Dr. Vida Moradi has completed her doctorate degree in Business Administration: Project Management at the age of 30 from Walden University in Minnesotta, United States. Dr. Vida is the founder and CEO of Volonté Business Management in Dubai, UAE. She is a member of the Dubai Businesswomen Council, Harvard Business School, Asentiv, and One Connect Business Community. Her study of “Strategies for Successful Implementation of Flexible Workplace Policies in the Middle East” was published in ProQuest LLC in 2020.
The evolution of business management developed as a science in the early 20th century will be covered in the study. The focus will be on the rise of entrepreneurship in the recent decade due to the rise of on-demand delivery and women empowerment in various industries and societies in the last 3 decades. The role of technology, specific advancements in artificial intelligence, development of blockchain, and appearance of cryptocurrencies will be the focus of the presentation. The discussion will end with some tips on managing internal and external risks for businesses that would protect them against these rapid and continuous shifts and changes.