Galina Iosifovna Pronina defended her thesis at the age of 28 at the Moscow veterinary Academy named after K. I. Skryabin, Russia and received her doctorate at the Department of physiology, ethology and biochemistry of animals at the Moscow agricultural Academy named after K. A. Timiryazev, Russia. She is the head of the laboratory of All-Russian research Institute of irrigation fish breeding. She has published more than 100 articles in well-known journals.
When artificial reproduction of European catfish have difficulties with the release of sperm in males due to the large amount of urine with sperm. Therefore, in fish farming, the slaughter of male catfish is carried out. Some other types of fish for this purpose carry out a laparotomy. In this work, we studied developed surgical methods of in vivo resection of the gonads of the male catfish. General anesthesia was performed by immersion in a container of clove oil in the dose of 0.04 ml/ l. a small incision (5-8 cm) ensures minimal injury. Octagonal seams are applied to the peritoneum and skin. This creates additional anastomoses to hold and fix the internal organs. The possible catheterization of the bladder of male catfish. This invention is designed to solve several problems. This will keep alive the male catfish producers, which will prevent a decrease in the number of males and a violation of the gene balance of the population and will allow to obtain high-quality sexual products of catfish without the usual impurities of urine. And also to avoid the slaughter of male fish or surgery.