implement legalisation programs.
Cocaine is that the second most favoured banned narcotic in Europe (behind cannabis). From the mid-1990s, overall hard drug use in Europe has been on the highest , however consumption rates and attitudes tend to dissent in between countries According to a 2016 UN report, European country and Wales square measure the countries with the best rate of hard drug usage (2.4% of adults within the previous year). alternative countries wherever the usage rate meets or exceeds one.5% square measure European country and European country (2.2%), the us (2.1%), Australia (2.1%), Uruguay (1.8%), Brazil (1.75%), Chile (1.73%), European country (1.5%) and eire (1.5%).
Meetings International is a global leader in producing high quality conferences and workshops in all major fields of science, technology and medicine.
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Meetings International is announcing Young Scientist Awards through International Conference on  Addiction Research and Psychiatry (Addiction Research 2021) which is scheduled on August 16-17, 2021 in Berlin, Germany. This Addiction Research mainly focuses on " Reintegrating Innovations in Addiction Psychiatry to Improve Mental Health ". Addiction Research 2021 and upcoming online conferences will recognize participants who have significantly added value to the research community of addiction and provide them outstanding Young Scientist Awards. The Young Scientist Award will provide a strong professional development opportunity for young researches by meeting experts to exchange and share their experiences at our international conferences.
Addiction Research 2021 focuses mainly on Mental health, Psychiatry, Psychology, Addiction, development, Psychology & Psychiatry, Addiction and Youth, Prescribed Drug Use & Addiction Misuse, Psychosis in addiction, Therapeutic Addiction Recovery, Neuropsychiatry, Psychopharmacology. Addiction Research Congress is providing a platform for all the young researchers, young investigators, post-graduate/Master students, Ph.D. students, and trainees to showcase their research and innovation.
Young Scientists, faculty members, post-doctoral fellows, PhD scholars and bright Final Year MSc and M.Phil. candidates. Persons from Scientific Industry can also participate.
The Young Scientist Feature is a platform to promote young researchers in their respective area by giving them a chance to present their achievements and future perspectives.
Acknowledgement as YRF Awardee.
Promotion on the conference website, Young Researcher Awards and certificates.
Link on the conference website.
Recognition on Meetings International Award Page.
Chances to coordinate with partners around the world.
Research work can be published in the relevant journal without any publication fee.
All presented abstracts will automatically be considered for the Award.
All the presentation will be evaluated in the conference venue.
All the awards will be selected by the judges of the award category.
The winners of the Young Scientist Award will receive an award certificate.
The awards will be assessed as far as to plan and format, intelligence, argumentation and approach, familiarity with past work, engaging quality, message and primary concerns, parity of content visuals, and by and large impression.
All submissions must be in English.
The topic must fit into scientific sessions of the conference.
Each individual participant is allowed to submit a maximum of 2 papers.
An abstract must be submitted online as per the given abstract template.
Abstracts must be written in Times New Roman and font size will be 12.
Abstract must contain title, name, affiliation, country, speakers biography, recent photograph, image and reference.
Conditions of Acceptance:
To receive the award, the awardees must submit the presentation for which the award is given, for publication at the website, along with author permission. Failure to submit the PPT and permission within the designated timeframe will result in the forfeiture of the award.
Award Announcements:
The official announcement of the recipients will occur after the completion of Addiction Research Conference.
Meetings International has taken an initiative to felicitate attendees with awards to recognise, celebrate and encourage achievement in its various conferences and events. We salute and acknowledge attainment within an industry that is continuously evolving and re-drawing the boundaries of best practice. These awards represent the pinnacle of professional achievement for event professionals. To win an award you will have been endorsed by our illustrious panel of the foremost industry professionals which is a sure-fire signifier of your formidable credentials.

Outstanding Speaker in Addiction Research 2021: This award recognises academic and business speakers for their excellent presentation skills and for the significant contribution in Addiction Research and Psychiatry that they make to their professions, their teams and their patients through their practice, leadership or research endeavour. Recipient of this award will be chosen by the session chair and co-chair. The awardees will be felicitated after the completion of oral session. Our Addiction Research Conference encourage researchers from across the globe to take part as a speaker at these prestigious events.

Best Key Note Speaker in Addiction Research 2021: This award recognises the notable presentations given during the course of the Addiction Research conference. It also recognizes the enthusiasm and determination of the speaker to improve the experience of all who they come into contact with. The award will be given based on the impact of presentation on the attendees of the event. We will also be taking into account the references taken from the citations of the keynote speaker. The awardees will be felicitated by one of the members of the organizing panel present during the conference.

Best Organising Committee Member in Addiction Research 2021: This award seeks to recognise the continuous support provided by the Organising Committee Member of the conference. Recipient of this award will be selected by the operating committee of the Addiction Research 2021. The award will be given based on the support and cooperation provided by a member of the organizing panel from the beginning to the successful completion of the conference.

Outstanding Masters/Ph.D./Postdoc Thesis work presentation in Addiction Research 2021: This award seeks to recognise the young brains of the current era. Recipient of this award will be selected by the judge of the Young Researchers Forum. This award will be given based on the presentation skills, impact of research and its applications for the Addiction Research field. Participants pursuing Masters, PhD or Post-Doctoral studies are eligible for this award. The awardees will be felicitated after the completion of all the oral presentations delivered under the Young Researchers Forum category.

Best Poster Award in Addiction Research 2021: This award recognises the best poster presentation given during the course of an event. Recipient of this award will be selected by the judge of the poster session. An award winning poster will be evaluated on presentation content and clarity, innovativeness of approach, communication criteria and scientific aspects. It will also be based on layout, Addiction research, and analysis and results description. The awardees will be felicitated after the completion of poster session.
The honours are given for our addiction research conferences to perceive the wide scope of obligations and commitment of addiction research and psychiatry, who advance the quickest improvements and inventive practices in the field of addiction research and psychiatry. Addiction Research Experts, make an immense commitment to surpass the research practices and introduce new insights of plant life sciences to the globe.
All presented abstracts will automatically be considered for the Award.
All the awards will be selected by the judges of the award category.
The winners will be formally announced during the closing ceremony.
The winners of the Poster Award will receive an award certificate.
The awards will be assessed as far as plan and format, intelligence, argumentation and approach, familiarity with past work, engaging quality, message and primary concerns, parity of content visuals, and by and large impression.
All submissions must be in English.
The topic must fit into scientific sessions of the conference.
Each individual participant is allowed to submit maximum 2 papers.
Abstract must be submitted online as per the given abstract template.
Abstracts must be written in Times New Roman and font size will be 12.
Abstract must contain title, name, affiliation, country, speaker’s biography, recent photograph, image and reference.
Each poster should be approximately 1x1 M long. The title, contents, and the author’s information should be clearly visible from a distance of 1-2 feet.
Meetings International successfully anchored its leading "International Conference on Addiction Research and Psychiatry" slated on August 16-17, 2021 at Berlin, Germany.
Addiction Research 2021 is distinguished with the attendance of Editorial Board Members of supported Journals, Scientists, young and brilliant researchers, business delegates and talented student communities representing more than 25 countries, who made this conference rewarding and fecund.
Our International Addiction Research 2021 was based on the theme "Reintegrating innovations in Addiction Psychiatry to improve Mental Health" which has encrusted the below.
Scientific sessions:
Addiction and Mental Health
Psychology & Psychiatry
Addiction and Youth
Prescribed Drug Use & Addiction Misuse
Psychosis in addiction
Therapeutic Addiction Recovery
Alcoholism and Drug Addiction
Neurology & Neurological Disorders
Meetings International wishes to acknowledge with its deep sincere gratitude to all the supporters from the Editorial Board Members of our Open Access Journals, Keynote speakers, Honourable guests, Valuable speakers, Poster presenters, students, delegates and special thanks to the Media Partners (Filmetrics,Tabeey) for their promotion to make this event a huge success.
Meeting International on behalf of Organizing Committee Members, Editorial Board Members and Poster Judge congratulates the all attendeess for their outstanding contribution in the field of addiction and simultaneously encourage all the participants who tried to put their efforts in poster presentations and wish them success in their future research.
For past conference kindly follow this link: